Status of this Memo
This RFC document describes the ICARTT file format standards, implementations and resources available.
Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2013). All Rights Reserved.
The ICARTT file format standards were developed to fulfill the data management needs for the
International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation
(ICARTT) campaign in 2004. The ICARTT study consisted of eleven highly coordinated
individual field experiments with over 300 government-agency and university participants from
five countries, i.e., US, Canada, UK, Germany, and France. A common and simple-to-use data
file format, ICARTT file format was established for this study to primarily facilitate data
exchange and to promote collaborations among the science teams for achieving the ICARTT
science objectives. The ICARTT file format is text-based and composed of a header section
(metadata) with critical data description information (e.g., data source, uncertainties, contact
information, and brief overview of measurement technique), and a data section. Although it was
primarily designed for airborne data, the ICARTT format proved to be practical for other mobile
and ground-based studies and various data types. Upon the success of the ICARTT study, the
ICARTT file format has since been widely accepted in the atmospheric composition field study
community and used in recent major airborne studies sponsored by NASA, NSF, NOAA and
international partners.
1 Introduction – Origin of the ICARTT file format standard
Since the early 1980s NASA and partner agencies have conducted over 30 major tropospheric
airborne field campaigns to investigate atmospheric composition over a wide range of
geographical regions. Compared to satellite data, airborne data provides a longer historical
perspective, a more extensive suite of observed species/parameters, and higher spatial resolution
both horizontally and vertically. Consequently, airborne observations are of unique value for the
modeling community to assess its ability to predict future atmospheric composition and its
impact on climate change and air quality issues. Furthermore, airborne observation can also be
used effectively to develop and/or improve the a priori data used in satellite retrieval algorithms.
Nevertheless, there are significant challenges in using airborne data for model assessment and
validation. Among these is lack of uniform data format. The existing airborne measurement
data are archived in various formats, which make the use and exchange of data difficult.
Establishing standard data file protocols is one important step towards facilitating the data
exchange between the scientific communities.
The International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation
(ICARTT) field study was conducted in summer 2004, which consisted of eleven independent
but highly coordinated field experiments, e.g., NASA INTEX-NA, NOAA NEAQS-ITCT, and
EU ITOP. While each of these field studies had regionally focused science objectives
(being sponsored by government agencies in five countries on both sides of the North Atlantic,
i.e., US, Canada, UK, Germany, and France), collectively they all shared a common overarching
scientific objective to examine the key processes related to the emissions of aerosol and ozone
precursors and their chemical transformations and removal during transport to and over the
North Atlantic. The ICARTT campaign involved several hundred participants and multiple
airborne and shipboard platforms as well as ground-based components. A large volume of data
was being generated by individual investigation groups within the corresponding field
experiment. A common data file format, the ICARTT format, was created to accommodate data
sharing among the science teams and to fulfill the data management needs for all phases of field
study, i.e., field deployment, post deployment data processing and analysis and publications.
The ICARTT file format is a text-based, self-describing, and relatively simple-to-use file
structure. The file format was built on two well-established airborne data formats: NASA Ames
and GTE. Like its predecessors, the ICARTT file format is designed for handling airborne insitu
measurement data but having limited capability to accommodate data from airborne or
ground-based remote sensing (e.g. LIDAR), ground-based measurements, and aspects of satellite
data. The ICARTT format is composed of two sections: a header section (metadata) and a data
section. The header section has the instructions for extracting data from the file and the critical
information describing the data (e.g., data source, contact information, brief description of
measurement technique, measurement uncertainties, and data revision comments) so that a user
would have sufficient information to either make direct use of the data or contact the
measurement PI to get further clarification on certain issues.
Because of the ICARTT field campaign, the ICARTT data file format was exposed to a broad
range of airborne researchers. The success of the ICARTT campaign naturally led to even wider
acceptance of the ICARTT file format in later airborne studies. For example, the ICARTT file
format was adopted in NASA INTEX-B and NSF MILAGRO field campaigns in 2006. Even
more recently, the international polar year POLARCAT field study used the ICARTT file format
as the standard for the participating programs sponsored by NASA, NOAA, and international
partners in France and Germany. The growing acceptance and wide use, especially in the
airborne in-situ measurement community, has propelled the ICARTT data file format to be
recognized as one of the standards for the airborne study community.
