Readiness of C-130 PI Instruments

Date: 2 Dec 1995

Time: 0100 ldt

Reporter: BJH

YES C-130 Aircraft Parameters
     Lyman-Alpha 1 data still questionable at times
     DPT still questionable ~ recommend using DPB
     Both UV Radiometers now working

YES  DMS, SO2, OCS, by GC-MS  

YES  H2SO4 MSA, & OH, by API-MS (OH sensitivity degraded)

YES  NH3 vapor by LIF 

YES  NO by ozone chemilum.

YES  Tuned ultrafine CN counters, UM

YES  Radial DMA, CIT

YES  CFC's & NMHC cannister collection

NO  CCN Spectrometer (Questionable)

YES  Aerosol chemistry, by two-stage impactor and IC analysis

YES  Aerosol carbon collection by two-stage impactor

YES  HNO3 by nylon filters, external sampler 

YES  Single-particle analysis aerosol collection  

YES  CN, UCN, RCN by heated and ambient CN counters 

YES  Integrating nephelometer w/ backscat. shutter 

YES  Thermally-conditioned OPC 

YES  Aerosol light absorbtion by aethalometry

YES  Radial DMA, UH

YES  Ozone by Teco UV

YES  Ozone eddy corr. by NO Chemilum

YES  H2O2 by peroxidase

YES  CO by IR absorption

YES  CO2 by IR

NO  Up- and Down-welling radiation by TDDR (Down OK, but upwelling not working)

YES  Aerosol lidar (Green only)

NO  MASP (Removed for remainder of Program)

YES Balloon location receiver and PC