Title: C130 MASP Statistical Cloud Pass Data Contact: Darrel Baumgardner NCAR/ATD/RAF P. O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 USA 303-497-1054 303-497-1092 Web Access: http://chinook.atd.ucar.edu/~darrel E-Mail Address: darrel@ncar.ucar.edu Data Set Description: Additional documentation on the Multiangle Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (MASP) is available at http://chinook.atd.ucar.edu/~darrel/masp.html on the web. A statistical summary has been compiled of all cloud passes made by the C-130 from Flights 11-30 (November 17 - December 17). An example of the statistics for a single cloud pass is given below: Flight Date = 121795 Research Flight # 30 Cloud Pass # 1 From 23:48:10 To 23:48:17 Cloud Width = 726.m Air Speed (m/s) Avg. = 103.70 Min. = 102.39 Max. = 105.49 Latitude (degrees) Avg. = -40.65 Min. = -40.65 Max. = -40.65 Longitude (degrees) Avg. = 144.65 Min. = 144.65 Max. =144.66 Altitude (m) Avg. = 157.83 Min. = 149.60 Max. = 167.69 Temperature (C) Avg. = 7.77 Min. = 7.59 Max. = 7.89 Pressure (mb) Avg. = 994.42 Min. = 993.26 Max. =995.40 Wind Direction(deg) Avg. = 226.60 Min. = 221.52 Max. =232.47 Wind Speed (m/s) Avg. = 16.66 Min. = 16.35 Max. =17.29 Vertical Wind (m/s) Avg. = 0.94 Min. = -0.42 Max. = 1.76 FSSP Conc. (cm-3) Avg. = 7.19 Min. = 5.99 Max. = 8.87 260X Conc. (/l) Avg. = 69.19 Min. = 13.19 Max. =301.88 2D-C Conc. (/l) Avg. = 9.74 Min. = 7.41 Max. = 12.24 2D-P Conc. (/l) Avg. = 2.62 Min. = 2.12 Max. = 2.87 FSSP Avg Dia. (um) Avg. = 17.16 Min. = 16.23 Max. =18.08 260X Avg Dia. (um) Avg. = 98.28 Min. = 43.85 Max. =149.33 King LWC (g m-3) Avg. = -0.29 Min. = -0.88 Max. = 1.06 FSSP LWC (g m-3) Avg. = 0.03 Min. = 0.02 Max. = 0.04 The parameters should be self-explanatory, but Darrel Baumgardner would be happy to discuss these statistics if anyone has questions (darrel@ncar.ucar.edu). The cloud is defined as any time the droplet concentration measured by the FSSP-100 is greater than 5 cm-3 for a period of at least 5 seconds. Caveat: The 260X appears to have abnormally high concentrations occasionally. Use this data with care as there was occasional noise on the first channel. Reminder: Size Ranges for the PMS Probes FSSP-100 2 - 47 um 260-X 30 - 620 um 2D-C 25 - 800 um 2D-P 200 - 6400 um Format: ASCII test, all cloud passes for one flight are together in one file, see example above. File Name Conventions: rXXcloud.dat where XX is the flight number. An example for flight 11 is r11cloud.dat. References: None.