Title: Macquarie Island CCN data (NIWA) Contact: Mike Harvey National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) P.O. Box 14-901, Kilbirnie Wellington, New Zealand Telephone: (64) 4 386 0300 Facsimile: (64) 4 386 2153 E-Mail Address: m.harvey@niwa.cri.nz Data Set Description: Event: ACE-1 intensive Record date: 20-Nov-1995 to 3-Jan-1996 Instrument: DH Associates Model M1 CCN monitor modified by NIWA for supersaturation control Site: Macquarie Island Clean Air Laboratory Operator: Georgina Sturrock Contact Person: Mike Harvey - m.harvey@niwa.cri.nz Organization: National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Sponsor: N.Z. Foundation for Research Science and Technology (FRST) Format: comma-delimited ASCII. Data Fields: Field Description Units 1 Date YYYY/MM/DD (UTC) 2 Time HH:MM:SS (UTC) 3 Year Integer (UTC) 4 Julian day Integer (UTC) 5 Time HHMM Integer (UTC) 6 Julian day Real, precision 2 7 Hour Real, precision 2 8 Chamber supersaturation % 9 Event log Integer 10 CCN number per tenth cm^3 11 CCN number per cm^3 12 Active Pixels Integer Field 9 - event log code code meaning 0 no event 1 supersaturation spectra run 2 chamber thermocouple problems 3 some data missing in full record (for full record (additional fields) contact m.harvey) 4 calibration run 5 polluted air 6 error value on serial interface > 100 (diagnostic value only) Events recorded with lowest non-zero value taking precedence. Field 10 - Active pixels Number of pixels available to CCD camera for recording CCN. Max = 1024. A small number usually indicates that the field of view is blocked by a water drop hanging from the chamber roof. File Name Conventions: niwaccn.dat References: None.