Title: C130 Flight Line Parameters Contact: Allen J Schanot, Jr. National Center for Atmospheric Research Atmospheric Technology Division Research Aviation Facility P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000 Telephone: (303) 497-1063 Facsimile: (303) 497-1092 E-Mail Address: schanot@ncar.ucar.edu Or Barry J. Huebert Department of Oceanography University of Hawaii 1000 Pope Road Honolulu, HI, USA, 96822 Telephone: (808) 956-6896 Facsimile: (808) 956-9225 E-Mail Address: huebert@okika.soest.hawaii.edu Data Set Description: The following is a letter sent to Dr. Barry Huebert (address given above) from Paul Herzegh, Manager of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Atmospheric Technology Division RESEARCH AVIATION FACILITY. Enclosed is the final documentation for the airborne measurements made by the EC-130Q during the First Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE -1) from 31 October to 22 December 1995. The LRT (1 sample per second) data set is now available through the UCAR Joint Office for Science Support. The HRT (25 sample per second) data set will only be maintained on the NCAR SCD Mass Store System (MSS) due its great size. Access will be available through the normal channels. I want to point out that both raw and processed data are backed up on the MSS which has proven to be a reliable archive. Several items enclosed with this letter should be considered part of the data package and are important to your analysis of the flight data. A copy of all of this information will also be available in electronic form through the UCAR JOSS ACE-1 archive. [See the directory "cdone/moreinfo/docsum/".] They are: 1. Mass Store Bitfile Logs: A complete list of information on the processed data files for both LRT and HRT data 2. Research Flight Reports: Flight Operations summaries including general information on arrival & departure times and data-recording intervals 3. Data Quality Report: Review of the general limitations of the data set along with flight-by-flight documentation of questionable data 4. Summary of IRS performance: includes the Inertial Reference System's final terminal position and ground speed errors for each flight 5. Excerpt from Bulletin No. 9: RAF documentation describing the algorithms used during the data processing to calculate the derived measurements 6. Bulletin No. 23: RAF documentation describing air motion measurement techniques on the NCAR research aircraft (This Bulletin also discusses the in-flight calibration maneuvers, their purpose and interpretation.) 7. Aircraft Research Instrumentation Configuration: Sensors, signal conditioners, filters and sample rates 8. Summary of Project Calibrations: Note that the calibration coefficients and reference sensors used for all derived measurements are also identified in the netCDF header of each data file. 9. List of parameters provided by the final data processing 10. Processed Data Description a) LRT (averaged, 1 sample per second) netCDF data: will only be available on-line from the official UCAR JOSS archive b) HRT (25 sample per second) netCDF data: will be available on the MSS at a later date 11. Video Film Log Documentation on VCR tape cassettes recorded during the research flights 12. Raw ADS Tape Summary: Information about all the raw ADS 8mm magnetic tapes recorded aboard the EC-130Q (N130AR) 13. Mass Store Bitfile Log for Stripped PMS-2D Data: A complete list of information on the unprocessed PMS-2D data stripped from the raw ADS data tapes, put into UNIX binary files and archived on the MSS It is essential that the contacts for this dataset receive from users, such as yourself, an evaluation of the support provided, beginning with the planning phase and continuing through the field phase on to the delivery of and finally the analysis by the user of the data. This feedback activity is carried out through the office of Dr. David Carlson, the Director of the Atmospheric Technology Division. It begins with a phone call from David--by now he may already have contacted you, and continues with a letter from him several months after you have received the data. We believe this procedure provides the user with a convenient path for presenting us with constructive criticism. As you proceed with the analysis of the data, you may have