Title: Model Trajectories, Back BoM GASP Divergence Rates and Subsidence Vel. (C130) Contact: Steve Siems Monash University Department of Mathematics Clayton, Victoria, , AUSTRALIA, 3168 Telephone: (61) 3-905-4406 Facsimile: (61) 3-905-3807 E-Mail Address: siems@cyclone.maths.monash.edu.au or s.siems@sci.monash.edu.au Data Set Description: Divergence rates and subsidence velocities were calculated for times during ACE-1 when the C-130 was flying circles in the boundary layer. These were calculated by simply following the actual subsidence/ascent on numerical (GASP/HYSPLIT) trajectories. These values agree well with the synoptic meteorology. Format: Tabular ASCII data with the following data values: Tpress, Spress, Mtemp, Height, Wsub, D for each flight. File Name Conventions: divvel.dat References: None.