__________________________________________________________________________ | GTE/PEM-Tropics P-3B Final Archive | | Date Created: December, 1996 | | Last Updated: 6/30/97 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GTE Data Management Office NASA Project Mgr : Jim Hoell | | NASA Langley Research Center Phone: (757)864-5826 | | MS 483 NASA Data Manager : Jim Raper | | Hampton, VA 23681-0001 Phone: (757)864-8880 | | SAIC Data Manager : Ali Aknan | | Phone: (757)864-5838 | | FAX: (757)864-5841 | |__________________________________________________________________________| Version Comment/Changes *** P-3B *** P-3B *** P-3B *** P-3B *** ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 Anderson LaRC/NASA: -- Anderson Submitted All TAMMS Files between 4/25/97 and 5/1/97. All were placed in the Final Archive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Atlas NCAR -- Organic Nitrates files (5,8,10-15,17-21) on 2/23/97. All were accepted and placed in Final Archive. CHANGES: -- Atlas re-submitted all files (5-20) on 4/18/97. Reasons: The original files contained mixing ratios for n-butyl nitrate instead of 3-methyl-2-butyl nitrate. The correct values were substituted in the updated files, and n-butyl nitrate is not reported. (Note: Files 9 and 16 contain Header Only). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Bandy - Thornton Drexel Univ.: -- SO2 and DMS files (All: 4-13,14*,15-21) were submitted on 2/3/97. All were accepted and placed in Final Archive. (* File contains Header ONLY) CHANGES -- Files 4, 5, and 19 were re-submitted on 4/3/97 due to time overlaps as follows: file 4 at 86179, file 5 at 78681, and file 19 at 78659. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 Blake - UCI: -- Halocarbons, Non-methans Hydrocarbons files (All 4*,5-8,9*,10-21) were submitted on 3/3/97. All were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. (* File contains Header ONLY) CHANGES: -- Blake re-submitted files (5-8,10-21) on 3/21/97. Reasons: there were some substitutions of -9's for incorrect zeros for propane. Major change to most files was substitution of -8's for pptv values of ethene below an LOD of 2. CHANGES: -- Blake re-submitted files (5-8,10-21) on 6/30/97. All were accepted into the Final Archive. Reasons: The major difference between the first submittal of our data and this new one is that the organic nitrates have been adjusted for detector nonlinearity. So all MeONO2, EtONO2, 1-PrONO2, 2-PrONO2, and 2-BuONO2 values have changed. Also, some outliers, pointed out by other research groups and our group members, have been checked and corrected if necessary. Some of the outliers were assigned -9's because in some cases very dry air caused adsorption of some gases on the canister's inside surface. CHANGES: -- Blake re-submitted all files on 7/3/97. Reasons: MeBr renamed CH3Br MeCC13 renamed CH3CC13 CHC12Br renamed CHBrC12 CHC1Br2 renamed CHBr2C1 -- except for flight 12, where the only change was: CHC1Br2 renamed CHBr2Cl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Carroll - Univ. of Michigan: -- Carroll submitted Ozone files on 3/31/97. All were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. -- The Min Value in Header for file 18 was corrected on 4/21/97. 1.1 -- George Albercook submitted Carroll's NO data on 10/23/97. All were accepted into the Final archive. 1.2 -- George Albercook re-submitted Carroll's NO file 12 11/21/97. Reason: File had a time error when passed midnight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.6 Clarke - Univ. of Hawaii: -- Clarke submitted aerosol, dry aerosol files (45 files, 3 sets for flights 7-21) on 3/20/97. Data files needed corrections. CHANGES -- Clarke re-submitted all files (45 files for flights 7-21) on 4/3/97. All Files were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. CHANGES -- Clarke re-submitted tcdmapxx.pmt files (xx=07-21) on 5/1/97. All were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. Reasons: The latest DMA files have had the following changes made. PLEASE discard earlier files. 1) The upper size integration limit has been conformed to match lower limit of OPC files so that the number, surface, volume from both instruments can be now added to get total over size range encompassed by both. 2) The previous two ranges of size presented for DMA data has been folded into one for simplicity and in order to reduce confusion. 