This document defines the ICARTT file format standards in section 2, which includes format
specification, naming convention, header section specification, and applications to various data
types. Several examples are provided here for further clarification. Also given here is a brief
description of file scanning software that can be used to test data files for compliance with the
ICARTT file format standards.
2 File Format Specifications
In large airborne field studies such as ICARTT 2004, there are many different types of data
collected. Many data sets are simply straight time series with one or a number of parameters
being measured sequentially (and simultaneously) in time. However, there are some data sets
that are multi-dimensional in that observations taken by an instrument at a single point in time
are spatially distributed.. An example is wind profiler data in which 30-minute averaged samples
taken at some time period are binned into height information while at each height wind speed,
wind direction, and temperature are supplied. Another more extreme example is the output from
3-dimensional models. Data such as these clearly cannot be represented as a single time series.
Sections 2.1 - 2.2 below outline the ICARTT format for different types of data, with an emphasis
on standard time-series types of data, which is typical from in-situ chemical measurements.
Sections 2.3 - 2.4 are specific for standard time-series types of data. Section 2.5 offers guidance
for non-standard time-series data.
The ICARTT file format has no restriction on the number of characters per line or on the number
of characters per record. The file name is limited to 127 characters in length. Like its
predecessors, the ICARTT format will also use the ASCII character set for file construction. The
data section of the file will be comprised only of ASCII numeric characters including scientific
notations, commas as delimiters, and spaces for the purpose of visual clarity (alignment) of data.
The end-of-line (EOL) character for text files differs on different operating systems. Many
modern text utilities do handle and convert the EOL character automatically, and this problem to
the vast majority of users is transparent and a non-issue. It is nonetheless a problem that some
users will encounter, and data managers should be aware of it. There are many resources on the
web (e.g. Wikipedia) discussing this issue in detail with remedies to overcome it. A quick fix can
be as simple as using the "ASCII mode" for ftp file transfer, or using a different (newer) text
editor (e.g., WordPad), etc. The file scanning software mentioned (below) will automatically
handle the EOL character when necessary.
2.1.A. Time information
Data files are required to report the start and stop time for each measurement. This is the only
unambiguous way to represent measurement integration time. One exception is for data
collected continuously at 1 Hz or less which may be represented by a single timestamp. Time is
to be reported as seconds UTC from the start of the date on which measurements began. This
date appears in both the file header and filename. The reported time should be monotonically
increasing even when crossing over to a second day. For continuous measurements, the reported
timeline must be unbroken between the first and last reported measurements. This is to be
accomplished using missing data identifiers to account for data gaps due to calibration or other
periods of instrument down time. Two important exceptions for timeline continuity are for data
with irregular spacing and/or integration times and for satellite data which can experience
significant gaps due to cloud interference, mode changes, etc. The satellite exception is in
acknowledgement of the extremely large volumes of data acquired from these platforms (see
Section 2.5 below).
2.1.B. Location information
All data points need to have an associated latitude, longitude, and altitude. Latitude and longitude should be reported in decimal degrees with south latitudes and west longitudes represented as negative numbers (i.e., no N, E, W, S identifiers). It is recommended that the decimal latitude and longitude be reported at maximum instrument precision. For typical aviation GPS instruments, the latitude and longitude should be reported to at least five decimal places. Altitude is recommended to be reported in meters. Altitudes must be explicitly defined since many types of altitude measurements are in use (pressure alt; GPS alt; geopotential alt; radar alt; etc.). Oftentimes, it is advantageous to report location (and other) information in an independent file (e.g., an aircraft parameter file). In that case, it is not necessary that this information be reported redundantly in the data files for each instrument on the platform. Instead, they may simply refer to the parameter file in the data file header. This option is specified below in section 2.3.B.
