These merges were created using the data in the NASA ARCTAS archive ( as of December 7, 2010. Files were created for ARCTAS flights 3-24 on the P3B. Names of the merge files are as: dataID_locationID_YYYYMMDD_R#[_comments].extension where dataID="ARCTAS-mrgAATS14-p3b" for AATS14 merge (note that the timestamp represents the midpoint of the interval) locationID="merge" YYYYMMDD=aircraft flight date R# = R0, R1 or appropriate revision number" [_comments] = optional comments extension = ict In addition, a "grand merge" has been provided. This includes data from all the individual merged flights throughout the mission. This grand merge will follow the name convention above (ie. ARCTAS-mrgAATS14-p3b_merge_20080401_R1_thru20080712.ict, with the comment thru20080712 indicating the last flight date included. NOTE: ARCTAS-mrgAATS14-p3b_merge_20080401_R1_thru20080419.ict flights 3-10 Fairbanks ARCTAS-mrgAATS14-p3b_merge_20080622_R1_thru20080626.ict flights 11-14 CARB ARCTAS-mrgAATS14-p3b_merge_20080628_R1_thru20080712.ict flights 15-24 Cold Lake ). If any portion of the averaging period contains a Limit of Detection (LOD) value for a given measurement, the average is marked with an LOD flag. For the merge, all missing data = -999999, Lower LOD=-888888 and Upper LOD=-777777. The merge is in the ICARTT format. Information on the LOD values are included in the header of the individual flight merges. This information is not included in the merges because calculation varies from flight to flight and species to species. In some cases, variable names have been amended to clarify the PI in the case of duplicate measurements. Additionally, units have been standardized throughout the merge. See below for the specific name or unit changes. We welcome any comments and suggestions for making the merges as user-friendly as possible. Please direct any feedback to Michael Shook (, 757-864-5793) with a cc to Jennifer Olson (, 757-864-5327), Gao Chen (, 757-864-2290), or Jim Crawford (, 757-864-7231). ================================================================= DATA COMMENTS: R5 changes: As of June 18, 2013, the merge has been converted from its original format (ICARTT_2004, space-delimited) to the new ICARTT_2010 (comma- delimited) format. R2/R3/R4 Notes: The AMS aerosol composition data included in the merge files is the preliminary data provided by Steve Howell of University of Hawaii ( The PI has advised us that the total mass in the preliminary data may be modified significantly, however, the ratio between NH4+, SO4=, and total organics should be reasonably consistent with the final data. R4 changes: updated PI files: ABS: Revised correction algorithm (Virkkula, 2010) applied with the net increase in absorption by ~20% compared to previously used Virkkula et al.(2005) R3 changes: New Data added by PI: AATS14: Absolute_Uncertainty_in_water_vapor_column_content R2 changes: updated PI files: ABS: revised to ambient temperature and pressure CN: revised to ambient temperature and pressure SCAT: revised to ambient temperature and pressure SD: revised to ambient temperature and pressure New Data added by PI: SD: Log_base_10_of_geometric_particle_diameter@which_data_begins Log_base_10_of_geometric_particle_diameter_increment Total_Nuber_Concentration Total_Area_Concentration Total_Volume_Concentration Submicron_Nuber_Concentration Submicron_Area_Concentration Submicron_Volume_Concentration Supermicron_Nuber_Concentration Supermicron_Area_Concentration Supermicron_Volume_Concentration Total_Nuber_Concentration@400C Total_Area_Concentration@400C Total_Volume_Concentration@400C Submicron_Nuber_Concentration@400C Submicron_Area_Concentration@400C Submicron_Volume_Concentration@400C Supermicron_Nuber_Concentration@400C Supermicron_Area_Concentration@400C Supermicron_Volume_Concentration@400C R1 changes: New Data added by PI: pds: C_VaporPress SP2: BCmassSTPnomask BCmassSTPnomask AMS: NO3- SO4 NH4+ organic_matter Aeth: BC UVPM Attenuation@880nm Attenuation@370nm BBR: Downwelling_Broadband_IR_Irradiance_(4.5-42_microns) Upwelling_Broadband_IR_Irradiance_(4.5-42_microns) Downwelling_Broadband_Solar_Irradiance_(0.2-3.6_microns) Upwelling_Broadband_Solar_Irradiance_(0.2-3.6_microns) frH: Dry_RH Wet_RH Dry_bsct Wet_bsct gamma_fRH Data removed by PI: pds: C_VaporPresWater C_VaporPresIce SP2: BCmassSTP updated PI files: ABS: revised flow correction CN: correction for thermophoretic losses (+20%) has been applied to CN hot. GITCCN: CCN aligned to CN, Supersaturations updated, CCN Concentrations unchanged from R0, CCN data filter refined COBALT: Final calibration ================================================================= ARCTAS MERGE VARIABLES (variables listed in order of merge) VARIABLE, Unit Conversion, Original Name (if changed), DATA ID --------, ---------------, ---------------------------, ------------- 1,Start,---,Elapsed seconds from 0 hours UT on day given by DATE: Start_UTC,AATS14 2,Stop,---,Stop_UTC,AATS14 3,UTC,---,Mid_UTC,AATS14 4,JDAY,---,---,--- 5,INDEX,---,---,--- 6,FLIGHT,---,---,--- 7,LOCAL_SUN_TIME,---,---,--- 8,LATITUDE, Degs,FMS_LAT,pds 9,LONGITUDE, Degs,FMS_LON,pds 10,ALTP, (feet to km),FMS_ALT_PRES,pds 11,PRESSURE, (mb to hPa),C_StaticPressure,pds 12,TEMPERATURE, (DegC to DegK),C_StatTempDegC,pds 13,THETA,---,---,pds 14,O3COLUMN,---,---,pds 15,SZA,---,---,pds 16,WNS,(knots to m/s),FMS_WNS,pds 17,WND,---,FMS_WND,pds 18,FMS_TAS,(knots to m/s),,pds 19,FMS_SAT, (DegC to K),,pds 20,FMS_GRD_SPD,(knots to m/s),,pds 21,Heading,---,FMS_HDG,pds 22,FMS_TRK,---,---,pds 23,IRS_PITCH,---,---,pds 24,IRS_ROLL,---,---,pds 25,ADC_MACH,---,---,pds 26,ADC_IAS,(knots to m/s),---,pds 27,GPS_ALT, (feet to km),---,pds 28,A_DP1011, (DegC to K),---,pds 29,A_TotalTemp, (DegC to K),---,pds 30,A_CabinPressure, (psi to hPa),---,pds 31,A_SurfTemp, (DegC to K),---,pds 32,C_DiffPressure, (mb to hPa),---,pds 33,C_TotalTempDegK,---,---,pds 34,C_PotTempDegK,---,---,pds 35,C_CabAltitude, (feet to km),---,pds 36,C_VaporPresr, (mb to hPa),---,pds 37,C_SatVaporPresWater, (mb to hPa),---,pds 38,C_SatVaporPresIce, (mb to hPa),---,pds 39,C_RelHumidityWater,---,---,pds 40,C_RelHumidityIce,---,---,pds 41,C_MixingRatio,(g/kg to ppmv),---,pds 42,C_CorrectRadarAlt, (feet to km),---,pds 43,CO,---,---,COBALT 44,UltrafineCN,---,---,CN 45,CNcold,---,---,CN 46,CNhot,---,---,CN 47,Log_base_10_of_geometric_particle_diameter@which_data_begins,---,Log base 10 of geometric particle diameter at which data begins (-2),SD 48,Log_base_10_of_geometric_particle_diameter_increment,---,Log base 10 of geometric particle diameter increment (0.02),SD 49,Total_Nuber_Concentration,---,Total Nuber Concentration,SD 50,Total_Area_Concentration,---,Total Area Concentration,SD 51,Total_Volume_Concentration,---,Total Volume Concentration,SD 52,Submicron_Nuber_Concentration,---,Submicron Nuber Concentration,SD 53,Submicron_Area_Concentration,---,Submicron Area Concentration,SD 54,Submicron_Volume_Concentration,---,Submicron Volume Concentration,SD 55,Supermicron_Nuber_Concentration,---,Supermicron Nuber Concentration,SD 56,Supermicron_Area_Concentration,---,Supermicron Area Concentration,SD 57,Supermicron_Volume_Concentration,---,Supermicron Volume Concentration,SD 58,Total_Nuber_Concentration@400C,---,Total Nuber Concentration @ 400C,SD 59,Total_Area_Concentration@400C,---,Total Area Concentration @ 400C,SD 60,Total_Volume_Concentration@400C,---,Total Volume Concentration @ 400C,SD 61,Submicron_Nuber_Concentration@400C,---,Submicron Nuber Concentration @ 400C,SD 62,Submicron_Area_Concentration@400C,---,Submicron Area Concentration @ 400C,SD 63,Submicron_Volume_Concentration@400C,---,Submicron Volume Concentration @ 400C,SD 64,Supermicron_Nuber_Concentration@400C,---,Supermicron Nuber Concentration @ 400C,SD 65,Supermicron_Area_Concentration@400C,---,Supermicron Area Concentration @ 400C,SD 66,Supermicron_Volume_Concentration@400C,---,Supermicron Volume Concentration @ 400C,SD 67,TOTAL470nmabs,---,---,ABS 68,TOTAL530nmabs,---,---,ABS 69,TOTAL660nmabs,---,---,ABS 70,SUB470nmabs,---,---,ABS 71,SUB530nmabs,---,---,ABS 72,SUB660nmabs,---,---,ABS 73,TOTAL550nmscat_60s,---,TOTAL550nmscat,ABS 74,SUB550nmscat,---,---,ABS 75,APSintN1to10rho1_prelim,---,APSintN1to10rho1,APS 76,APSintA1to10rho1_prelim,---,APSintA1to10rho1,APS 77,APSintV1to10rho1_prelim,---,APSintV1to10rho1,APS 78,APSInstrumentRH_prelim,---,APSInstrumentRH,APS 79,TOTAL450nmscat,---,---,SCAT 80,TOTAL550nmscat,---,---,SCAT 81,TOTAL700nmscat,---,---,SCAT 82,SUBMICRON450nmscat,---,---,SCAT 83,SUBMICRON550nmscat,---,---,SCAT 84,SUBMICRON700nmscat,---,---,SCAT 85,totTSInephRH,---,---,SCAT 86,subTSInephRH,---,---,SCAT 87,BCmassSTPnomask,---,---,SP2 88,BCmassSTPmasked,---,---,SP2 89,intN40C_DMA_prelim,---,intN40C,DMA 90,intA40C_DMA_prelim,---,intA40C,DMA 91,intV40C_DMA_prelim,---,intV40C,DMA 92,intN300C_DMA_prelim,---,intN300C,DMA 93,intA300C_DMA_prelim,---,intA300C,DMA 94,intV300C_DMA_prelim,---,intV300C,DMA 95,intN_LDMA_prelim,---,intN,LDMA 96,intA_LDMA_prelim,---,intA,LDMA 97,intV_LDMA_prelim,---,intV,LDMA 98,NO3-_prelim,----,NO3-,AMS 99,SO4_prelim,---,SO4,AMS 100,NH4+_prelim,---,NH4+,AMS 101,organic_matter_prelim,---,organic_matter,AMS 102,CCN_Number_Concentration,---,---,GITCCN 103,Supersaturation,---,---,GITCCN 