Title: Discoverer Carbon Monoxide Measurements Contact: James E. Johnson OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6355 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: johnson@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: NOAA Ship Discoverer Carbon Monoxide data Reduced and Compiled by NOAA-PMEL Version 1, 30 August 1996 Jim Johnson This dataset contains carbon monoxide measurements (gas chromatograph GC based system) collected aboard the NOAA R/V Discoverer. Format: comma-delimited ASCII file. DATE UTC (YYYY/MM/DD) TIME UTC (HH:MM:SS) JD (DOY) - Julian Decimal Date (Day of Year) The data are compiled in six hour averages. The time is given as decimal day of year (DOY) such that DOY 32.5 is 12 noon UTC on February 1. The time given is from the center of the six hour period. Carbon Monoxide (CO) (ppb) CO was measured with a GC based system. The system made 2 air measurements every 35 minutes. The system also measured CO from a seawater equilibrator, and from 2 gas standards. The standards have been calibrated to standards maintained by NOAA CMDL. The data were cleaned and averaged into 6 hour averages. 6 hour intervals with no CO data are tagged with a -99. File Name Conventions: co.dat References: None.