Title: C130 Suggested Averaging Times Contact: Barry J. Huebert Department of Oceanography University of Hawaii 1000 Pope Road Honolulu, HI, USA, 96822 Telephone: (808) 956-6896 Facsimile: (808) 956-9225 E-Mail Address: huebert@okika.soest.hawaii.edu Data Set Description: A. Huebert Impactor Sampling Times And Flight Leg Statistics B. Leg Average Locations and Times for Trajectory Analyses 20 Nov 96 When definable conditions existed for an extended period that did not correspond to a filter sample, the times for those "announced flight legs" were included, so that trajectories could be run for those times. On flights from one airport to another, the data collectors have tried to identify legs of relatively constant altitude, even though they were not defined legs in the same sense as the circular patterns from local flights. If you wish to average data to correspond to our filter samples, use the "Start Fltr" and "Stop Fltr" times. If you wish to average data over announced flight-legs, use the "Start Leg" and "Stop Leg" times. If a filter was exposed, the average Lat, Lon, Palt, and midtime below refer to averages over filter (not leg) times. The pressure altitudes in this table are directly from the April 96 RAF data set. Some are negative, and all are to be used with extreme caution. If you wish to do a zero-order offset correction, the lowest daytime legs were usually 30 m and the lowest nighttime legs were usually 150m. Format: TAB-delimited ASCII file. sampler flight# day Start Fltr hh:mm:ss (UTC) Stop Fltr hh:mm:ss (UTC) MidTime hh:mm:ss (UTC) LatAv Deg.dec LonAv Deg.dec PaltAv m Start Leg hh:mm:ss (UTC) Stop Leg hh:mm:ss (UTC) Del Start Del Stop File Name Conventions: avglegsh.dat References: None.