Title: Discoverer Gas Phase NH3 Concentrations Data Contact: Patricia Quinn OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6892 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: quinn@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: NOAA PMEL Measured Atmospheric Gas Phase NH3 Concentrations ACE-1, Leg 2: NOAA PMEL measured atmospheric gas phase NH3 concentrations and calculated air/sea NH3 fluxes from the Discoverer. Filter packs consisting of a Teflon filter for the collection of particles and oxalic acid coated filters for the collection of NH3(g) were used for sample collection. The oxalic acid coated filters were extracted and analyzed for NH4+ by ion chromatography. Air/sea ammonia fluxes were calculated from the measured atmospheric (NH3)g, seawater pH, and seawater [NHx]s using the method described by Quinn et al., 1996, Biogeochemistry, in press. The uncertainty associated with the measured NH3(g) concentrations and air/sea fluxes is estimated to be +/- 25 to 50%. Codes used in the spreadsheet: "NA, not available." Format: comma-delimited ASCII. 1, Start Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) 2, Start Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) 3, Stop Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) 4, Stop Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) 5, Start Time (UTC) - Julian Decimal Date 6, Stop Time (UTC) - Julian Decimal Date 7, Start Latitude 8, Stop Latitude 9, Start Longitude 10, Stop Longitude 11, (NH3)g in nmol/m3 12, F, umol/m2/d File Name Conventions: atmnh3fl.dat References: Quinn et al., 1996, Biogeochemistry, in press.