2.1.C. Measurements
In general, each file contains data of one parameter or species. Multiple variables per file are
allowed only if all were measured on exactly the same time base, as, for example, by the same
instrument. The numeric representation of a variable is defined by the units in which it was
measured. The ICARTT format contains the provision for a data scaling factor. However, it is
recommended that all scale factors be 1 unless it is grossly inconvenient to do so. If very large
or very small numbers are required, then they can be represented with exponential notation, as in
1.01E9 or 5.23E-6.
i. Uncertainties
Measurement uncertainty is inherently associated with each measurement. The ICARTT
data format requires reporting the TOTAL uncertainty to include all systematic and random
effects. If the uncertainty estimates are available for each measurement period, the
uncertainties can be tabulated as the next (and separate) column after the data column in the
file. However, this requirement can be relaxed if the uncertainty data can be reproduced by
information in the header of the file. For example, if all uncertainties can be calculated by a
function that has any given data point as input, then the formula can be included as header
information. It is imperative that the sigma confidence interval (e.g., 1 sigma or 2 sigma)
should be reported with the uncertainty. Equally important, the units for the uncertainty must
be explicitly reported in the file header. When absolute uncertainty is reported, the same unit
should be used for the uncertainty as the associated measurement. For relative uncertainty,
the value should be reported in percentage (e.g., 30% or 10%).
ii. Missing data
Missing data are just that missing, i.e., instrument was not taking data due to calibration or
instrument problem. Missing data are represented by negative numbers large enough to
never be construed as actual data. For the ICARTT file format the value is -9999 (or -99999,
On the other hand, data below (or above) the limit of detection (LOD) are not actually
missing but do convey some information. While some investigators choose to tabulate all
of their quantifiable data, including negative values for concentrations, others choose to show
these data points as the values less than some quantifiable measurement limit. Similar
treatment is also done for data with values greater than the upper LOD. These conditions are
indicated by two additional missing data flags that are substituted for the missing data values.
The flag for data values GREATER THAN some UPPER LOD (ULOD) is -7777 (or -77777,
etc.), and the flag for data values LESS THAN some LOWER LOD (LLOD) is -8888 (or -
88888, etc.). These flags (if used) and the values of the upper and lower LOD are
documented at specific locations in the header file (see below). If LLOD or ULOD values
vary from point to point, they should be given in a separate column of data.
iii. Data delimiter characters
Commas are used to delimit data fields within records (lines) of data in a file.
2.2. File names
Features of different file naming conventions have been adapted here. File names for the
ICARTT data format, limited to 127 characters or less, are defined as follows:
Where the only allowed characters are: a-zA-Z0-9_.- (that is, upper case and lower case
alphanumeric, underscore, period, and hyphen). All fields not in square brackets are required.
Fields are described as follows:
dataID: short description of measured parameter/species, instrument, or model (e.g., O3; RH; VOC; PTRMS; MM5)
locationID: short description of site, station, platform, laboratory or institute
YYYY: four-digit year
MM: two-digit month
DD: two-digit day
hh: optional two-digit hour
mm: optional two-digit minute
ss: optional two-digit second
R: revision number of data
L: optional launch number
V: optional volume number
comments: optional additional information
extension: ict file extension, always ict
The underscore is used ONLY to separate the different fields of the file name; it has special
significance for file-checking software (see section 2.6). To separate characters within a field for
readability, use lower and upper case letters. The use of the hyphen, though allowed, is
discouraged since this character in file names may cause problems with some older operating
systems and network software. The square brackets [ ] enclose optional parameters but are not
shown in the file name. Dates and times in file names are always UTC. The date and time in the
file name give the date/time at which the data within the file begin (data files), or date/time at
which the image applies (image files). For aircraft and sonde data files, the date always refers to
the UT date of launch.
The dataID is a short string of characters used to identify the parameters in the file. For files
that contain one or two variables those variable names can be used in the file name. For files in
which many variables are represented, it may be best to indicate in the file name a class of
compounds (e.g., VOC; Photolysis Rates) or an abbreviation of the instrument used to make the
measurements (e.g., PTRMS).
The locationID is used to identify the measurement platform, site, station, or source (laboratory
or institute) of the information within a data file. Some examples could be: DC8, BAE146,
RHBrown, GOME (satellite), IoS (Appledore Island site), ChebPt (Chebogue Point site), and
others. It may be useful to have a standardized set of abbreviations used for a given field
mission. These should be decided upon by the mission Science Team.
The R parameter is not optional in the ICARTT data format. One must specify a data revision
code that tracks updates to the data. This also requires documentation of those updates (e.g., new
calibration, timing error, etc.) to be recorded in the file header (see section 2.3.B). For this we
specify a revision number counter _R# where the underscore is a required element to separate
the fields (this is needed for certain file checking software). The revision number "#" must
match the revision number specified in the Normal Comments section of the file header (see
section 2.3.B).
