Title: Macquarie Island Particle Concentration (>10nm) Contact: Sonia Kreidenweis Dept. of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA Phone: 970-491-8350 Fax: 970-491-8449 E-Mail Address: soniak@aerosol.atmos.colostate.edu Or Fred Brechtel Dept. of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA Phone: 970-491-8401 Fax: 970-491-8449 E-Mail Address: fredb@aerosol.atmos.colostate.edu Data Set Description: ACE-1: Macquarie Island Particle Concentration, diameter >10 nm (N/cm3) (ASCII) Data Version 1.0 This is data of particle number concentration collected at Macquarie Island Station from a 4.6 m inlet attached to the meteorological sampling mast of the station. The instrument was operated in the clean air laboratory of the station at ca. 20C and ambient pressure. The sample was drawn through the 4.6 m inlet which consisted of ca. 7.6 m of 1.2 cm ID conductive tubing at a flow rate of 20 L/min. Ca. 2 m of 1.2 cm ID stainless steel tubing with a flow rate of 20 L/min carried the sample flow from the conductive tubing to within 10 cm of the counter inlet. A ca. 10 cm long, 0.5 cm ID stainless steel tube with flow rate of 1.0 L/min for the Model 3010 counter was used to carry the aerosol sample into the counter. The data are reported in units of number of particles per cubic centimeter @ 20C and ambient pressure. n(>10nm) is the concentration greater than nominal 10 nm diameter measured by model 3010 UCPC; TSI inc., St. Paul, MN, operated at a flow 1.0 L/min. Flow calibration of the instrument was checked (and adjusted as needed) daily with a bubble flowmeter with an accuracy of +/- 2%. Day to day drift was always less than 5%. The instrument was calibrated at the UW/PMEL ACE-1 CPC workshop in Seattle, WA, August 1995. The data from this workshop is included in the ACE-1 data set. This record has not been edited for baseline, local contamination or other meteorological conditions but calibration times and other non-valid, non-atmospheric data have been removed by the PI's. This results in a non- continuous time record which would need to accounted for during any averaging procedure. Please contact the PIs for proper acknowledgment before using this data for publication. Format: space-delimited ASCII. The particle counts have been integrated over 1 minute intervals (ending at the stamped UTC time). UTC_DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) UTC_Time (HH:MM:SS) Julian_day (decimal date) Particle_Num_Concentration (n>10nm) File Name Conventions: cn_fb.dat References: None.