ACE-1 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Daily Operations Report

Day: 324 (20 November 1995)

Todays Operations:

No aircraft operations today. Aircraft down for engine replacement. Discoverer and S. Surveyor continue measurments. Discoverer is SE of Hobart heading west and S. Surveyor is west of Cape Grim. Cape Grim operations continue.

Mission Plan:

Primary Mission : none; no daily planning meeting today Alternate Mission: N/A Future Mission(s) : Engineering flight Tuesday 21 November. Possible research flight Wednesday 22 November

Aircraft Operations

Take-off Time: N/A Pre-flight Weather Briefing Time: N/A Updates: N/A Airborne Mission Scientist: N/A Mission Scientist: N/A

Ship Operations

Discoverer: Discoverer in route to Hobart has now turned toward initial point for Lagrangian at 50S 135E. 0400 UTC 11/20 position was 41S 143E. Detailed measurements samples available on catalog. Discoverer Lead Scientist: Tim Bates Southern Surveyor: Southern Surveyor west of Cape Grim and has just completed first station. Arriving second station at 0400 UTC 11/20.Soundings being taken every 12 hours. All other instrumentation in good order. Southern Surveyor Lead Scientist: Bronte Tilbrook

Systems Status:

Aircraft: Engine change underway in Hobart. Expect completion today with engineering flight by Tuesday morning. This will be followed by PI access to repair and test instrumentation for the rest of Tuesday. Discoverer: Most major systems on Discoverer are operational. Seawater CO system and DMS measurements are not operational. So. Surveyor: All major systems operational. Cape Grim: Cape Grim installation continues. Most systems are operational. Barry Huebert visiting site today to work on instrumentation. The ISS has operational OMEGA and profiler. RASS system is down. Macquarie Island: All systems operational. Six hourly soundings are being taken.

Forecast and Relevant Analyses

24 hour MSLP Prognosis is here

48 hour MSLP Prognosis is here

72 hour MSLP Prognosis is here

Latest Visible Sat Picture is here

Surface Wind 24-h forecast is here

GASP trajectory analysis is here


Scientific Issues and discussion

No forecast discussion available for Monday 20 November.