3) Additional editing has resulted in the addition of a few data cases and deletion of a few others. NOTE: TO BOTH DMA AND OPC FILES: "In order to get total number, surface area, or volume for total sampled size distribution (dry) for diameters 0.007-7.0um it is necessary to add both the DMA AND the OPC values together." CHANGES -- Clarke re-submitted tcopcpxx.pmt files (xx=07-21) on 5/20/97. Please see commnets above and in files' Header. -- Clarke submitted tcaerpxx.pmt, tcopcpxx.pmt, tcdmapxx.pmt files (xx=05,06) onm 7/12/97. All of these 6 files were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. CHANGES -- Clarke re-submitted tcopcpxx.pmt files (xx=05,06) on 9/8/97. Reasons: The OPC data for flights 5 and 6 has been revised due to a flow problem. The net effect is that all the previous values for integral number, volume, and surface area have been doubled. The majority of the two flights' data is still no good due to the leak we had at high altitudes (those above approximately 10000 ft). CHANGES -- Clarke re-submitted tcopcpxx.pmt files (xx=05-21). All were accepted and placed in the final archive on 1/20/98. Reasons: The main reason for resubmission was that we found that some of the start and stop times were a little off in the original submission. Most were O.K. The data itself has not changed except for a couple of size distributions that we noticed were questionable and were deleted. The OPC integral number, volume, and surface area data was recently resubmitted (1/12/98). The data was unchanged; however the reported start, stop, and midpoint times have been changed. There was some confusion as to the OPC timing. The major source of confusion arose due to the fact that the OPC can scan in an automated mode or in an operator controlled mode. The latter was usually only done for vertical profiles except for a few exceptions and the length of the data scan can vary considerably. In the automated mode, the operator can change how long the scan will last (usually 6 minutes, although sometimes different depending on the variability of the air mass). Additionally, in the automated mode the OPC cycles between unheated, heated to 150 deg C, and heated to 300 deg C scans throughout the sampling period. The updated times are now as accurate as possible and reflect the "true" sampling period. Hopefully this file (opcupdat.txt) answered any questions, if not please contact Tony Clarke at CHANGES -- The latest submission of the CN and Scattering data (tcaerp??.pmt files) for Tony Clarke has been revised as of 2/23/98. All flights have a new header detailing some of the points mentioned in this file (cnupdate.txt). Among the points is that the CN-3010 size cut has been changed from 10 nanometers to 9 nanometers (nominal). It is designated as "nominal" because the instrument experienced temperature effects which affected its performance. This was most evident after flight 11 when sampling at high altitudes and where there were "small" particles present (< 15 nm). The reason it appears mostly after flight 11 is that a new temperature controller was installed at that time (which only seemed to make the instrument's performance worse). Additionally, the CN-3010 experienced flow problems on several flights (7, and 17 thru 19). For flight 7, the 3010 data was removed, while the 3010 data for flights 17 thru 19 were corrected and resubmitted. The size cut for the 3760C and 3760H instruments was changed from 13 to 11 nm after reevaluating the performance of the two instruments. It is not listed as nominal since these two instruments were more robust in their performance, and as such, the 3760C should be regarded as more reliable than the 3010. Also, the UCN-3025 experienced flow calibration problems that are undetermined at this time for flights 5 thru 10. Because of this, the data was not removed or corrected--care should be taken in analyzing the UCN data for this time period. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Eisele - NCAR -- OH, H2SO4, and MSA/CIMS files (4*,5*,6-8,9*,10-15,16*,18-20,21*) on 2/18/97. All were accepted into the Final Archive. -- File 17 was submitted on 2/24/97 and accepted into the Final Archive. (* File contains Header ONLY) CHANGES: Eisele Re-submitted all file on 4/14/97. Reasons: The only revision is in the Header on the error limit that we place on our MSA measurements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Heikes - O'Sullivan: -- O'Sullivan submitted Hydrogen peroxide and Methyl Hydrogen peroxide files (4-8,10-21) on 3/17/97. All were accepted and placed in Final Archive except file 5. -- File 5 was accepted into the Final Archive on 3/24/97. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Huebert - Univ. of Hawaii:: -- MSA, NSS, NH4, Total NO3, SO4, Na, and HNO3 files (All: 4-21) were submitted on 1/24/97. All were accepted and placed in Final Archive. CHANGES: -- Huebert re-submitted all files (All: 4-21) on 4/23/97. Reasons: The small loading on the single-use sampler in 15 or 20 minute FT samples was often far too small to calculate reliable efficiencies for most species, so we were using almost random efficiencies to apportion the material from the multiple-use cone. By using the best efficiencies from ACE-1, ASTEX/MAGE, and PEM, we've generated a self-consistent set of efficiencies which come very close to predicting the observed total analyte in the multiple-use cone on each flight. That means our apoportionment of this analyte among the multiple samples should be much more reliable than before. The new data set includes NH4/NSS ratios (from filters only, and only for time periods where the uncertainty in each analyte was <20%), and they are all (within the uncertainty) 2.0 or less. (One error-bar may only reach to 2.2, but there are no large neutralization ratios.) Every concentration also now has a propagation-of-errors uncertainty beside it, so you can see what confidence to put in each value. CHANGES: Huebert's files (4-21) were placed in the Final Archive on 8/20/97. The upper LOD values were changed to -9's by the GTE office since upper LODs were NOT used. Lower LODs' are non-constants; Lower LOD checking was disabled during QA. CHANGES: Huebert re-submitted file 6 on 1/12/98. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Rodgers - GIT: -- JNO2 files (4*,7-9*,11,12z,13-15,16z,17-19) and JOD1 files (4*,7z,8z,9*,10z,11n,12n,13,14,15z,16z,17-21) were submitted between 1/31/97 and 2/10/97. All were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. (* File contains Header ONLY; z = zeinth; n = nadir) CHANGES -- Rodgers re-submitted files J(O1D) 13, 15z, 16z and J(NO2) 13, 15, and 16z respectively on 4/5/97. Reasons: J(O1D) file 13 : time overlap at 72532 J(O1D) file 15z: time overlap at 72055 J(O1D) file 16z: time overlap at 61017 J(NO2) file 13 : time overlap at 72532 J(NO2) file 15 : time overlap at 72055 J(NO2) file 16z: time overlap at 61017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Sachse - NASA/LaRC: -- CO, CO2, and CH4 files (5-21) were submitted on 1/29/97. All were accepted and placed in Final Archive. -- File 4 was submitted on 3/17/97 and placed in the Final Archive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Project - LaRC/NASA -- Project submitted files (All: 1-21) on 1/14/97. All were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. CHANGES: -- Project re-submitted All Files on 2/24/97. A flag (Var. 3, Event=15) is set to inform users that the dew/frost point (DP1011) is on the lower limit which would indicate the true dew/frost point is lower than the recorded value. The relative humidity for ice and water RHW and RHI) is limited to 100%. RHW and RHI are recorded as 100% when the dew/frost point (DP1011) is greater than or equal to the static air temperature (TSDEGC). Also, linear interpolation was applied when data was missing for 5 seconds or less. CHANGES: -- Project re-submitted All Files on 3/25/97. The only change was the flag column data (Var. 3) didn't update correctly as described above (i.e., Event=15 never showed up in the data that was put on typhoon on 2/24/97). The flag data is now current. -- File 5 was corrected on 4/23/97 from (MRProjDP at 248., 593.,... - 2.477) to (MRProjDP at 248., 593.,... 2.4777) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Fuelberg - FSU: -- Trajectory files (All: 4-21) were re-submitted on 3/4/97. All were accepted and placed in the Final Archive. ===============================================================================