November 13, 1995

D. Lenschow

20:03 UT  Takeoff from Christchurch for mission south.
20:39     up to 18k ft. and ferry south.
22:47     start descent at about 53.5 deg. S.
22:55     start 10k ft. leg; at 23:12 go up to 12 k ft. 
23:26     end 10k ft. leg and descend to 6k ft.
23:34     start 6k leg; ascend to 6.2k ft. to avoid
	  clouds.  Solid Sc cloud below; later cirrus above.
24:04     end leg and descend
24:11     start 100 ft. leg.  cloud top at 5.2k ft.; cloud base at 3.5k ft.
          dry layer just above cloud.
24:41     end leg at about 59.5 deg. south, turn and ascend to 7k ft., 
24:49     up to 7k ft. and descend.  cloud top at 5.7k ft.
24:54     start 1k ft. leg
25:24     end leg and ascend
25:27     start 2.6k ft. leg
25:56     end leg  and ascend
25:59     start leg at 6k ft.
26:29     end leg and start ascent to 18k ft.
27:29     ascend to 19k ft.
28:00     start descent 
28:27     land at Christchurch