Title: Discoverer Spectroradiometer Measurements Contact: James E. Johnson OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6355 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: johnson@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: A Licor 1800 Spectroradiometer with an 8 nm bandwidth was used to measure spectrally resolved solar irradiance between 300 and 850 nm from Day of Year (DOY) 321 to DOY 345. The Spectroradiometer was placed on the top of a sampling van near the stern of the DISCOVERER with a fairly clean view of the sky, only rarely was the spectroradiometer shaded by a crane or the stern mast of the ship Every 15 minutes during daylight hours, five spectral scans were made and averaged into one spectrum containing data at 2 nm intervals that was stored in the data record. The Licor Spectroradiometer was calibrated during the Hobart while in port (Nov. 15-19, 95) using a Licor calibrator that contained a calibrated lamp and highly controlled power source. The data contains one time series data set for each wavelength from 300 to 598 nm and a parallel time series data set for each wavelength from 600 to 850 nm. The first column in each file is the Date (YYYY/MM/DD), followed by Time (HH:MM:SS), decimal Day of Year, (all UTC), then the measurements at each wavelength. The first row contains the column headers w300, w302...... which are the wavelengths in nm. The spectrally resolved downward irradiance is in units of watts/meter^2/nm. Publications that make general use of these data are requested to acknowledge James Johnson for providing the data. Co-authorship is requested for significant use of these data in a publication. Format: comma-delimited ASCII file as described above. File Name Conventions: ts_spec1.dat (wavelengths 300 - 598 nm) ts_spec2.dat (wavelengths 600 - 850 nm) References: None.