Title: C130 Nitric Oxide Measurements Contact: John Bradshaw School of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Baker Building/ Room Georgia Institute of Technology 923 Dalney Street Atlanta, GA 30332 USA 404-894-3895 404-894-5073 E-Mail Address: JB57@prism.gatech.edu Data Set Description: This file contains the Georgia Tech NO data set from the ACE-1 experiment. Observations began at the tabulated time and were 60 seconds in duration except for the period after 22:44 UTC at the end of flight 4 when the integration period was 10 seconds. NOTES: 1) Some of the reported concentrations are negative. In the past, the GT group has not reported negative concentrations, however, the ACE-1 data were collected with a chemiluminescence instrument and the data collectors have elected to conform to reporting practices previously established for this technology. 2) The data have been corrected for background offsets by using results of observations made while flushing the sample inlet with zero air. The reported uncertainties represent one standard deviation and include systematic effects (primarily flow sensor calibration accuracy) as well as observed reproducibility. 3) The instrument was not fully operational for flights 1, 2 and 3 so no data are reported for these flights. Format: space-delimited ASCII with the fields: UTC Date (YYYY/MM/DD) UTC Time (HH:MM:SS) Lat - latitude (deg N) Lon - longitude (deg E) Ht - altitude of aircraft (m) Flt - C-130 flight number pptv (NO concentration) +/- (uncertainty) File Name Conventions: Unknown. References: None.