Title: C130 DMA Measurements Contact: Antony Clarke Department of Oceanography University of Hawaii 1000 Pope Road, MSB 502B Honolulu, HI 96822 Phone: 808-957-6215 or 808-956-7777 Fax: 808-956-7112 E-Mail Address: tclarke@soest.hawaii.edu or jaimy@soest.hawaii.edu Data Set Description: RDMA Size distributions measured aboard the C-130 during ACE-1 These are dry (RH 3-25) particle size distributions measured with Radial Differential Mobility Analyzer(RDMA). Particle size range is from 0.01 to 0.284um. The number concentrations are in dN/dLogD with unit #/cc at ambient temperature and pressure. The ambient temperature and pressure for every size distribution are put in the files. To get integral values over the size range these number must be multiplied by dLogD = 0.03125 and then summed. Particle losses at smaller sizes have been corrected based upon laboratory studies for a similar sampling configuration. Largest corrections occurred for regions of high ultrafine concentrations and result in generally better agreement with total concentrations than previous uncorrected data. These corrected RDMA concentrations can at times be higher or lower than total CN counts due to remaining uncertainties in the flow and or small particle counting efficiencies of both RDMA and CN counters at various altitudes. Format: In the files, data were arranged: column 1: Date(UTC) YYYY/MM/DD column 2: Time(UTC) HH:MM:SS column 3: Lat (deg N) column 4: Lon (deg E) column 5: Ht (m) column 6: time in hour in decimal column 7: ambient temperature (K) column 8: pressure (mb) column 9: total channel number column 10-56: number concentration dN/dLogD (#/cc) The accuracy of the time is about 15 seconds. Maximum channel number is 46 for flight 14-15 and 41 for flight 16-32. Absent data are filled with -9999 in the files. File Name Conventions: fxxdma.dat where xx is the flight number. An example for flight 14 is f14dma.dat. References: None.