Title: C130 SO2 and DMS Measurements Contact: Alan Bandy Department of Chemistry Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA 215-895-2640 215-895-1980 E-Mail Address: arb@ac1.chemistry.drexel.edu Data Set Description: The SO2 and Dimethylsulfide (DMS) data contained in these files were obtained by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry using isotopically labeled internal standards added to the sampled air stream. Precision of these measurements is about 1 part-per-trillion by volume (pptv). The samples for SO2 and DMS were independent but were collected simultaneously. The concentration of each species is the value integrated over the sample period given. Processing note: latitude, longitude, and pressure altitude were added by UCAR/JOSS for all 3 times from the C130 Flight Line Parameters dataset for flights 11-28. Source data for flights 1-10 and 29-33 had the midpoint location values and start and stop locations were added by UCAR/JOSS. Format: The data files have one line for each sample period. Data fields are separated by a space. start date of the sample (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC), start time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC), latitude of aircraft at start time in degrees north, longitude of aircraft at start time in degrees east, altitude of aircraft at start time in meters, stop date, stop time, stop latitude, stop longitude, stop altitude, midpoint date, midpoint time, midpoint latitude, midpoint longitude, midpoint altitude, SO2 in pptv, DMS in pptv. Missing data are indicated by -9 or -99 for SO2/DMS and -999.0 for lat/lon/alt. The limit of detection is estimated to be 1 pptv for DMS and for SO2. The samples in which SO2 or DMS were not detected are indicated as -8. File Name Conventions: fltxx.dat where xx is the flight number. An example for flight 28 is flt28.dat. References: None.