104,Water_vapor_column_content,---,Water vapor column content (cm): CWV,AATS14 105,Absolute_Uncertainty_in_water_vapor_column_content,---,Absolute Uncertainty in water vapor column content (cm): unc_CWV,AATS14 106,Cloud_screen_flag,---,Cloud screen flag (0=possible cloud/obscuration,AATS14 107,ln(AOD)_vs_ln(wavelength)_polynomial_fit_coefficient:a2,---,ln(AOD) vs ln(wavelength) polynomial fit coefficient: a2,AATS14 108,ln(AOD)_vs_ln(wavelength)_polynomial_fit_coefficient:a1,---,ln(AOD) vs ln(wavelength) polynomial fit coefficient: a1,AATS14 109,ln(AOD)_vs_ln(wavelength)_polynomial_fit_coefficient:a0,---,ln(AOD) vs ln(wavelength) polynomial fit coefficient: a0,AATS14 110,Aerosol_optical_depth@353.5nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 353.5 nm: AOD354,AATS14 111,Aerosol_optical_depth@380.0nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 380.0 nm: AOD380,AATS14 112,Aerosol_optical_depth@451.2nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 451.2 nm: AOD451,AATS14 113,Aerosol_optical_depth@452.6nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 452.6 nm: AOD453,AATS14 114,Aerosol_optical_depth@499.4nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 499.4 nm: AOD499,AATS14 115,Aerosol_optical_depth@519.4nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 519.4 nm: AOD519,AATS14 116,Aerosol_optical_depth@520.4nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 520.4 nm: AOD520=,AATS14 117,Aerosol_optical_depth@605.8nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 605.8 nm: AOD606,AATS14 118,Aerosol_optical_depth@675.1nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 675.1 nm: AOD675,AATS14 119,Aerosol_optical_depth@779.1nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 779.1 nm: AOD779,AATS14 120,Aerosol_optical_depth@864.5nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 864.5 nm: AOD865,AATS14 121,Aerosol_optical_depth@1019.1nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 1019.1 nm: AOD1019,AATS14 122,Aerosol_optical_depth@1241.3nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 1241.3 nm: AOD1241,AATS14 123,Aerosol_optical_depth@1558.5nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 1558.5 nm: AOD1559,AATS14 124,Aerosol_optical_depth@2139.1nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 2139.1 nm: AOD2139,AATS14 125,Aerosol_optical_depth@2139.3nm,---,Aerosol optical depth at 2139.3 nm: AOD2139,AATS14 126,Downward_Irradiance@368.444nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 368.444 nm,SSFR 127,Downward_Irradiance@375.129nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 375.129 nm,SSFR 128,Downward_Irradiance@378.473nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 378473 nm,SSFR 129,Downward_Irradiance@499.159nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 499.159 nm,SSFR 130,Downward_Irradiance@599.955nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 599.955 nm,SSFR 131,Downward_Irradiance@936.514nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 936.514 nm,SSFR 132,Downward_Irradiance@1199.14nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 1199.14 nm,SSFR 133,Downward_Irradiance@1599.82nm,---,Downward Irradiance at 1599.82 nm,SSFR 134,Downward_Broadband_Irradiance_350.000-700.000nm,---,Downward Broadband Irradiance 350.000-700.000 nm,SSFR 135,Downward_Broadband_Irradiance_350.000-2150.00nm,---,Downward Broadband Irradiance 350.000-2150.00 nm,SSFR 136,Upward_Irradiance@368.444nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 368.444 nm,SSFR 137,Upward_Irradiance@375.129nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 375.129 nm,SSFR 138,Upward_Irradiance@378.473nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 378473 nm,SSFR 139,Upward_Irradiance@499.159nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 499.159 nm,SSFR 140,Upward_Irradiance@599.955nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 599.955 nm,SSFR 141,Upward_Irradiance@936.514nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 936.514 nm,SSFR 142,Upward_Irradiance@1199.14nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 1199.14 nm,SSFR 143,Upward_Irradiance@1599.82nm,---,Upward Irradiance at 1599.82 nm,SSFR 144,Upward_Broadband_Irradiance_350.000-700.000nm,---,Upward Broadband Irradiance 350.000-700.000 nm,SSFR 145,Upward_Broadband_Irradiance_350.000-2150.00nm,---,Upward Broadband Irradiance 350.000-2150.00 nm,SSFR 146,BC,---,---,Aeth 147,UVPM,---,---,Aeth 148,Attenuation@880nm, ---,Attenuation at 880 nm,Aeth 149,Attenuation@370nm, ---,Attenuation at 370 nm,Aeth 150,Downwelling_Broadband_IR_Irradiance_(4.5-42_microns), ---,Downwelling Broadband