Title: Southern Surveyor Radon Back Trajectory Summary Contact: Stewart Whittlestone Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) PMB 1 Menai, NSW 2234 Australia Telephone: 61-2-717-3551 Facsimile: 61-2-717-9129 E-Mail Address: swh@atom.ansto.gov.au Data Set Description: Summary of back trajectories for three platforms, and periods of non-baseline conditions by the radon criterion. The likely origin of radon is guessed by looking at trajectories bracketing the time of the non-baseline period. The non-baseline period is in hourly steps. Hour 0 is from midnight to 0100. Radon, CN and Stat refer to trajectory end point at 1300. Stat is for baseline (B), or non-baseline (NB) with origin of radon A for mainland Australia and T for Tasmania. When trajectories for specific non-baseline events are available, the table will be updated. Format: TAB-delimited ASCII. DATE YYYY/MM/DD (UTC) TIME HH:MM:SS (UTC) Date (UTC) day of year (UTC) Radon (mBq/m3) CN (cm-3) Stat Comment Non-Baseline period during day first hour last hour likely origin File Name Conventions: whit_bt.dat References: None.