ACE-1 FLIGHT 7 November 9, 1995 D. Lenschow

19:05 UT  Takeoff from Christmas Island, heading for Apia, Western Samoa
	  Cloudy; cloud base at 3k ft.  Climbing to 18k ft. ferry altitude.
          Trade inversion at about 5k ft.  
	  Dry layer just above inversion; more humid above
	  this.  Flying over extensive scattered cumuli with tops at about
	  3.2k ft. and with trade inversion at 5k ft. 
21:52     increasing convection; cirrus overhead
22:41     start descent from 18k ft., with spiral descent from 8k ft.  Top
          of BL at about 1k ft.
22:58     start circle at 100 ft.
23:28     end circle
23:32 	  start circle at 500 ft.
24:02	  end circle
24:05     start circle at 1000 ft.
24:35     end circle
24:38     start circle at 2000 ft.; cloud base is about 2k ft.
25:08  	  end circle and descend to 100 ft.
25:10     do straight leg across circle diameter at 100 ft.
25:20     end of 100 ft. leg; start ascent to 18k ft. and ferry to W. Samoa.
26:07     land at Apia, Western Samoa