ICARTT File Format Scanning For Windows

Latest Version: 2.3.4
Date: May 21, 2019

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What's New:

Latest Version(s) : Minor fixes and few incremental updates added.

October 30, 2013 : Plotting/Options -- Added Dual (Left and Right) Y-Axis to Chart.

March 10, 2011 : Updated for implementing the latest version of the file format: "ICARTT File Format Standards V1.1" endorsed by NASA ESDS-SPG.

November 30, 2009 : Updated to verify "commas" as the required delimiters. Please see the "Data Delimiters" section in the ICARTT Data Format document.

June 09, 2006 : Modified to accept GROUND data files.

April 7, 2006 : Plotting /Options -- Fixed option "Remove from chart the Null/LOD flags".

February 10, 2006 : Plotting /Options -- Added function to compute: Min, Max, Quartiles (5%, 25%, Median, 75%, 95%).

February 3, 2006 : Added/Enabled "Drag and Drop" capability.

April 05, 2005 : Plotting /Options -- Added Data Extraction Option. Extract 1 or more Columns data from file.

March 07, 2005 : Plotting/Options -- Added XY Correlation/Plotting Option (example, load a merge data file and compare 2 parameters).

January 05, 2005 : Added MenuBar and StatusBar to the Browser Window.

August 21, 2004 :Plotting/Options -- user can Display/Save/Print either Top/Bottom or Both Charts (resize, maximize Chart window).

May 18, 2004 : Added ProgressBar indicator and Abort function (to allow user to halt scanning).

May 13, 2004 : Added Fast Plotting/Options. This new feature works on FFI 1001, (and FFI 2110, FFI 2310 Auxiliary Vars Only) file types.

January 2004 : Initial Release Ver