Title: C130 OPC Size Distribution Data Contact: Antony Clarke Department of Oceanography University of Hawaii 1000 Pope Road, MSB 502B Honolulu, HI 96822 Phone: 808-957-6215 or 808-956-7777. Fax: 808-956-7112 E-Mail Address: tclarke@soest.hawaii.edu Data Set Description: C130 Optical Particle Counter (OPC) Size Distribution Data These are particle number size distributions of OPC in the unit of number per cubic centimeter (#/cc) at ambient pressure. Indicated sizes are at midpoint of each size bin and there are 135 equally log spaced bins per decade of diameter. These are dry aerosol at about 25% RH, ambient sizes require correction for size due to uptake of water at different relative humidities. The data were cleaned up and processed into one file for each flight and flight numbers are indicated in the filenames. Format: comma delimited ASCII with fields: Date(UTC) - YYYY/MM/DD Time(UTC) - HH:MM:SS Lat(degN) Lon(degN) Alt(m) DOJtime (or JDOYtime) - Julian decimal date (UTC) STE - instrument sample temperature (degrees Celsius), one of three values: 40, 150, 300 The remaining columns (8-240) are particle number concentration (#/cc) at all sizes in micrometer. The particle diameters are listed at the first row of each files. File Name Conventions: Files are named fNNopc.dat where NN is the flight number. An example for flight 01 is f01opc.dat. References: None.