Title: Southern Surveyor Chlorophyll Measurements Contact: Brian Griffiths Division of Fisheries CSIRO Marine Laboratories Castray Esplanade Hobart, Tasmania 7000 Australia 61-02-325-222 61-02-32-5000 E-Mail Address: Brian.Griffiths@ml.csiro.au Data Set Description: This file contains chlorophyll-a profiles in 1 meter depth bins. Column A contains depth, and the station numbers for each sample are given in Row 2, columns B-T. The sampling details for each station (date, time, latitude, longitude) are given in the headers of the CTD files, and again in the Hydrology files. At each station, a profile was made using the SeaTech fluorometer on the CTD, and samples taken for HPLC analysis of chlorophyll-a. Each profile was individually calibrated against the 6 chlorophylls taken on the cast. Format: comma-delimited ASCII. The first column is depth in meters. The remaining columns are the data for the stations: 6,14,23,26,35,37,42,50,58,60,66,68,75,77,92,93,98,101,102 File Name Conventions: s1195chl.dat References: Southern Surveyor CTD Cast Data in directory surveyor/ctd Southern Surveyor Hydrology Measurements in directory surveyor/hyrdo