Title: Discoverer 2-stage Impactor Data (Leg 1) Contact: Patricia Quinn OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6892 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: quinn@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: ACE-1, Leg1: PMEL 2-stage impactor data collected onboard the R/V Discoverer. These data should not be used without first contacting Trish Quinn (quinn@pmel.noaa.gov). Ion concentrations are given in ng/m3. Submicron values represent the ion concentration in all particles with aerodynamic diameters < 1.0 um. Supermicron values are for particles with aerodynamic diameters > 1um and < 10 um. Diameters are given for the relative humidity of the sampled air stream. (These diameters are given for a flow rate of 30 lpm and are subject to change after calibration of the collection efficiency of the impactor jet plate. This calibration is planned for the Fall of 1996). Uncertainties associated with the ion concentrations range from +/- 5 to 25%. Format: comma-delimited ASCII. 1, Start Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) 2, Start Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) 3, Stop Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) 4, Stop Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) 5, Sample number 6, Start time, UTC - Julian Decimal Date 7, Stop time, UTC - Julian Decimal Date 8, Start Latitude 9, Stop Latitude 10, Start Longitude 11, Stop Longitude 12, average RH of the sampled air stream 13, standard deviation of the RH of the sampled air stream 14, volume of sample (m3 of air) 15, sub_Na, submicron Na concentration in ng/m3 16, sup_Na, supermicron Na concentration in ng/m3 17, sub_NH4, submicron NH4 concentration in ng/m3 18, sup_NH4, supermicron NH4 concentration in ng/m3 19, sub_K, submicron K concentration in ng/m3 20 sup_K, supermicron K concentration in ng/m3 21, sub_Mg, submicron Mg concentration in ng/m3 22, sup_Mg, supermicron Mg concentration in ng/m3 23, sub_Ca, submicron Ca concentration in ng/m3 24, sup_Ca, supermicron Ca concentration in ng/m3 25, sub_Cl, submicron Cl concentration in ng/m3 26, sup_Cl, supermicron Cl concentration in ng/m3 27, sub_Br, submicron Br concentration in ng/m3 28, sup_Br, supermicron Br concentration in ng/m3 29, sub_NO3, submicron NO3 concentration in ng/m3 30, sup_NO3, supermicron NO3 concentration in ng/m3 31, sub_tSO4,submicron total sulfate concentration in ng/m3 32, sup_tSO4, supermicron total sulfate concentration in ng/m3 33, sub_sSO4, submicron seasalt sulfate concentration in ng/m3 34, sup_sSO4, supermicron seasalt sulfate concentration in ng/m3 35, sub_nSO4, submicron non-seasalt sulfate concentration in ng/m3 36, sup_nSO4, supermicron non-seasalt sulfate concentration in ng/m3 37, sub_MSA, submicron MSA concentration in ng/m3 38, sup_MSA, supermicron MSA concentration in ng/m3 Codes used in the file: "M_Na_BB, Na concentration is below the blank value (< 210 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_NH4_BB, NH4 concentration is below the blank value (< 20 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_K_BB, K concentration is below the blank value (< 43 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_Mg_BB, Mg concentration is below the blank value (< 41 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_Ca_BB, Ca concentration is below the blank value (< 970 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_Cl_BB, Cl concentration is below the blank value (< 450 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_Br_BB, Br concentration is below the detection limit (< 8 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_NO3_BB, NO3 concentration is below the blank value (< 11 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_SO4_BB, SO4 concentration is below the blank value (< 140 ng / sample volume (m3))." "M_MSA_BDL, MSA concentration is below the detection limit (< 0.6 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_Na_BB, Na concentration is below the blank value (< 350 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_NH4_BB, NH4 concentration is below the blank value (< 19 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_K_BB, K concentration is below the blank value (< 105 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_Mg_BB, Mg concentration is below the blank value (< 88 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_Ca_BB, Ca concentration is below the blank value (< 2700 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_Cl_BB, Cl concentration is below the blank value (< 580 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_Br_BB, Br concentration is below the detection limit (< 30 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_NO3_BB, NO3 concentration is below the blank value (< 88 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_SO4_BB, SO4 concentration is below the blank value (< 190 ng / sample volume (m3))." "T_MSA_BDL, MSA concentration is below the detection limit (< 0.6 ng / sample volume (m3))." File Name Conventions: pmel2_l1.dat References: None.