questions, encounter problems, or uncover discrepancies or other aspects of the data that may be of interest to the RAF and to other users. Specific discrepancies or errors in the data should be brought to the attention of Allen Schanot, the Project Manager. (End Letter) This data set consists of a selected subset of parameters (listed below) at a data sampling rate of 10-seconds. Format: space-delimited ASCII with the fields: Date : (UTC) YYYY/MM/DD Time : (UTC) HH:MM:SS XLATC :GPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude deg XLONC :GPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude deg PALT :NACA Pressure Altitude m COZRO :CO, Zero Baseline Vdc INFLOW :C.A.I. Excess Flow splm INPDIFF :C.A.I. Shroud Pressure Difference mbar INPI :C.A.I. Inner Shroud Static Pressure mbar INPO :C.A.I. Outer Shroud Static Pressure mbar INPS1 :C.A.I. Shroud Static Pressure mbar INPS2 :C.A.I. Sample Plain Static Pressure mbar INQC1 :C.A.I. Shroud Dynamic Pressure mbar INQC2 :C.A.I. Sample Plain Dynamic Pressure mbar INTEMP :C.A.I. Sample Plain Temperature C PCAB :Interior Cabin Static Pressure mbar RSTB :Radiometric Surface Temperature C SWB :Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom W/M2 SWT :Shortwave Irradiance, Top W/M2 UVB :Ultraviolet Irradiance, Bottom W/M2 UVT :Ultraviolet Irradiance, Top W/M2 FACT_OBR :FSSP-100 Activity Fraction none FACT_RPO :FSSP-100 Activity Fraction none FANV_OBR :FSSP-100 Annulus Baseline Voltage Vdc FANV_RPO :FSSP-100 Annulus Baseline Voltage Vdc GSF :Inertial Ground Speed M/s PITCH :Aircraft Pitch Angle deg ROLL :Aircraft Roll Angle deg THDG :Aircraft True Heading Angle deg VSPD :IRS-Computed Aircraft Vertical Velocity M/s ATTACK :Attack Angle, Reference deg ATX :Ambient Temperature, Reference C CON2C1 :2D-C Concentration N/L CON2P1 :2D-P Concentration N/L CONC3_RPO :FSSP-300 Concentration (all cells) N/cm3 CONC6_IBR :260X Concentration (all cells) N/L CONCF_OBR :FSSP-100 Concentration (all cells) N/cm3 CONCN :Condensation Nuclei (CN) Concentration N/cm3 CONCP_RPI :PCAS Concentration (all cells) N/cm3 DBAR3_RPO :FSSP-300 Mean Particle Diameter uM DBAR6_IBR :260X Mean Particle Diameter uM DBARF_OBR :FSSP-100 Mean Particle Diameter uM DBARP_RPI :PCASP Mean Particle Diameter uM DPXC :Dew Point Temperature, Reference C EDPC :Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference mbar FCNC :Corrected CN Counter Sample Flow Rate vlpm INFLOWC :C.A.I. Excess Flow: Corrected splm INPWANT :C.A.I Desired Inlet Pressure Differential mbar INTAS1 :C.A.I. Shroud True Air Speed M/s INTAS2 :C.A.I. Sample Plain True Air Speed M/s IRBC :Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Bottom W/M2 IRTC :Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Top W/M2 MR :Mixing Ratio, T-Electric g/kg PLWC6_IBR :260X Water/Ice Content g/M3 PLWCC :Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content g/M3 PLWCF_OBR :FSSP-100 Water/Ice Content g/M3 PSURF :Calculated Surface Pressure mbar PSXC :Corrected Static Pressure, Reference mbar QCXC :Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference mbar RHODT :Absolute Humidity, T-Electric Top g/M3 RHUM :Relative Humidity % SSLIP :Sideslip Angle, Reference deg TASX :Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference M/s THETA :Potential Temperature K THETAE :Equivalent Potential Temperature K THETAV :Virtual Potential Temperature K TTX :Total Temperature, Reference C WP3 :Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity M/s XMACH2 :Aircraft Mach Number Squared none XUIC :GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component M/s XUXC :GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component M/s XVEWC :GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component M/s XVIC :GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component M/s XVNSC :GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component M/s XVYC :GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component M/s XWDC :GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction deg XWIC :GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component M/s XWSC :GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed M/s File Name Conventions: flp_rxx.dat where xx is the flight number. An example for flight 9 would be flp_r09.dat. References: None.