Title: Cape Grim Light Scattering Data Contact: Mark Rood Department of Civil Engineering, MC-250 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 205 N. Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 USA 217-333-6963 217-333-6968 E-Mail Address: m-rood@uiuc.edu Data Set Description: Controlled Relative Humidity (RH) Light Scattering Measurements as a Function of Particle Size, Wavelength of Light, and Direction of Scatter. BTSP=Total Light Scattering Coefficient (7 to 170 degrees) at wavelength=450 nm, GTSP=550 nm, RTSP=700 nm. BBSP=Backscattering Coefficient (7 to 90 degrees) at 450 nm, GBSP=550 nm, RBSP=700 nm. Ambient scattering measurements were taken with two TSI 3563 nephelometers in series. Thermal treatment was used to control RH of dry reference nephelometer to nominal 22.5%. Teflon membrane humidifier was used to scan RH for RH-controlled nephelometer. High RH (nominal 82%) scattering values are reported. Scattering coefficients reported are nominal 12.5 min averages/0.5 hz sampling rate representing approximately 370 data points. Arithmetic means and standard deviations are reported with values > or < 2 (stdev) filtered out. Units are 1/megameters (1/Mm). UTC times reported are the mean of the sampling period; nominal starting times are the beginning of the 15 min (:00, :15, :30, :45) period including the mean time. Corrections applied to affected data to account for calibration drift and faulty wall scatter measurements. Data only to be used or cited after consultation with PI. Format: TAB-delimited ASCII file: DATE (UTC) YYYY/MM/DD TIME (UTC) HH:MM:SS JULIAN DECIMAL DAY (UTC) Upper Particle Size Cut (1 or 10 um) BTSP (1/Mm) GTSP (1/Mm) RTSP (1/Mm) BBSP (1/Mm) GBSP (1/Mm) RBSP (1/Mm) RHcontrolled (%) BTSP (1/Mm) GTSP (1/Mm) RTSP (1/Mm) BBSP (1/Mm) GBSP (1/Mm) RBSP (1/Mm) RHcontrolled (%) BTSP (1/Mm) GTSP (1/Mm) RTSP (1/Mm) BBSP (1/Mm) GBSP (1/Mm) RBSP (1/Mm) RHcontrolled (%) BTSP (1/Mm) GTSP (1/Mm) RTSP (1/Mm) BBSP (1/Mm) GBSP (1/Mm) RBSP (1/Mm) RHcontrolled (%) File Name Conventions: scatrood.dat References: None.