Title: C130 GC Data Contact: Donald Blake Department of Chemistry University of California at Irvine 516 Physical Sciences I Irvine CA 92697-2025 USA 714-824-4195 714-824-2905 E-Mail Address: dblake@orion.oac.uci.edu Data Set Description: This dataset consists of Gas Chromatograph (GC) samples taken aboard the C-130 aircraft. Sample times vary but approximate 40 second intervals. Format: space-delimited ASCII, one file per flight. Open_Date - YYYY/MM/DD(UTC) Open_Time - HH:MM:SS(UTC) Open_Lat - Deg_N Open_Lon - Deg_E Open_Ht - m Close_Date - YYYY/MM/DD(UTC) Close_Time - HH:MM:SS(UTC) Close_Lat - Deg_N Close_Lon - Deg_E Close_Ht - m H-1301 F-22 F-12 H-1211 CH3Cl CH3Br F-11 CH3I CH3CCl3 C2Cl4 MeONO2 Ethane Ethene Propane Propene i-Butane n-Butane Ethyne Benzene Toluene All values are parts per trillion by volume (pptv). -999 indicates spurious or unknown data points, and -888 denotes measurements below limit of detection. File Name Conventions: ace1_xx.dat where xx is the flight number. An example for flight 5 is ace1_05.dat. References: None.