Title: Discoverer Ozone Measurements Contact: James E. Johnson OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6355 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: johnson@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: Reduced and Compiled by NOAA-PMEL NOAA Ship Discoverer Surface ozone data Version 1, 30 August 1996 Jim Johnson This data set contains ozone measurements from two analyzers were collected aboard the NOAA R/V Discoverer. Data File contains the following parameters: DOY The data are compiled into 30 minute averages. The time is given as decimal day of year (DOY) such that DOY 32.5 is 12 noon GMT on February 1. The time given is from the center of the 30 minute period. OZONE Two ozone uv analyzers were used, a Dasibi 1008 AH ,and a TECO 49. Both analyzers were calibrated to a NIST traceable analyzer at the NOAA-CMDL lab prior to the project. One minute averages of the output of each analyzer were recorded on the PMEL data system and plots were made of the raw data. A small portion of the data was deleted (consisting mostly of times that the inlet air was passed through a zero filter - usually when the relative wind was well behind the beam of the ship). After the raw data was cleaned, the calibration function from CMDL (offset and slope) was applied, and 30-minute averages were created. The 30-minute average from each instrument was then averaged together to create the final data in the ace1_o3.csv file. 30-minute intervals that had no clean ozone data are tagged with a value -99 LAT. and LONGT. See also the readme file for data set: Discoverer Meteorological and Chemical Measurements [30-minute] from Johnson. Format: comma-delimited ASCII file. Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) DOY (Julian decimal date) (UTC) OZONE (ppb) LATITUDE (degrees north) LONGITUDE (degrees east) File Name Conventions: o3.dat References: None.