Title: Discoverer Seawater and Chemistry Measurements [30-minute] Contact: James E. Johnson OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6355 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: johnson@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: NOAA ship Discoverer Ancillary Data Reduced and Compiled by NOAA-PMEL Version 1, 26 March 1996 Jim Johnson and Tim Bates Ship position: The ships position was recorded on the PMEL data logger from the PMEL Trimbal GPS unit. The latitude and longitude are each even 30 minute points with no averaging. For those times when there were no data at the 30 minute point, a point was taken from the Discoverer's SCS data system file. Units are decimal degrees north for latitude and decimal degrees east for longitude (200 degrees east = 160 degrees west). Ship's speed and heading: The heading (compass degrees) was taken from the ship's gyro which was recorded by the Discoverer's SCS system. For the times when the SCS system was not working, the heading was taken from the PMEL GPS course. The GPS course and the gyro heading usually agreed within several degrees as long as the ship was moving forward through the water at speeds above 5 knots. The ship's speed (knots) was taken from the PMEL GPS system. Both the speed and heading were averaged from the one minute data to make the 30 minute averages. The speed was averaged directly, the heading was separated into N and E components by taking the sin and cos respectively of the heading. After averaging the N and E components into 30 minute bins, the heading was recalculated by using a 4 quadrant arctangent function. Seawater temperature and salinity: Seawater temperature and salinity were measured with the ship's thermosalinograph (Seabird SBE-21 serial number 843) and recorded on the ship's SCS system. The instrument was calibrated by the NW regional Calibration Center on 10/11/95 just before the cruise. The instantaneous one-minute data set from the ship was very clean and required very little editing. Temperatures are reported in degrees C. Salinity data are in practical salinity units (psu). Nitrate: Water from the ship's underway pumping system (5 meter depth, bow intake) was run through the underway auto analyzer system to measure surface nitrate + nitrite concentrations. The instrument samples at 10 minute intervals: seawater, blank, seawater, blank, standard, blank; repeating this sequence each hour. The instrument was started on DOY 295 (after Hawaii) and worked well throughout the remainder of the project. Data are marked with either a concentration, 0 (indicating below detection limit), or -99 (when there were no data). The lower limit of detection was generally 0.05 micromolar but was as low as 0.02 micromolar at times. All data reported here are in units of micromoles per liter. Chlorophyll: Discrete chlorophyll samples were collected every four hours while underway from the ship's seawater sampling line. The inlet is located approximately 5 m below the surface at the bow of the ship. Chlorophyll samples were also collected at each sampling depth at each station. Samples were collected (530 ml), immediately filtered, put into 10 ml of 90% acetone, and frozen by ship's survey department. The samples were analyzed within 3-4 days aboard ship with using a Turner fluorometer. The fluorometer was calibrated after the cruise using chlorophyll 'a' from the Sigma Chemical Corp. The data are reported in units of micrograms per liter. Format: space-delimited ASCII file contains the following parameters: Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) DOY (Julian decimal date) (UTC) Latitude (degN) Longitude (degE) Ship's speed (knots) Ship's heading (deg) SST (degC) Salinity (psu) Nitrate (uM/L) Chlorophyll (ug/L) File Name Conventions: 95sw30.dat References: None.