Date:  29 Nov 1995________
 Time Sent: 09:50E Summer ________
 Reported by: John Gras_____________
 CHECK IF                      COMMENTS/
 ------------                  -------------------
 YES  CN, TSI 3020
 YES  Static thermal gradient CCN Counter     
 YES  Continuous record of CCN at 0.5%
 YES  TSI 3071
 YES   Particle number size distribution using n UDMPS  

 YES   TDMA measurements of hygroscopic growth
 YES  Light scattering & backscattering fraction, 2 nephelometers

 NO   Ammonium to nss sulfate molar ratio using thermal cond. ----->not included 

 YES  Magee Scientific Aethalometer
 YES  TSI 3760 CN counter Gras
 YES  Hivol, PM10
 YES  Size selected filter stack
 NO  SO2 Saltzman
 YES   NH3 Whung, AOML
 YES  DMS, automated gas chromatography
 YES  Radon (222)
 YES  Spectral optical depth
 YES   Aerosol chemical composition using mass pectrometry  

 YES   Daily MOUDI samples
 YES  Six-stage hi-vol cascade impactor Sievering
 YES  Bulk filter concentrations every three hours
 YES  Peroxides and aldehydes
 YES   Stable sulfur isotopes
 YES  Single particle analysis using TEM/SEM/EDXA
 YES   Single particle analysis using MassSpec 


 YES  ISS -operational
Following the weak front yesterday we experienced winds from the baseline 
sector for a relatively short while and are now back in a northerly.  CN 
concentrations are elevated a little, around 850 cm-3, CCN @ 0.5% are 
also up  a little at around 150 cm-3.  Radon is not so high at about 100 
mBeq m-3 although NOX is up.  This suggests that the trajectories at the 
moment have had a relatively short land contact but probably passed over 
a population centre.  CN and UCN have been tracking closely but these 
are also just now showing some ultrafine particles.

The SO2 instrument is still down while the inlet problems are sorted 
out. I have heard no advances on the DRI CCN spectrometer and everything 
else appears to be operating as expected.
