Title: Discoverer CTD Data Contact: James E. Johnson OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6355 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: johnson@pmel.noaa.gov Or Timothy S Bates OCRD NOAA/PMEL 7600 Sandpoint Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 USA Phone: 206-526-6248 Fax: 206-526-6744 E-Mail Address: bates@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: NOAA ship Discoverer CTD cast Data Reduced and Compiled by NOAA-PMEL Version 1, 26 March 1996 Jim Johnson and Tim Bates 1995 CTD system: A seabird SBE-9 Plus CTD (serial number 337, conductivity sensor S.N. 1230, temperature sensor N.N. 1558) was used at all stations. The CTD was calibrated by the Northwest Regional Calibration Center on 10/11/95. The CTD, rosette, stand, and bottles belonged to Discoverer. The sample bottles were 10L Niskin bottles with silicone O-rings and tubing. Near the end of leg 2 the yoke on the stand parted and the entire system was lost. A total of 28 CTD stations were occupied on Leg I and 8 CTD stations on leg II. Each CTD cast was labeled with a 5 digit number. The first digit refers to the leg of the cruise (1 or 2), the next 3 digits refer to the station number, and the last digit is the cast number at that station. For example 10121 would be leg 1, station number 12, cast 1. For each CTD cast there are 2 data files. One data set gives the location, time and the readings from the cast (pressure, temperature, conductivity, depth, salinity, and density) averaged into 2 meter bins. The second data set gives the potential temperature, salinity, pressure, temperature and conductivity when each Niskin bottle was closed. Chlorophyll samples were collected at each sampling depth at each station. Samples were collected (530 ml), immediately filtered, put into 10 ml of 90% acetone, and frozen by ship's survey department. The samples were analyzed within 3-4 days aboard ship with using a Turner fluorometer. The fluorometer was calibrated after the cruise using chlorophyll 'a' from the Sigma Chemical Corp. The data are reported in units of micrograms per liter. Format: ASCII data. The chlorophyll data file (chlorsta.dat) contains comma separated ASCII data with columns: Date Time Cast Depth Chlorophyll 'a' (ug/L) The closed data files (di*.dat) contain a number of header lines that begin with '*' or '#', followed by columnar ASCII data with fields: Bottle Position Date Time Potemp068 Sal00 Pr T068 C0S/m Each bottle position contains 4 lines of data giving avg,sdev,min,max values. The cast data files (as*.dat) contain a number of header lines that begin with '*' or '#', followed by columnar ASCII data with a subset of the following fields (see the file's header lines for the parameters in that file): All files begin with the columns: pr: pressure [db] t068: temperature, IPTS-68 [deg C] c0S/m: conductivity [S/m] Some subset and ordering of the following columns: depS: depth, salt water [m] sal00: salinity, PSS-78 [PSU] svD: sound velocity, delgrosso [m/s] flag: 0.000e+00 sigma-00: density, sigma-theta [kg/m^3] All files end with the column: nbin: number of scans per bin File Name Conventions: chlorsta.dat - chlorophyll data Cast and closed data files are named: XXLSSSC.dat where XX is the data type ("as" for cast data, "di" for closed), L is the leg number, SSS is the station number, and C is the cast number. For example leg 1, station number 12, cast 1, is 10121. The cast data is in as10121.dat and the closed data in di10121.dat. References: None.