Title: C130 CN Raw Data Contact: Antony Clarke Department of Oceanography University of Hawaii 1000 Pope Road, MSB 502B Honolulu, HI 96822 Phone: 808-957-6215 or 808-956-7777 Fax: 808-956-7112 E-Mail Address: tclarke@soest.hawaii.edu or Jaimy@soest.hawaii.edu Data Set Description: ACE1 Condensation Nuclei data from all the C130 flights have been put together into two composite files, one for raw and one for cleaned up data. The separate flights, which were originally in separate files, are clearly demarked in the composite files by a Start and End message, along with their original file names. The separate files were named consecutively from cn01.raw tocn33.raw, and cn01.ask to cn33.ask. The flight departure and arrival times can be found at the end of this file. The following is an updated readme file for CN data. There is not a lot of changes except mention the CN number concentration (#/cc) are at temperature and pressure of the measurement altitude. They are not at the standard conditions. This is a updated readme file for cleaned CN data in ACE1 from University of Hawaii group. These are Condensation Nuclei (CN) data collected by the University of Hawaii group in ACE1. All of the variables are average values for 15 second intervals. There are two data sets. One set is original data and the other is cleaned up data. The files with extension "RAW" are the original ones. The filenames start with CN and are followed by the flight number (e.g. CN07.RAW).In these data files: Format: Column 1 = Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) Column 2 = Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) Column 3 = Latitude (deg N) Column 4 = Longitude (deg E) Column 5 = pressure altitude in meters recorded from the C-130 aircraft The "clean" data had this value added from data set 6.65. The "raw" data contained this value. Column 2 = CN [TSI 3025] Total counts (#/cc) for diameter > 3nm Column 3 = CN [TSI 3010, operated with dt=22C] Total counts (#/cc) for diameter > 10nm Column 4 = CN [TSI 3760, aerosol preheated to 300C] Total counts(#/cc) for diameter > 13nm The all CN number concentration (#/cc) are at temperature and pressure of the measurement altitude. They are not at the standard condition. The cleaned up data files have the extension "ASK" (e.g. CN07.ASK) A value -999 was put when a datum was not available or was deleted. The polluted data during taking off and landing were deleted. Other reasons for deleting data, such as droplet shatter, aircraft exhaust, instrument problems and so on, are listed below along with the time (in decimal hours). "Hot CN" in the list refers to CN3760 at a temperature of 300C. CN peaks from droplet shatter were edited based upon FSSP liquid water content. However some droplets might exist at times when relative humidity were 70-100% (eg, drizzle below cloud). Antony Clark edited the data based on all available information. --------------------------------------------------------- Flight No. Time(hr) Reason for editing data --------------------------------------------------------- Flight-01 16.8-16.9 filter test 17.2-17.7 droplet shatter 18.0-19.0 instrument problems 20.1-22.1 landing and taking off 20.2-20.3 filter test Flight-02 19.3-19.4 filter test 19.2-19.3 No CN3025 available 24.0-24.7 CN3025 flow problems 24.7-24.8 filter test Flight-03 18.4-18.5 filter test 19.9-20.4 flow test 26.8-26.9 CN3025 flow Problem Flight-04 14.6-14.7 filter test 14.5-18.8 Hot CN not available 21.0-21.1 filter test Flight-05 16.3-16.8 Hot CN not available 16.4-16.6 CH 3010 problems 21.6-21.7 droplet shatter 24.6-25.0 droplet shatter Flight-06 17.6-19.5 some droplet shatter 18.1-18.2 switch to University of Minnesota line 20.9-22.4 Hot CN not available 21.2-25.7 leaking in flow system 23.3-25.5 droplet shatter Flight-07 19.9-20.0 filter test 21.8-26.0 many droplet shatter Flight-08 20.4-21.7 droplet shatter 23.7-24.1 Hot CN not available 27.2-27.5 droplet shatter Flight-09 20.0-21.3 Hot CN not available 26.4-26.7 Hot CN not available Flight-10 21.4-21.5 filter test 22.8-23.0 switch to University of Minnesota line 23.2-23.3 CN3025 flow problem 24.0-24.1 CN3025 flow problem Flight-11 -0.5-7.5 CN3025 is not available for the flight -0.5-0.1 switch to University of Minnesota line 0.6-0.7 switch to University of Minnesota line 3.4-3.6 switch to University of Minnesota line 4.0-5.1 droplet shatter Flight-12 -1.5--1.1 Hot CN is not available -0.9--1.0 switch to University of Minnesota line 2.5-3.1 droplet shatter Flight-13 1.1-1.2 filter test 4.5-7.1 rain, droplet shatter Flight-14 2.7-3.1 Hot CN not available Flight-15 1.0-2.1 ship contamination 2.3-3.5 droplet shatter 4.0-5.3 ship contamination 6.9-7.0 filter test Flight-16 -0.7--0.6 filter test 0.3-0.4 CN3025 flow problem 5.1-5.2 filter test Flight-17 -0.4--0.3 filter test 5.2-7.3 droplet shatter Flight-18 16.0-16.1 filter test 16.9-23.0 droplet shatter Flight-19 3.2-3.3 filter test 3.6-3.7 droplet shatter 3.7-3.8 aircraft turning exhaust 5.1-5.9 droplet shatter Flight-20 15.9-16.1 filter test 17.8-20.4 droplet shatter 21.6-21.7 switch to University of Minnesota sample line Flight-21 15.8-15.9 filter test 19.2-20.0 droplet shatter 21.3-21.4 aircraft exhaust Flight-22 3.0-3.2 filter test 4.3-6.9 ship contamination 9.2-9.8 droplet shatter Flight-23 8.4-8.5 filter test 10.9-11.8 droplet shatter 14.7-14.8 droplet shatter 15.9-16.0 droplet shatter Flight-24 22.0-27.6 many aircraft exhaust peaks Flight-25 8.3-8.4 filter test 13.6-13.7 CN3025 flow problem 14.7-14.8 droplet shatter Flight-26 20.6-25.9 droplet shatter Flight-27 20.6-20.7 filter test 22.0-27.2 many times of aircraft exhaust Flight-28 -0.6--0.5 filter test 1.1-6.6 Flight-30 Flight-29 22.3-23.3 instrument problems 23.8-23.9 CN3025 peaks 23.9-24.1 filter test 24.8-25.0 aircraft exhaust 27.6-27.7 CN3025 problems 28.1-28.5 Hot CN not available 28.9-29.1 instrument problem Flight-30 22.0-22.3 instrument problem, no data 23.0-23.1 filter test 23.1-23.2 flow problem 25.1-27.2 droplet shatter 27.9-28.0 filter test Flight-31 24.5-28.5 CN3010 not available for the flight 24.7-25.9 Hot CN is not available 24.1-24.2 filter test 26.3-28.4 CN3025 flow problem Flight-32 19.7-19.9 filter test 21.1-21.8 droplet shatter 21.1-25.2 CN3025 not available 22.8-23.4 CN3010 flow problems 25.8-26.8 flow problem Flight-33 17.5-24.4 Hot CN not available 18.4-22.0 system leaking, no data 22.6-25.8 some instrument problems For a tabular summary of the ACE-1 C130 Research Flights, see the HTML file "cdone/moreinfo/aircraft/index.htm" or the text file "cdone/moreinfo/aircraft/flights.txt". File Name Conventions: cnxx.dat where xx is the flight number. An example for flight 4 is cn04.dat. References: None.