Title: C130 Composite Particle Probe Spectra Contact: Darrel Baumgardner NCAR/ATD/RAF P. O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 USA 303-497-1054 303-497-1092 Web Access: http://chinook.atd.ucar.edu/~darrel E-Mail Address: darrel@ncar.ucar.edu Data Set Description: A new set of data files are now available that contain a composite size distribution synthesized from measurements with the C-130 PCASP, FSSP-300, FSSP-100 and 260-X. This composite size distribution represents a reprocessing of the FSSP-300, FSSP-100 and 260-X measurements. The changes from the netCDF data files that are presently on the NCAR MASS store are as follows: 1) The composite distribution uses only portions of each probe's measurements and takes advantage of the overlapping size ranges of each of the probes. The nominal size ranges of these four probes are: PCASP - 0.1 to 3.0 um. FSSP-300 - 0.3 to 20.0 um. FSSP-100 - 2.0 to 47 um 260-X - 10.0 to 620 um. Normally, the first channel of each of these probes is suspect because of electronic noise or sunlight contamination, so the overlapping provides a means of covering these channels with another instrument, with the exception of the PCASP, where the first channel is not included in the processing at all. The composite distribution is made up as follows: PCASP - 0.161 to .303 um FSSP-300 - 0.415 to 4.1 um FSSP-100 - 5.8 to 49 um 260-X - 45.0 to 605 um. 2) The FSSP-300 calibrated to match a particle refractive index of 1.40, instead of the factory calibration at 1.58. Some channels were combined to minimize the problems of Mie sizing ambiguities. 3) A better calibration was applied to the FSSP-100 and the last three channels were combined to take care of Mie scattering ambiguities in that size range. 4) The OAP was re-calibrated and found to have a size resolution of 17 um rather than 10 um. There was a change made in the field to increase signal to noise ratio and the resolution was changed at that time. This affects not only the sizing, but also the sample volume. The size distributions are ten second averages throughout the flights. Darrel Baumgardner can make one second data available upon request. The 43 channels of data are in units of cm-3. In the header of each file Darrel Baumgardner has included the midpoint and width of each channel. The concentrations should be divided by the width when plotting size distributions. The average channel diameter can be used when calculating volumes and surface areas from the size distributions. There are several caveats. Darrel Baumgardner has not yet done an extensive quality assurance check on these files. Darrel Baumgardner will be doing so over time but at this point caution is warranted. There could be occasional spikes and noise that will contaminate the spectra. Also, the PCASP had a leak in its plumbing until flight 11, so Darrel Baumgardner have zeroed its values in flights 4-10. Darrel Baumgardner would appreciate any feedback regarding problems that may be detected in the data files. Format: One flight per file, with one record per line. Parameters are separated by spaces in the following order: Date UTC (YYYY/MM/DD) Time UTC (HH:MM:SS) Latitude (deg N) Longitude (deg E) Altitude (m) Spectra Segment #1 (channels 2 to 4 from the PCASP) Spectra Segment #2 (channels 2 to 16 from the FSSP-300) Spectra Segment #3 (channels 2 to 12 from the FSSP-100) Spectra Segment #4 (channels 2 to 15 from the 260x) The measurements from the PCASP, FSSP-300, FSSP-100 and 260-X have been combined to produce a continuous size spectra from approximately 0.18 - 600 um. The spectra are averaged over 10 second intervals. The Segment # 1 average size/channel is: 0.179 0.216 0.269 The Segment # 1 channel widths are: 0.036 0.037 0.069 The Segment # 2 average size/channel is: 0.438 0.483 0.527 0.569 0.614 0.663 0.725 0.784 0.823 0.870 0.938 1.025 1.622 3.048 4.003 The Segment # 2 channel widths are: 0.045 0.046 0.042 0.042 0.049 0.048 0.075 0.044 0.034 0.060 0.075 0.099 1.097 1.753 0.157 The Segment # 3 average size/channel is: 7.4 10.7 13.5 16.8 20.1 24.2 27.7 30.9 35.9 40.4 45.5 The Segment # 3 channel widths are: 3.3 1.9 3.8 2.8 3.8 4.4 2.5 4.0 6.0 3.0 7.0 The Segment # 4 average size/channel is: 110.5 178.5 246.5 314.5 382.5 450.5 518.5 586.5 654.5 722.5 790.5 858.5 926.5 994.5 The Segment # 4 channel widths are: 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 File Name Conventions: rfxxx.dat where xxx is the flight number. An example for flight 26 is rf26.dat. References: None.