PEM Tropics Satellite Images Black and white photocopies of available satellite weather images have been placed in the GTE archive for the PEM Tropics mission. The following table indicates the images available. It is planned that a full set of images from GOES 8 and 9 and GMS-5 for the mission will eventually be listed and available. The below images are the only ones currently available. Electronic files in the McIDAS format for each image may also become available. Most currently available images have land-mass outlines and lat/long grids. Future visible images may also include flight tracks. The images are available by contacting Jim Raper at A negative is available for each image and prints will be made as requests are received. This table will be updated as other images and electronic files become available. PEM Tropics Satellite Image Availability (x indicates image availability) =============================================================================== Satellite Date Time Vis. Resol, km IR, Ch2 IR, Ch3 Comments --------- ------ ---- ---- --------- ------- ------- -------- GOES 9 08/21/ 0222 x 4 x 4 96 0300 x x 08/22 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 08/23 0222 x 2 x 2 0300 x x 0300 x US west coast routine sector; no lat/long grid; land is indicated 08/24 0222 x 2 x 2 0300 x x 08/25 0152 x 4 x 4 some stripes 0000 x x 08/26 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 2100 x 08/27 0252 x 2 x 2 0300 x 08/28 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 08/29 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 08/30 0222 x 4 x 4 some stripes 0300 x x 08/31 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/01 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/02 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/03 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/04 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/05 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/06 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/07 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/08 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/09 0152 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/10 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/11 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/12 09/13 0252 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/14 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/15 0252 x 2 x 2 0300 x x 09/16 0252 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/17 0252 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/18 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/19 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/20 0300 x x 1200 x 2 x 2 09/21 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/22 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/23 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/24 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/25 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/26 0252 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/27 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/28 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/29 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 09/30 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 10/01 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 10/02 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 10/03 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 10/04 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 10/05 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x 10/06 0252 x 4 x 4 0300 x 10/07 0300 x x 10/08 0222 x 4 x 4 0300 x x =============================================================================== 05/22/97 Notes: 1. IR Ch. 2 is a full Earth disk and has a resolution of 16.2 x 13.7 km. 2. IR Ch. 3 is a full Earth disk and has a resolution of 12.1 x 11.5 km. 3. Vis. Ch. 1 is a specialized sector image and has variable resolution as noted. 4. All images have lat/long grids and indicate land, except as noted.