IR Irradiance (4.5-42 microns),BBR 151,Upwelling_Broadband_IR_Irradiance_(4.5-42_microns), ---,Upwelling Broadband IR Irradiance (4.5-42 microns),BBR 152,Downwelling_Broadband_Solar_Irradiance_(0.2-3.6_microns), ---,Downwelling Broadband Solar Irradiance (0.2-3.6 microns),BBR 153,Upwelling_Broadband_Solar_Irradiance_(0.2-3.6_microns), ---,Upwelling Broadband Solar Irradiance (0.2-3.6 microns),BBR 154,Dry_RH,---,---,fRH 155,Wet_RH, ,---,---,fRH 156,Dry_bsct, ,---,---,fRH 157,Wet_bsct, ,---,---,fRH 158,Gamma_fRH, ,---,---,fRH Files used to create this merge: AATS14_P3B_20080325_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080327_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080331_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080401_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080406_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080408_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080409_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080413_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080415_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080419_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080624_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080626_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080628_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080629_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080630_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080702_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080703_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080706_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080707_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080709_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080710_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 AATS14_P3B_20080712_R2.ict Jul 13 2009 ABS_P3B_20080327_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080331_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080401_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080406_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080408_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080409_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080413_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080415_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080419_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080622_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080624_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080626_R4_flt13.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080626_R4_flt14.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080628_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080629_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080630_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080702_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080703_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080706_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080707_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080709_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080710_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 ABS_P3B_20080712_R4.ict Dec 7 2010 Aeth_P3B_20080331_R3.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080406_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080409_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080413_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080415_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080419_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080621_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080626_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080628_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080629_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080702_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080703_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080706_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 Aeth_P3B_20080710_R2.ict Jan 23 2009 APS_P3B_20080401_R0.ict Oct 3 2008 APS_P3B_20080406_R0.ict Oct 3 2008 APS_P3B_20080408_R0.ict Oct 3 2008 APS_P3B_20080409_R0.ict Oct 3 2008 APS_P3B_20080413_R0.ict Oct 3 2008 APS_P3B_20080415_R0.ict Oct 3 2008 APS_P3B_20080419_R0.ict Oct 3 2008 APS_P3B_20080624_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080626_R0_flt13.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080626_R0_flt14.