NCAR C-130 - Project #6-130


Huebert, et al

RAF Reference Parameters

Reference Ambient Temperature (C) - ATX

Reference Total Temperature (C) - TTX

Reference Ambient Static Pressure (mb) - PSXC

Reference Dew Point Temperature (C) - DPXC

Reference Corrected Dynamic Pressure (mb) - QCXC

Reference Raw Dynamic Pressure (mb) - QCX

Reference True Air Speed (M/s) - TASX

Reference Liquid Water Content (g/M3) - PLWCC

Reference Surface Temperature (C) - RSTB

Reference High Rate Mixing Ratio (G/Kg) - MRLA

GPS Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s) - XWSC

GPS Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction (deg) - XWDC

GPS Corrected Wind Vector, East Component (m/s) - XUIC

GPS Corrected Wind Vector, North Component (m/s) - XVIC

GPS Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component (m/s) - XUXC

GPS Corrected Wind Vector, Latitudinal Component (m/s) - XVYC

GPS Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component (m/s) -XWIC

GPS Corrected IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Comp, (m/s) - XVEWC

GPS Corrected IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Comp, (m/s) - XVNSC

RAF Standard Parameters

Raw IRS Latitude Left (deg) - LAT

Raw IRS Longitude Left (deg) - LON

GPS Latitude (deg) - GLAT

GPS Longitude (deg) - GLON

Corrected Static Pressure (digital) Fuselage (mb) - PSFDC

Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage (mb) - PSFC

Ambient Temperature, Radome Right Side(C) - ATRR

Ambient Temperature: Radome Left Side(C) - ATRL

Ambient Temperature: Heated, Wing (C) - ATWH

Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Top Fuselage (C) - DPTC

Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Bot Fuselage (C) - DPBC

Horizontal Wind Speed, Radome (m/s) - WS

Horizontal Wind Direction, Radome (deg) - WD

Wind Vector, Radome East Component (m/s) - UI

Wind Vector, Radome North Component (m/s) - VI

Wind Vector, Radome Longitudinal Component (m/s) - UX

Wind Vector, Radome Latitudinal Component (m/s) - VY

Wind Vector, Radome Vertical Gust Component (m/s) - WI

Pressure Altitude (m) - PALT

Inertial Altitude (m) - ALT

GPS Altitude (m) - GALT

Potential Temperature (K) - THETA

Equivalent Potential Temperature (K) - THETAE

Absolute Humidity, Top (g/m3) - RHODT

Absolute Humidity: Lyman-alpha, Radome crossflow (g/m3) - RHOLA

Absolute Humidity: Lyman-alpha, Radome stub (g/m3) - RHOLA1

Relative Humidity (%) - RHUM

Mixing Ratio, Reference (g/kg) - MR

Mixing Ratio, Lyman Alpha crossflow (g/kg) - MRLA

Mixing Ratio, Lyman Alpha stub (g/kg) - MRLA1

Radiometric Surface Temperature (C) - RSTB

Radiometric Surface Temperature, backup (C) - RSTB1

Shortwave Irradiance, Top (W/m2) - SWT

Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom (W/m2) - SWB

Infrared Irradiance, Top (W/m2) - IRTC

Infrared Irradiance, Bottom (W/m2) - IRBC

Ultraviolet Irradiance, Top (W/m2) - UVT

Ultraviolet Irradiance, Bottom (W/m2) - UVB

TSI CN Particle Concentration (n/cm3) - CONCN

FSSP 100 Cloud Particle Concentration (n/cm3) - CONCF_OBR

FSSP 100 Mean Particle Diameter (um) - DBARF_OBR

FSSP 300 Cloud Particle Concentration (n/cm3) - CONC3_RPO

FSSP 300 Mean Particle Diameter (um) - DBAR3_RPO

260X Cloud Droplet Concentration (n/l) - CONC6_IBR

260X Mean Droplet Diameter (um) - DBAR6_IBR

PCASP Aerosol Particle Concentration (n/cm3) - CONCP_RPI

PCASP Mean Particle Diameter (um) - DBARP_RPI

PMS 2D-C Droplet Concentrations (n/L) - CON2C1

PMS 2D-P Droplet Concentration (n/L) - CON2P1

FSSP Water/Ice Content (g/m3) - PLWCF_OBR

260X Water/Ice Content (g/m3) - PLWC6_IBR

Corrected King Probe Liquid Water Content, left wing (g/m3) - PLWCC

Corrected King Probe Liquid Water Content, right wing (g/m3) - PLWCC1

Aircraft True Heading (deg) - THDG

Aircraft Roll Attitude Angle (deg) - ROLL

Aircraft Pitch Attitude Angle (deg) - PITCH

Aircraft IRS Vertical Velocity (m/s) - VSPD

Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity (m/s) - WP3

IRS Ground Speed, Left (m/s) - GSF

IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Comp (m/s) - VEW

IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Comp (m/s) - VNS

GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Comp (m/s) - GVNS

GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Comp (m/s) - GVEW

Aircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage (m/s) - TASF

Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome (m/s) - TASR

Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage (mb) - QCFC

Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome (mb) - QCRC

Raw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage (mb) - QCF

Raw Dynamic Pressure, Radome (mb) - QCR

Attack Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure (deg) - AKRD

Sideslip Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure (deg) - SSRD

Vertical Differential Pressure, Radome (mb) - ADIFR

Horizontal Differential Pressure, Radome (mb) - BDIFR

Raw Static Pressure, (digital) Fuselage (mb) - PSFD

Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage (mb) - PSF

Total Temperature, Radome Right (C) - TTRR

Total Temperature: Radome Left (C) - TTRL

Total Temperature: Heated, Wing (C) - TTWH

Raw Dew Point Temperature, Fuselage Top (C) - DPT

Raw Dew Point Temperature, Fuselage Bot (C) - DPB

Raw Lyman-alpha Voltage, Left Crossflow (vdc) - VLA

Raw Lyman-alpha Voltage, Left Stub (vdc) - VLA1

Raw IR Irradiance, Top (W/m2) - IRT

Raw IR Irradiance, Bot (W/m2) - IRB

Top Pyrgeometer Dome Temp (C) - DTT

Top Pyrgeometer Sink Temp (C) - STT

Bottom Pyrgeometer Dome Temp (C) - DTB

Bottom Pyrgeometer Sink Temp (C) - STB

Raw Icing Rate Indicator (vdc) - RICE

Raw King Probe Liquid Water Content (watts) - PLWC

Raw King Probe Liquid Water Content: B.U. (watts) - PLWC1

TSI CN Counter Output (N) - CNTS

TSI CN Counter Flow: Raw (slpm) - FCN

TSI CN Counter Flow: Derived (slpm) - XFCN

TSI CN Counter Sample Pressure (mb) - PCN

TSI CN Counter Corrected Flow (slpm) - FCNC

Corrected TECO Ozone Concentration (PPB) - TEO3C

Raw TECO Ozone Output (PPB) - TEO3

TECO Ozone Sampling Pressure (mb) - TEP

TECO Ozone Sampling Temperture (C) - TET

Cabin Pressure (mb) - PCAB

Raw Carbon Monoxide Signal (vdc) - COCOR

Corrected Carbon Monoxide Concentration (PPB) - COCAL

Carbon Monoxide Analyzer Status (vdc) - CMODE

C.A.I. Excess Flow (splm) - INFLOW

C.A.I. Corrected Excess Flow (vlpm) - INFLOWC

C.A.I. Inner Shroud Static Pressure (mb) - INPI

C.A.I. Outer Shroud Static Pressure (mb) - INPO

C.A.I. Shroud Static Pressure (mb) - INPS1

C.A.I. Sample Plane Static Pressure (mb) - INPS2

C.A.I. Shroud Dynamic Pressure (mb) - INQC1

C.A.I. Sample Plane Dynamic Pressure (mb) - INQC2

C.A.I. Shroud True Air Speed (M/s) - INTAS1

C.A.I. Sample True Air Speed (M/s) - INTAS2

C.A.I. Sample Plane Temperature (C) - INTEMP

Parameter List - 4 (Cont.)

User Parameters - Source Variables

Univ. of Arizona Total Flow (Vdc) - AZFLOW

Univ. of Arizona Sample Flow 1 (Vdc) - AZSAMP1

Univ. of Arizona Sample Flow 2 (Vdc) - AZSAMP2

Clarke Nephelometer Back Scatter (Vdc) - BSCAT

Clarke Nephelometer Total Scatter (Vdc) - TSCAT

Clarke Particle Counts (N) - CN3010

Clarke Particle Counts (N) - CN3025

Clarke Particle Counts (N) - CN3760

Clarke Particle Concentration (N/cm3) - CN3010C

Clarke Particle Concentration (N/cm3) - CN3025C

Clarke Particle Concentration (N/cm3) - CN3760C

DREXEL Calibration 1 (Vdc) - CAL1

DREXEL Calibration 2 (Vdc) - CAL2

DREXEL Sample Status (Vdc) - DREXTTL

DREXEL Manifold Variable (Vdc) - MANFOLD

DREXEL Trap 1 (Vdc) - TRAP1

DREXEL Trap 2 (Vdc) - TRAP2

DREXEL Trap 3 (Vdc) - TRAP3


Huebert Sample Flow 1 (Vdc) - IMP1

Huebert Sample Flow 2 (Vdc) - IMP2

Huebert Total Sample Flow (Vdc) - IMPTOT

Huebert External Sampler Flow (Vdc) - XEXT

Fast Response Ozone Concentration (ppb) - O3FC

Fast Response Ozone: Raw Signal (Vdc) - O3FS

Fast Response Ozone Sample Flow Rate (sccm) - O3FF

Fast Response Ozone Nitrix Oxide Flow Rate (sccm) - O3FN

Fast Response Ozone Sample Pressure (mb) - O3FP

Fast Response Ozone Sample Temperature (C) - O3FT

Hydrogen Peroxide Coil Temperature (C) - PERCT

Hydrogen Peroxide Sample Flow Rate: A (slpm) - PERFA

Hydrogen Peroxide Signal A (Vdc) - PERSA

Hydrogen Peroxide Signal B (Vdc) - PERSB

Hydrogen Peroxide Status (Vdc) - PERST

CO2 Differential Pressure (mb) - XCO2DFP

CO2 Enclosure Temperature (C) - XCO2ENT

CO2 Sample Flow (sccm) - XCO2F

CO2 Inlet Bypass Flow (sccm) - XCO2IBF

CO2 Inlet Pressure (mb) - XCO2INP

CO2 Status (Vdc) - XCO2MDE

CO2 Reference Flow (sccm) - XCO2RFF

CO2 Signal (Vdc) - XCO2S

CO2 Sample Pressure (mb) - XCO2SMP

CO2 Cell Temperature (C) - XCO2T

Parameter List - 5 (Cont.)

CO Zero Baseline (Vdc) - COZRO

CO Analog 1 (Vdc) - XCOAN1

CO Analog 2 (Vdc) - XCOAN2

CO X Acceleration (G) - XCOXG

CO Y Acceleration (G) - XCOYG

CO Z Acceleration (G) - XCOZG