ACE-1 Flight 15

25 November 1995

Don Lenschow

Intercomparison with Discoverer in multi-layered rather inhomogenous stratus region.

22:57   Takeoff
23:06   Level at 6,500 ft. just above stratus cloud deck to warm up chemistry
        instruments before climbing further.
23:18   start ascent at 500 ft./min
24:07   start descent at 500 ft/min
24:12   holding at about 18k ft
24:05   continue descent
24:29   level at 10k ft
24:41   continue descent
24:50   cloud top at 4,600 ft.
25:01   on 100 ft track heading for ship
25:12   start 100 ft. circle heading at 30 deg.  partly cloudy with
        stratus layers at 2k ft and 4.5k ft.
25:43   end circle
25:46   start 1.4k ft circle
26:16   end circle
26:19   start 3,2k ft. circle
26:49   end circlenewer; consider M-x recover-file
26:51   start 4.5k ft. circle
27:22   end circle
27:26   start 5.7k ft. circle
27:56   end circle
28:01   start 100 ft. circle
31:03	start descent 
31:49   land at Hobart