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080628_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080629_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080630_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080702_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080703_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080706_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080707_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080709_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080710_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 APS_P3B_20080712_R0.ict Dec 11 2008 BBR_P3B_20080331_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080401_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080406_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080408_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080409_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080413_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080415_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080419_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080626_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080628_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080629_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080630_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080702_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080703_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080706_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080707_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080709_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 BBR_P3B_20080710_R0.ict Apr 7 2009 CN_P3B_20080401_R1.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080406_R1.ict Dec 3 2009 CN_P3B_20080408_R1.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080409_R1.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080413_R1.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080415_R1.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080419_R1.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080624_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080626_R0_flt13.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080626_R0_flt14.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080628_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080629_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080630_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080702_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080703_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080706_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080707_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080709_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080710_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 CN_P3B_20080712_R0.ict Dec 2 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080325_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080327_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080331_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080401_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080406_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080408_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080409_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080413_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080415_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080419_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080622_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080624_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080626_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080628_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080629_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080630_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080702_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080703_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080706_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080707_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080709_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080710_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 COBALT_P3B_20080712_r1.ict Apr 1 2009 DMA_P3B_20080401_R0.ict Oct 7 2008 DMA_P3B_20080406_R0.ict Oct 7 2008 DMA_P3B_20080408_R0.ict Oct 7 2008 DMA_P3B_20080409_R0.ict Oct 6 2008 DMA_P3B_20080413_R0.ict Oct 6 2008 DMA_P3B_20080415_R0.ict Oct 6 2008 DMA_P3B_20080419_R0.ict Oct 6 2008 DMA_P3B_20080624_R0.ict Dec 10 2008 DMA_P3B_20080626_R0_flt13.ict Dec 10 2008 DMA_P3B_20080626_R0_flt14.ict Dec 10 2008 DMA_P3B_20080628_R0.ict Dec 10 2008 DMA_P3B_20080629_R0.ict Dec 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