Title: Discoverer Surface Seawater pH and Total Ammonia Contact: Patricia Quinn OCRD NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA, USA, 98115 Telephone: (206) 526-6892 Facsimile: (206) 526-6744 E-Mail Address: quinn@pmel.noaa.gov Data Set Description: ACE-1, Leg 2: Seawater pH and total ammonia (NHx(s) = NH3(s) + NH4+(s)) measured onboard the Discoverer by NOAA PMEL. pH was measured with a spectrophotometric technique using an indicator dye (Dickson, 1993, Mar. Chem., 44, 131 - 142). NHx(s) was measured with a fluorescence method (Jones, 1991, Limnol. Oceanogr., 36, 814-819). The accuracy of the pH measurements is estimated to be +/- 0.005. The uncertainty associated with the NHx(s) is estimated to be +/- 5 to 25%. Codes used in the data set: BDL, below the detection limit for NHx(s) of 0.005 uM. Format: comma-delimited ASCII. 1, Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) 2, Time (HH:MM:SS) (UTC) 3, Time (UTC) - Julian Decimal Date 4, Latitude 5, Longitude 6, surface seawater pH 7, surface total ammonia concentration, NHx(s) = NH3(s) + NH4(s), in umolar File Name Conventions: swphnh3.dat References: (Dickson, 1993, Mar. Chem., 44, 131 - 142). (Jones, 1991, Limnol. Oceanogr., 36, 814-819).