The optional parameters _L# and _V# may be needed in some special cases. If the contents
of the file pertain to a second or third aircraft launch on the indicated date, then a launch counter
"_L#" (i.e. L2, L3, etc.) must appear after the "R" identifier but before a volume counter, if
present (see below). Launch number one is implied when "_L#" is omitted from the file name.
If a data file is one volume of a multi-volume dataset, then a volume counter "_V#" (i.e. V1, V2,
V3, etc.), must appear after the "R" parameter (and the L parameter, if present) separated by an
underscore from the rest of the identifier. The volume number (the "#" in "V#") must match the
volume number in the file header. When "_V#" is missing from the file name a one-volume
dataset is implied.
The optional comments parameter is for additional information required by the PI (or Data
Manager) to identify the file contents but that does not fit into the other fields of the file name.
This should be used sparingly.
2.3. File format specification for ICARTT time-series data files
2.3.A. Structure
The ICARTT time series data file format is structured to mimic the Ames file format
File Format Index (FFI) = 1001. The definition of FFI in the Ames format is as follows: The File
Format Index (FFI) is used to uniquely define the exchange file format. By reference to predefined
format options, the value of the FFI determines the number of INDEPENDENT
variables, whether the values of the INDEPENDENT and dependent variables are numeric or
character string, the format of the file header, and the format of the data records.
We recommend that, whenever possible, ICARTT time series data files conform to the file
format FFI = 1001.
FFI = 1001: one real, unbounded independent variable; primary variables are real; no auxiliary
variables; independent and primary variables are recorded in the same record
This indicates that there is one independent variable, usually start time, and that all other data
depend on the independent variable. In the typical case, the fundamental variable is the start
time of the measurement and others can be defined as in the following example, where the
variable names refer to columns in the data file:
start time
stop time
mid-point time
altitude / elevation
data variable1
variable1 uncertainty
data variable2
variable2 uncertainty
This format accounts for most time series data measured anytime, over any arbitrary integration
period, and at any place on or above the planet. The format can also be condensed. For example,
if measurements are reported continuously at 1 second intervals or less, then stop time and midpoint
time need not be included. Similarly, if the measurements are made at a fixed location then
latitude, longitude, and elevation are fixed and these data would be included in the header
information (see section 2.3.B). As pointed out earlier, if the location data (latitude, etc.) are
included in a separate file, then these columns can be excluded provided the location data file
name is included in the header information for the data file. Similarly, if uncertainty is defined
as some function that is the same for all data points then that function can be included in the
header information and the user can then calculate uncertainties.
2.3.B. File header information
For the ICARTT data format, additional information is required and included in the comments
sections. The most general header is shown below as an example; more specialized headers are
described as modifications to the general form. Delimiters to separate fields (items) are commas
only. For delimiters to separate text within an item, use underscores. The order in which data
appears in the header is listed below. Words appearing in bold text are expected to appear in the
header followed by the relevant information. Relevant example headers are provided following
this list.
• |
Number of lines in header, file format index (most files use 1001) - comma delimited. |
PI last name, first name/initial. |
Organization/affiliation of PI. |
Data source description (e.g., instrument name, platform name, model name, etc.). |
Mission name (usually the mission acronym). |
File volume number, number of file volumes (these integer values are used when the
data require more than one file per day; for data that require only one file these values are
set to 1, 1) - comma delimited. |
UTC date when data begin, UTC date of data reduction or revision - comma delimited
(yyyy, mm, dd, yyyy, mm, dd). |
Data Interval (This value describes the time spacing (in seconds) between consecutive
data records. It is the (constant) interval between values of the independent variable. For
1 Hz data the data interval value is 1 and for 10 Hz data the value is 0.1. All intervals
longer than 1 second must be reported as Start and Stop times, and the Data Interval
value is set to 0. The Mid-point time is required when it is not at the average of Start and
Stop times. For additional information see Section 2.5 below.). |
Description or name of independent variable (This is the name chosen for the start time.
