Title: Southern Surveyor Radon Measurements Contact: Stewart Whittlestone Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) PMB 1 Menai, NSW 2234 Australia Telephone: 61-2-717-3551 Facsimile: 61-2-717-9129 E-Mail Address: swh@atom.ansto.gov.au Data Set Description: This dataset consists of continuous measurements of radon (222) taken aboard the Southern Surveyor research vessel by Stewart Whittlestone (ANSTO). The data contain 30-min integrated measurements of start of each measurement period. Instrument resolution time was 45 minutes. This data set was processed and quality-controlled following ACE-1. The author wishes to be informed of any publications which utilizes these data and requires acknowledgment in such publications. Format: space-delimited ASCII. UTC_DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) UTC_TIME (HH:MM:SS) Julian Decimal Date radon (mBq/m3) File Name Conventions: ssrn.dat References: None.