Title: Discoverer POS, POC, PON Data Contact: Yoshimi Suzuki and M Taki Institute of Geoscience, Department of Science Shizuoka University 836 Oya Shizuoka, 422 Japan Phone: 54-238-479 Fax: 054-238-0491 E-Mail: seysuzu@toubu2.shizuoka.ac.jp Or Darrel Baumgardner NCAR/ATD/RAF P. O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 USA 303-497-1054 303-497-1092 Web Access: http://chinook.atd.ucar.edu/~darrel E-Mail Address: darrel@ncar.ucar.edu Data Set Description: POS, POC and PON in the Southern Ocean during the First Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-1) The organic sulfur, carbon and nitrogen content of suspended particulate was measured in the Southern and Pacific Oceans during ACE-1. POS, POC and PON concentrations in suspended matter within the upper 150m ranged from 0 (n.d.) to 67.8 nM S, 0.11 to 9.13 uM C and 0.01 to 1.14 uM N. The vertical profiles of POS, POC and PON were very similar with a surface maximum at most stations and a subsurface maximum at a few locations. The POS concentrations were greater in the Southern Ocean than in the Pacific Ocean. The average molar C:N:S ratios were 320:39:1 although the ratios measured covered a very wide range (C/S and N/S ratios in the Southern Ocean waters ranged from 31 to 654 and 2 to 73, respectively). It appears that time scales of C, N and S cycling are quite different in this region. These measurements were made aboard the R/V Discoverer. The measurements were made a periodic intervals between 5-150m depth. Each set of measurements is identified by a 5-digit cast number. The first digit refers to the leg of the cruise (1 or 2), the next 3 digits refer to the station number, and the last digit is the cast number at that station. For example 10121 would be leg 1, station number 12, cast 1. To see other data gathered during these soundings refer to the data set entitled Discoverer CTD Data from Johnson. Format: columnar ASCII file with fields: Location Date(MM/DD/YY) Station Depth(m) POC PON POS POC PON POS C/S_ratio N/S_ratio C/N_ratio File Name Conventions: suzu_pos.dat References: Discoverer CTD Data from Johnson in directory disco/chem/johnson/ctd