Title: Cape Grim Filter Samples Contact: Barry J. Huebert Department of Oceanography University of Hawaii 1000 Pope Road Honolulu, HI, USA, 96822 Telephone: (808) 956-6896 Facsimile: (808) 956-9225 E-Mail Address: huebert@okika.soest.hawaii.edu Data Set Description: All concentrations are in ppt molar ratio (10E-12 moles analyte/mole air). As a quality-control check, two filters were being exposed at all times. A set of criteria, outlined below, was used to choose which of those numbers would best represent any given time interval. A. If both MSA and NSS 3 hr avg>+-20% from 6 hr conc, entire 3 hr samples were deleted for all species B. If only one of MSA or NSS >20% from 6 hr conc, only 3 hr data for deviating species was deleted For any time-period, only 3 or 6 hour data has been saved for each species C. In cases where the NSS is impacted by heavy sea-salt loading, the shorter sample was retained if 3&6 were more than 20% but less than 40% different. D. After this culling by MSA and NSS: Na, Cl, and SO4 kept for the shortest retained sample (cals best for smaller loading) NH4+ retained with the NSS sample (although NH4 sensitivity was often marginal) NO3- retained for longest sample (to maximize sensitivity) The heavy loading of seaspray made blank subtraction a nightmare; more so since simultaneous blanks suggest that different filter positions received different amounts of seasalt. High sodium made ammonium IC analyses difficult, as well. Although a filter-by-filter error analysis has not yet been completed, it is reasonable to assume +-20% except near the detection limits. Two-sigma (for all project blanks) in 6 hr samples gives: MSA 0.2 ppt DL NSS 20 ppt DL NH4 5 ppt DL Times 2, for 3 hour samples Na 1000 ppt DL Divided by 4, for 24 hour samples Cl 1300 ppt DL NO3 20 ppt DL SO4 80 ppt DL Note, however, that these are upper limits to uncertainty, because each sample was in fact corrected using a simultaneous blank. For Na, Cl, and SO4, the blanks varied widely, as a function of wind-speed (and thus sea-spray), so the zero-order uncertainty here is large. So values below the limits above may still be significant, and have been left in the table. Format: TAB-delimited ASCII: SampName MidTime (decimal day) (UTC) Jday (DDD) (UTC) Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) Start (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) Stop (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) Hrs MSA NSS NH4 Na Cl NO3 SO4 File Name Conventions: cgfilter.dat References: None.