ACE-1 FLIGHT 8 November 10, 1995 D. Lenschow

20:35 UT  Takeoff from Apia, Western Samoa heading for Christchurch, NZ; 
	  cloudy with many layers of cloud. Very humid.
21:35     Finally clear of clouds at flight level of 18k ft., but clouds 
	  still above us.
23:25     start descent to 10k ft.
23:37 	  start leg at 10k ft. just above a diffuse cloud layer.  Several
          cloud layers below; BL indistinct, but looks to be about 2.5k ft.
24:08     end leg
24:14     start leg at 5k ft.
24:44     end leg
24:50     start leg at 600 ft.  top of BL very close to 600 ft. Only high
	  clouds--cirrus and altostratus.
25:20     end leg and descend to 100 ft.
25:22     start leg at 100 ft.
25:52	  end leg; start ascent to 1k ft.
25:54     start leg at 1k ft.  encountering clouds on this leg; some drizzle,
	  which ends at about 26:14.
26:23     end leg and start ascent to 8k ft.
26:29     start 8k ft. leg. well above low-level clouds, but still 
          altostratus above.
26:59     end of 8k ft. leg and start climb to 18k ft.
27:11     up to 18k ft.
27:39	  moderate turbulence over the North Island of New Zealand.  Winds
	  reach up to about 45 m/s from the west.
28:58     land at Christchurc, NZ.