Title: Discoverer Methyl Halide Data Contact: Robert Moore Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University Halifax, NS B3H 4J1 Canada 902-494-3871 902-494-3877 E-Mail Address: rmoore@ac.dal.ca Data Set Description: This dataset contains measurements of Methyl Halides taken aboard the R/V Discoverer during ACE-1. These measurements are for Leg 1. Format: TAB-delimited ASCII with fields: Date YYYY/MM/DD (UTC) Time HH:MM:SS (UTC) Julian decimal date (UTC) Lat Long SST CH3CL partial water (patm) CH3Cl air (patm) CH3Br partial sat. anomaly CH3Br water (patm) CH3I partial air (patm) CH3I sat. anomaly File Name Conventions: grozko.dat References: None.