Title: C130 Particle Concentration Data Contact: Peter McMurry Particle Technology Laboratory, 125 Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota 111 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA (612) 625-3345 (612) 625-6069 E-Mail Address: McMurry@me.umn.edu Or Rodney J. Weber Environmental Chemistry Division Brookhaven National Laboratory Bldg. 426 (51 Bell Ave.) PO Box 5000 Upton NY 11973-5000 Phone: (516) 344-6198 Fax: (516) 344-2887 Secretary: (516) 344-3275 E-Mail Address: rweber@mail.bnl.gov Secretary: Maggie Marsch or Pat Kriss Internet: mmarsch@bnlux1.bnl.gov Data Set Description: FILE START TIME (UTC) = MMDDHHMMSS = 1031161438 FILE START TIME (UTC)= 1223025143 PI NAME = MCMURRY FACILITY = C130 DATA VERSION = 1 Measurements are of total concentration = number/cm^3 larger than 3 nm measured with the University of Minnesota UCNC and ultrafine particle concentration = nominal number/cm^3 between 3 and 4nm measured with the pulse height analysis method. For a detailed explanation of ultrafine concentration see; Weber et al. J. Atms. Sci. v52, 2242, 1995; Saros et at. Aerosol Sci. Tech., v25, 200, 1996. The data reported are at ambient temperature and pressure. Missing value indicator = -9.99 Periods of droplet shatter in the community aerosol inlet resulted in measurements that are not representative of ambient particle concentrations. Periods of good data and periods when shatter was suspected are identified with the flag, "SHATTER FLAG". SHATTER FLAG=1 are episodes of no cloud droplet shatter; SHATTER FLAG = 0 are episodes of likely cloud droplet shatter (i.e., measured concentrations are likely a sampling artifact). Sample air was extracted from the community aerosol inlet. The sample air was not altered. The sampling interval was nominally 60s. Live time sampling and dilution of sample aerosol when necessary eliminated particle coincidence errors. The detection efficiency of the UCNC was calibrated at the UW/PMEL ACE-1 CNC workshop in Seattle, WA, August 1995. The results are included in the ACE-1 data set. Sampling losses have not been accounted for. It is estimated that for 3nm particles diffusion losses in the community aerosol inlet are on the order of 50% and in our sampling train less than 10% (ignoring bends). Larger particles will have lower diffusion losses. Uncertainty in the reported concentrations (N) is due to counting (C), sampling time (T) and sample flow rate (Q) uncertainties , where; (dN/N)^2=(dC/C)^2+(dQ/Q)^2+(dT/T)^2; C=(NQT), T=60s, Q=0.39cm3/s; (dC/C)=(NQT)^-0.5 (i.e., Poisson statistics), (dT/T) is small, (dQ/Q) is estimated to be 5%. Format: space-delimited ASCII with fields: StartDate(YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) StartTime(HH:MM:SS) (UTC) StartLat(degN) StartLon(degE) StartAlt(m) StopDate(YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) StopTime(HH:MM:SS) (UTC) StopLat(degN) StopLon(degE) StopAlt(m) Sample_No. Total(cm-3) Ultrafine(cm-3) No_Shatter_Flag File Name Conventions: 550_rfxx.dat where xx is the flight number. An example for flight 26 is 550_rf26.dat. References: Weber et al. J. Atms. Sci. v52, 2242, 1995; Saros et at. Aerosol Sci. Tech., v25, 200, 1996.