Title: Macquarie Island DMS Measurements Contact: Hilton Swan AGAL - Tasmania Regional Lab Channel Highway, P.O. Box 84 Kingston, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA, 7050 Telephone: (61) 02-291-755 Facsimile: (61) 02-292-836 E-Mail Address: hilton_swa@antdiv.gov.au Data Set Description: The following dataset is the atmospheric concentrations of Dimethylsulfide (DMS) measured at Macquarie Island by Hilton Swan (Australian Government Analytical Laboratories) during a three month period including the ACE-1 field program. The DMS data defines the start and stop time for each sample in UTC, and is reported as ng/m3 and nmol/m3. Certain meteorological parameters were also recorded, from the 1 minute average on-line Automatic Weather Station (AWS), at the start of each DMS sample and these are also listed in the data set. Analytically the DMS measurements were obtained following oxidant and moisture removal from the air stream. Methylethyl sulphide was introduced with each sample as an internal standard, and a pulsed PFD was used for the selective detection of DMS. The data was processed and quality controlled during the ACE-1 field program, and the instrumentation was comparatively compared with similar instrumentation operating at Cape Grim before and after the ACE-1. The only restrictions on the data is that Hilton Swan is acknowledged for its source. The data is believed to be accurate to +/- 12% CV. The headers at the top of the file should be clear as: atmospheric Dimethylsulphide concentration, wind speed and direction, dry bulb and wet bulb temperature and sea level pressure. This data was obtained from the 1 minute average AWS at the start of each DMS sample. Format: comma-delimited ASCII. UTC_Start Date (YYYY/MM/DD) UTC_Start Time (HH:MM:SS) UTC_Stop Date (YYYY/MM/DD) UTC_Stop Time (HH:MM:SS) Start Date UTC (YY-MM-DD) Start Time UTC (H:MM) Stop Date UTC (YY-MM-DD) Stop Time UTC (H:MM) DMS (ng/m3) DMS (nMol/m3) WS (knots) WD (degrees) AT (C) WB (C) QFF (hPa) ABS (WB dep/AT) File Name Conventions: dms_swan.dat References: None.