Title: Macquarie Island Meteorological Data [10-minute] Contact: Hilton Swan AGAL - Tasmania Regional Lab Channel Highway, P.O. Box 84 Kingston, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA, 7050 Telephone: (61) 02-291-755 Facsimile: (61) 02-292-836 E-Mail Address: hilton_swa@antdiv.gov.au Data Set Description: This data set consists of routine continuous meteorological measurements at ten-minute resolution collected at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) Macquarie Island station during ACE-1. This data set was processed with no quality control following the ACE-1 field phase. The BoM request acknowledgment for any publication, presentation, or report using their data. Format: space-delimited ASCII with fields: DATE(YYYY/MM/DD) (UTC) TIME(HH:MM:SS) (UTC) MACQ (literal string) DATE (DD/MM/YY) (UTC) TIME (HH:MM) (UTC) Sa10 Sn10 Sx10 Da10 Ds10 T Tn10 Tx10 Ti DPT DPTn10 DPTx10 R10 QFE QNH QFF MPM MN10 CC10 SSE CS10 File Name Conventions: macimet.dat References: None.