Title: Cape Grim Meteorological Data Contact: Brian Weymouth Australian BOM Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station P.O. Box 346 Smithton, Tasmania 7330 Australia Phone: (61) 4-522-181 Fax: (61) 4-522-582 E-Mail Address: b.weymouth@bom.gov.au Data Description: A. Acknowledgments. --------------------- Acknowledgment should be made of the Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station and Arthur Downey of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in ANY PUBLICATION, PRESENTATION OR REPORT WHICH MAKES USE OF THESE DATA. Further acknowledgment of others who supported the ACE-1 program at Cape Grim is at the discretion of the authors or presenters. B. Station Specification ------------------------- The station is at 40 deg 40' 56" S latitude, 144 deg 41' 18" E longitude. The roofdeck elevation is 94 metres above sea level. Wind measuring instruments are located at a height of 50 metres on the west side of a 74m tower. The station operates on Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC + 10 hours) all year round. C. Raw Minute Data ------------------- Voltages from the instruments are read once every six seconds. Each minute, five statistics for each channel are computed and stored. Channel Quantity & Units Instrument, etc. ------------------------------------------------ 03 Temperature degC Rosemount platinum thermometer in Stevenson's screen and Rosemount bridge. 04 Wet bulb depr degC Rosemount platinum thermometer in Stevenson's screen and Rosemount bridge. 05 Pressure hPa Rosemount transducer via static head from roof deck. 17 Baseline switch On = (190deg <= 50m wind <= 280deg) AND (CN < 600) (Values: Off ~= 0.0; On ~= 12.0) CN from TSI 3020 instrument. 18 Baseline #2 On = (190deg <= 50m wind <= 280deg) AND (CN < 1200) (Values: Off ~= 0.0; On ~= 12.0) (baseline #2 new criteria since 15 Nov 95) CN from TSI 3020 instrument. 41 50 m wind dir. (deg from N) Vaisala WAV15 42 50 m wind spd km/h Vaisala WAA15 48 10 m wind dir. (deg from N) Vaisala WAV15 49 10 m wind spd km/h Vaisala WAA15 57 50m Humidity % Vaisala HMP35M mounted in Vaisala DTR11 radiation shield. 58 50m Temperature degC Vaisala DTS12 mounted in Vaisala DTR11 radiation shield. "Sub-channel" Statistic ------------------------- 1 minute's mean 2 standard deviation 3 minute's maximum 4 minute's minimum 5 1st reading of the minute D. Processed Hourly Data ------------------------- At the end of each month, these data are computed from the raw minute data. They are HOURLY statistics. At the same time a limited quality control is applied. Data is deleted if log books indicate that the instrument was faulty or if a perusal of the temperature or pressure revealed bad values. 1. scalar wind statistics (10m) 1/1 scalar mean wind direction (deg from N) 1/2 scalar max wind direction (deg from N) 1/3 scalar min wind direction (deg from N) 1/4 number of north crossings 1/5 scalar mean wind speed (km/h) 2. vector wind statistics (10m) 2/1 vector mean wind speed (km/h) 2/2 vector mean wind direction (deg from N) 2/4 persistence 7. air temperature statistics 7/1 mean air temperature (deg C) 7/2 max air temperature (deg C) 7/3 min air temperature (deg C) 7/4 standard deviation 8. relative humidity statistics* *calculated from ground-level wet and dry bulb temperatures and pressure. 8/1 mean relative humidity (%) 8/2 max relative humidity (%) 8/3 min relative humidity (%) 8/4 standard deviation 9. barometric pressure statistics 9/1 mean pressure (hPa) 9/2 max pressure (hPa) 9/3 min pressure (hPa) 9/4 standard deviation 10. rainfall statistics 10/1 rainfall for this hour (mm) 10/2 rainfall so far today (mm) 10/3 rainfall so far this month (mm) 10/4 rainfall so far this year (mm) 11. absolute humidity statistics* *calculated from ground-level wet and dry bulb temperatures and pressure. 11/1 mean absolute humidity (g/cu m) 11/2 max absolute humidity (g/cu m) 11/3 min absolute humidity (g/cu m) 11/4 standard deviation 12. baseline statistics NOT PRE-JANUARY 86 12/1 baseline minutes in this hour 12/2 baseline minutes so far today 12/3 baseline minutes so far this month 12/4 baseline minutes so far this year 13. scalar wind statistics (50m) NOT PRE-JUNE 87 13/1 scalar mean wind direction (deg from N) 13/2 scalar max wind direction (deg from N) 13/3 scalar min wind direction (deg from N) 13/4 number of north crossings 13/5 scalar mean wind speed (km/h) 14. vector wind statistics (50m) 14/1 vector mean wind speed (km/h) 14/2 vector mean wind direction (deg from N) 14/4 persistence If height relevant but not mentioned, then assume "ground level". (e.g. temperature is ground level). Format: space-delimited ASCII, one file, with fields: Hourly data: DATE UTC YYYY/MM/DD TIME UTC HH:MM:SS DOY UTC DDD HOY UTC HHHH DATE AEST YYYY/MM/DD TIME AEST HH:MM:SS DOY AEST DDD HOY AEST HHHH 1/1 W10SD degN 1/5 W10SS km/h 2/1 W10VS km/h 2/2 W10VD degN 7/1 TEMP degC 8/1 RELH % 9/1 PRES hPa 10/1 RAIN mm 11/1 ABSH g/m3 12/1 BASE min 13/1 W50SD degN 13/5 W50SS km/h 14/1 W50VS km/h 14/2 W50VD degN Minute data: DATE UTC YYYY/MM/DD TIME UTC HH:MM:SS DOY UTC DDD DATE AEST YYYY/MM/DD TIME AEST HH:MM:SS DOY AEST DDD ch__3/1 Temp deg_C ch__4/1 WetBlb_depr deg_C ch__5/1 Pressure hPa ch_17/1 baseline_1 On/Off ch_18/1 baseline_2 On/Off ch_57/1 50m_humidty % ch_41/1 50m_wnd_dir deg_frm_N ch_42/1 50m_wnd_spd km/h ch_48/1 10m_wnd_dir deg_frm_N ch_49/1 10m_wnd_spd km/h ch_58/1 50m_temp deg_C where: DOY = Day Of Year (Julian Date) HOY = Hour of Year File Name Conventions: met_hrly.dat - processed hourly meteorological data met_min.dat - raw minute meteorological data References: None.