Title: Cape Grim Particle Size Distribution Data Contact: Alfred Wiedensohler Institute for Tropospheric Research Permoserstr. 15 D-04303 Leipzig Germany Phone: +49-341-235-2467 Fax: +49-341-235-2361 E-Mail: ali@tropos.de Or Frank Stratmann Institute for Tropospheric Research Permoserstr. 15 D-04303 Leipzig Germany Phone: +49-341-235-2862 Fax: +49-341-235-2361 E-Mail Address: straddi@tropos.de Data Set Description: PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA MEASURED AT CAPE GRIM During the ACE 1 intensive measurement campaign the Institute for Tropospheric Research (IFT) carried out continuous particle size distribution measurements at Cape Grim. The measurements were performed during the period November 17th to December 13th 1995. For these size distribution measurements, a Twin Differential Mobility Particle Sizing (DMPS) system consisting of 2 Vienna-type Differential Mobility Analysers (DMAs) and 2 Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs, TSI 3035 and TSI 3010) were used. The DMAs and CPCs were calibrated during the ACE-1 calibration workshops at the IFT (DMAs) and at the University of Washington (CPCs). Measurements were performed in the particle size regime 3 < dp < 750 nm. The measured raw distributions were inverted using the new data inversion algorithm developed at the IFT. During the inversion the DMA transmission efficiencies and the CPC counting efficiencies were accounted for. Format: space-delimited ASCII with the fields: Made available here are the inverted size distributions. All distributions are stored together in the single data set. Each of the data files contains the following information: date UTC date [YYYY/MM/DD] time UTC time of day [HH:MM:SS] T cabin temperature [K] p cabin pressure [mbar] k number of size bins [-] dp(i) midpoint particle diameter [nm] dndlogdp(i) discrete size distribution [#/cm3] The data is stored according to the following structure: date time T p k dp(1) ... dp(k) date time T p k dndlogdp(1) ... dndlogdp(k) File Name Conventions: grdmps.dat References: None.