From Tue Dec 5 13:01 MST 1995 From: (Erik Miller) Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 19:59:50 GMT ################################### ACE ISS PRODUCT LOG Prepared by: Erik Miller ################################### ################################### ACE - NOAA DISCOVERER: (ISS1) ---------------------- ################################### Data summary 12/04 06Z through 12/05 10Z SURFACE DATA: Generally good. SOUNDING - PROFILER COMPARISON: RASS good. Parallel to and warmer than sonde. Comparison of low and high mode profiler wind speed and direction to that of CLASS sounding. 12/04 21Z (1944): Speed: within 2-3 m/s (both modes) throughout. Direction: Good (both modes) < 20 deg. except near 200m. where sounding direction is off. 12/05 00Z (2300): Speed: Within 2-3 m/s above 500m (both modes). Direction: Good at times above 1000m. 12/05 02Z (0200): Speed: Within 2-4 m/s above 500m (both modes). Direction: Poor - sounding data at low levels are bad. 12/05 06Z (0605): Speed: Within 2-4 m/s above 500m (both modes). Direction: Poor - sounding data at low levels are noisy. PROFILER DATA: Low mode: typically to 1.5 to 2.5 km. High mode: typically to 2.0 to 3.0 km. RASS: profiles today: 400-1200m. SOUNDING COMMENTS: 12/04 06Z (0532): Sonde T,Td values high prior to launch (in launcher); 12/04 09Z (0753): Sonde T,Td values high prior to launch (in launcher); Wind data missing/questionable throughout sounding. 12/04 12Z (1102): Good sounding. 12/04 15Z (1355): Noisy PTU data (will cleanup in post processing), Data ends at 300mb. 12/04 18Z (1656): Some noise in PTU data (will cleanup in post processing), otherwise good sounding. 12/04 21Z (1944): Good sounding. 12/05 00Z (2300): Sonde T,Td values high prior to launch, otherwise, good sounding. 12/05 02Z (0200): Sonde T,Td values high prior to launch, wind data at low levels questionable. 12/05 06Z (0605): Sonde T,Td values high prior to launch, wind data at low levels questionable. SITE LOG INFORMATION: SHIP POSITION BASED ON LAST SOUNDING: 41.38 S 138.619 E ################################### ################################### ACE - CAPE GRIMM: (ISS4) ----------------- ################################### Data summary 12/04 15Z through 12/05 15Z SURFACE DATA: All sensors look good. SOUNDING - PROFILER WIND COMPARISON: RASS - Sounding temperature comparison is good. Comparison of low and high mode profiler wind speed and direction to that of CLASS sounding. 12/04 12Z (1100): Speed within 2 m/s above 800m (both modes). Direction: within 10-20 deg throughout. 12/05 00Z (2252): Speed within 2-4 m/s (both modes) except near 900m. where sounding data appears bad. Direction: good agreement within 10-20 deg. throughout. 12/05 06Z (0500): Sounding data is intermittant/bad thus poor comparison. Profiler data likely fine. 12/05 18Z (1100): Speed within 2-4 m/s overall with periods of bad sounding data (both modes). Direction: Some agreement < 20-40 deg. at times. PROFILER DATA: Low mode: 2.5 to 4.0 km. High mode: 3.0 to 4.5 km. RASS: profiles generally 500-1200 m. SOUNDING COMMENTS: 12/04 12Z (1100): Some sensor arm heating at launch. Otherwise good data. Some missing data (wind and PTU) for a brief period near 550mb. 12/04 18Z ( ): No sounding. 12/05 00Z (2252): Some sensor arm heating at launch. Otherwise good data. 12/05 06Z (0500): Sensor arm heating at launch. Noisy PTU below 600mb (will cleanup in post processing). Little wind data. Some of that questionable. 12/05 12Z (1100): Noisy PTU data at times, much of wind data questionable. SITE LOG INFORMATION: ########################################################################### NOAA DISCOVERER ISS SITE LOG -- Julian Day 338 ############## NOAA DISCOVERER ################ ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- total class ------- 12/04/1995 -- 7/4 total prof915l ---- 12/04/1995 - 48/48 total prof915h ---- 12/04/1995 - 48/48 total rass915 ----- 12/04/1995 - 48/48 total surface_met - 12/04/1995 -- 2/2 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- CAPE GRIMM ISS SITE LOG -- Julian Day 338 ############### CAPE GRIMM ################# ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- total class ------- 12/04/1995 -- 3/4 total prof915l ---- 12/04/1995 - 48/48 total prof915h ---- 12/04/1995 - 48/48 total rass915 ----- 12/04/1995 - 46/48 total surface_met - 12/04/1995 -- 1/2 ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------