It always refers to the number of seconds UTC from the start of the day on which
measurements began. It should be noted here that the independent variable should
monotonically increase even when crossing over to a second day.). |
Number of variables (Integer value showing the number of dependent variables: the total number of columns of data is this value plus one.). |
Scale factors (1 for most cases, except where grossly inconvenient) - comma delimited. |
Missing data indicators (This is -9999 (or -99999, etc.) for any missing data condition,
except for the main time (independent) variable which is never missing) - comma delimited. |
Variable names and units (Short variable name and units are required, and optional long
descriptive name, in that order, and separated by commas. If the variable is unitless,
enter the keyword "none" for its units. Each short variable name and units (and optional
long name) are entered on one line. The short variable name must correspond exactly to
the name used for that variable as a column header, i.e., the last header line prior to start
of data.). |
Number of SPECIAL comment lines (Integer value indicating the number of lines of
special comments, NOT including this line.). |
Special comments (Notes of problems or special circumstances unique to this file. An
example would be comments/problems associated with a particular flight.). |
Number of Normal comments (i.e., number of additional lines of SUPPORTING
information: Integer value indicating the number of lines of additional information, NOT
including this line.). |
Normal comments (SUPPORTING information: This is the place for investigators to
more completely describe the data and measurement parameters. The supporting
information structure is described below as a list of key word: value pairs. Specifically
include here information on the platform used, the geo-location of data, measurement
technique, and data revision comments. Note the non-optional information regarding
uncertainty, the upper limit of detection (ULOD) and the lower limit of detection (LLOD)
for each measured variable. The ULOD and LLOD are the values, in the same units as
the measurements that correspond to the flags -7777s and -8888s within the data,
respectively. The last line of this section should contain all the short variable names on
one line. The key words in this section are written in BOLD below and must appear in
this section of the header along with the relevant data listed after the colon. For key
words where information is not needed or applicable, simply enter N/A.).
The scanning program looks for these key words (case insensitive).
PI_CONTACT_INFO: Phone number, mailing address, and email address and/or fax number.
PLATFORM: Platform or site information.
LOCATION: including lat/lon/elev if applicable.
ASSOCIATED_DATA: File names with associated data: location data, aircraft parameters, ship data, etc.
INSTRUMENT_INFO: Instrument description, sampling technique and peculiarities, literature references, etc.
DATA_INFO: Units and other information regarding data manipulation.
UNCERTAINTY: Uncertainty information, whether a constant value or function, if the uncertainty is not given as separate variables.
ULOD_FLAG: -7777 (Upper LOD flag, always -7s).
ULOD_VALUE: Upper LOD value (or function) corresponding to the -7777s flag in the data records.
LLOD_FLAG: -8888 (Lower LOD flag, always -8s).
LLOD_VALUE: Lower LOD value (or function) corresponding to the -8888s flag in the data records.
DM_CONTACT_INFO: Data Manager -- Name, affiliation, phone number, mailing address, email address and/or fax number.
PROJECT_INFO: Study start & stop dates, web links, etc.
STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: (self explanatory).
OTHER_COMMENTS: Any other relevant information.
REVISION: R# See file names discussion.
comments specific to this data revision. The revision numbers and the associated
comments are cumulative in the data file. This is required in order to track the
changes that have occurred to the data over time. Pre-pend the information to this
section so that the latest revision number and comments always start this part of
the header information. The latest revision data should correspond to the revision
date on Line 7 of the main file header.
Indep_Var, VarName_1, VarName_2, VarName_3,
VarName_n |
The formula for the total number of lines in the header for FFI=1001 files is: 14 + (# of
dependent variables, given in line 10) + (# lines of special comments) + (# lines of
normal comments).
2.3.C. Examples
Below are two examples of (similar) time series data using different forms of header
information. Be aware that the automatic word-wrap feature in word processing programs gives
the appearance that there are more lines of text than are really there. In these examples any
continuation of lines from directly above has been indented for clarity.
Example 1. All required data columns are shown explicitly.
File name: HOX_DC8_20040712_R0.ict
36, 1001
Brune, William
Penn State University
ATHOS - OH and HO2 concentrations using cryo water mix ratio data for quenching corrections
1, 1
2004, 07, 12, 2005, 01, 12
Start_UTC, seconds
1, 1, 1, 1
-9999, -9999, -9999, -9999
Stop_UTC, seconds
Mid_UTC, seconds
OH_pptv, pptv
HO2_pptv, pptv
PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: 503 Walker Building, University Park, PA 16802; email:;
PLATFORM: NASA DFRC DC8 - sampling underneath aircraft forward cargo bay location
LOCATION: Aircraft location data in nav_dc8_20040712_R0.ict file
DATA_INFO: Units are pptv.
