Title: Discoverer Ozonesonde Measurements Contact: James E. Johnson OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6355 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: johnson@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: Revised December, 1996 During the ACE-1 project 16 ozone profiles were made from ozonesondes launched from the deck of the DISCOVERER. Nine profiles were made during the Seattle-to-Hobart transit leg, and seven profiles were made during the ACE-1 Intensive, south of Tasmania. The profiles were made using EN-SCI, model 1Z, electrochemical concentration cell ozonesondes. The ozonesondes were launched on 1200 and 1500 gram balloons, and reached altitudes of 32 to 37 Km. The raw data were cleaned of all obvious 'spikes' and interpolated onto 250m altitude intervals. An additional problem of using ozonesondes from ships is that the ozonesondes must be launched within 30 meters of the exhaust of a large diesel engine. In almost all profiles there was a noticeable anomalously low ozone concentrations in the lowest 300-600 meters as the ozonesonde passed through the ships exhaust plume. To correct for this problem, the points at 0 and sometimes 250 were deleted and a straight line was fit to the next 3 to 5 points in the mixed layer and used it to predict the points at 0 and 250 m. In all cases the 'predicted' point at 0 m agreed well with the surface value measured with the onboard Teco and Dasibi instruments. The data files contain the following parameters: Pressure in mb, Altitude in Km, Potential temperature in K, Temperature in deg C, Dew point temperature in deg C, Relative humidity in %, Ozone partial pressure in mPa, Ozone mixing ratio in PPM, Ozone molecular density in 10^12 molecules per cc, DayOfYear (UTC), Latitude, and Longitude. An ozonesonde index file lists the times and location of each profile and includes the integrated column ozone in each profile with an estimate of the column ozone above the profile, and the total column ozone (the sum of the in profile and above profile). In all but one case the measured profile included at least 80% of the total column ozone. These data are a revised form the ozonesonde data that were placed on the UCAR CODIAC server in June, 96. The revision lowered the stratospheric values by a small about and the total column ozone calculations are about 20 DU less per sounding (out of a total of 300-400 DU). Users of these data are asked to communicate with Jim Johnson at PMEL (johnson@pmel.noaa.gov) to let him know who is using it. That way, if there is a data update, the users will be notified in a timely fashion. Publications that make general use of these data are requested to acknowledge Jim Johnson of NOAA/PMEL and Sam Oltmans of NOAA/CMDL for providing the data. Co-authorship is requested for significant use of these data in a publication. DATA REDUCED December, 96 Total Column Ozone, Dobson units in above Total DOY Lat N longt E file Profile Profile column % in balloon profile 289.932 31.52 213.70 ac002 248.3 44.4 292.7 84.8 291.840 23.80 205.22 ac003 218.1 45.8 263.9 82.6 295.872 13.68 200.00 ac004 213.1 60.7 273.8 77.8 297.927 2.33 200.00 ac005 220.6 54.9 275.5 80.1 299.830 -8.33 200.00 ac006 208.8 62.1 270.8 77.1 301.840 -19.65 200.02 ac007 228.0 60.1 288.1 79.1 303.128 -26.87 200.05 ac008 284.6 25.2 309.8 91.9 305.944 -34.87 189.80 ac009 293.2 43.6 336.8 87.1 311.940 -38.30 158.67 ac010 314.5 42.1 356.6 88.2 322.316 -54.45 159.02 ac011 358.9 32.0 390.9 91.8 327.019 -49.97 138.25 ac012 303.4 50.2 353.7 85.8 334.917 -45.13 142.85 ac013 332.3 42.1 374.4 88.8 338.149 -44.28 140.83 ac014 337.3 56.6 393.9 85.6 339.189 -41.35 139.05 ac015 277.8 48.6 326.4 85.1 342.097 -45.55 144.10 ac016 275.4 40.8 316.2 87.1 345.090 -45.02 145.00 ac017 312.7 53.6 366.3 85.4 Format: comma-delimited ASCII file. Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) Press (MB) Alt (KM) Pottp (K) Temp (C) FTemp (C) Hum (%) Ozone (mPa) Ozone (PPMV) Ozone/cc (10^12/cc) JD (Julian Decimal Date) (UTC) Latitude Longitude File Name Conventions: MMDDHHNN.dat where MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, and NN is the minutes. An example for October 16, 1995 at 22:22 is 10162222.dat. References: None.