Title: Cape Grim Ozone, NOx, VOC Measurements Contact: Ian Galbally Division of Atmospheric Research, CSIRO Private Bag No. 1 Mordialloc, Victoria 3195 Australia 61-3-586-7666 61-3-586-7600 E-Mail Address: ieg@dar.csiro.au Data Set Description: A description of the equipment and procedures used to collect these data is given in Galbally et al., `Ozone, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds in near surface air at Cape Grim', in `Baseline Atmospheric Program (Australia) 1994-95', edited by R.J. Francey, A.L. Dick and N. Derek, p 81-88, Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Melbourne, Australia, 1996. While the data have been edited to remove bad data caused by known instrument malfunctions, a detailed item-by-item examination of the data has not been performed. Format: space-delimited ASCII files. All dates are UTC in format YYYY/MM/DD All times are UTC in format HH:MM:SS NOx fields: DATE TIME NO(ppt) NO2(ppt) NOX(ppt) O3 fields: DATE TIME Ozone(ppbv) VOC Baseline fields: Date time ethene acetylene ethane propene propane propyne isobutane n-butane trans-2-butene butyne cis-2-butene 1995/11/24 00:42:00 99 23 295 24 25 0 4 8 0 0 0 VOC Non Baseline: Date time ethene acetylene ethane propene propane propyne isobutane n-butane trans-2-butene butyne cis-2-butene File Name Conventions: nox.dat - NOx data o3.dat - ozone data voc_base.dat - VOC baseline data voc_nonb.dat - VOC non baseline data References: Galbally et al., `Ozone, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds in near surface air at Cape Grim', in `Baseline Atmospheric Program (Australia) 1994-95', edited by R.J. Francey, A.L. Dick and N. Derek, p 81-88, Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Melbourne, Australia, 1996.