UNCERTAINTY: The absolute accuracy is conservatively estimated to be +/- 32% at two sigma confidence
ULOD_FLAG: -7777
LLOD_FLAG: -8888
DM_CONTACT_INFO: Bob Lesher; Penn State University;
PROJECT_INFO: INTEX Mission 26 June-14 August 2004; California, Illinois, and New Hampshire
STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data requires prior approval from William Brune
R0: Final Data
Start_UTC, Stop_UTC, Mid_UTC, OH_pptv, HO2_pptv
55526, 55545, 55535, 0.171, 9.791
55546, 55565, 55555, 0.180, 9.218
55566, 55585, 55575, 0.186, 9.767
55586, 55605, 55595, 0.176, 9.996
55606, 55625, 55615, 0.192, 9.513
55626, 55645, 55635, 0.185, 9.798
55646, 55665, 55655, 0.160, 9.834
Example 2. All required data columns are shown explicitly.
File name: NOx_RHBrown_20040830_R0.ict
41, 1001
Williams, Eric
Earth System Research Laboratory/NOAA
Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide mixing ratios from R/V Ronald H. Brown
1, 1
2004, 08, 30, 2004, 12, 25
Start_UTC, seconds, number_of_seconds_from_0000_UTC
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
-9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999
Stop_UTC, seconds
Mid_UTC, seconds
DLat, deg_N
DLon, deg_E
Elev, meters
NO_ppbv, ppbv
NO_1sig, ppbv
NO2_ppbv, ppbv
NO2_1sig, ppbv
PI_CONTACT_INFO: 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305; 303-497-3226;
PLATFORM: NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown
LOCATION: Latitude, longitude and elevation data are included in the data records
INSTRUMENT_INFO: NO: chemiluminescence; NO2: narrow-band photolysis/chemiluminescence
DATA_INFO: All data with the exception of the location data are in ppbv. All oneminute averages contain at least 35 seconds of data, otherwise missing.
UNCERTAINTY: included in the data records as variables with a _1sig suffix
ULOD_FLAG: -7777
LLOD_FLAG: -8888
LLOD_VALUE: N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, 0.005, N/A, 0.025, N/A
PROJECT_INFO: ICARTT study; 1 July-15 August 2004; Gulf of Maine and North Atlantic Ocean
STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data requires PRIOR OK from the PI
R0: No comments for this revision.
Start_UTC, Stop_UTC, Mid_UTC, DLat, DLon, Elev, NO_ppbv, NO_1sig, NO2_ppv, NO2_1sig
43200, 43259, 43229, 41.00000, 71.00000, 15, 0.555, 0.033, 2.220, 0.291
43260, 43319, 43289, 41.01234, 71.01234, 15, 10.333, 0.522, 31.000, 0.375
2.4. File format specification for ICARTT multi-dimensional data files
2.4.A. Structure
ICARTT multi-dimensional data file formats are designed based on Ames standard file formats
FFI=2110 and FFI=2310; we recommend using these FFIs for exchange of most multidimensional
data files. The FFI descriptor is:
FFI 2110; two real independent variables, one unbounded and one bounded, with its values
recorded in the data records; primary variables are real; the first auxiliary variable is NX(m,1)
(or, primary variables' ArrayDimension), all other auxiliary variables are real.
FFI 2310; two real independent variables, one unbounded and one bounded, with its number of
constant increment values, base value, and increment defined in the auxiliary variable list;
primary variables are real; auxiliary variables are real.
For more details on these file types, please see the following documents:
2.4.B. Examples
Below are two examples on types FFI 2110 and FFI 2310
Example: FFI 2110
File name: AR_DC8_20050203_R0.ict
54, 2110
PI LastName, First Name
Code 916, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
PAVE Mission
1, 1
2005, 02, 03, 2006, 01, 18
Altitude[], meters, Altitude_array
UTC, XX.XXXX_hours_from_0_hours_on_flight_date
7 ;{Number of PRIMARY variables}
0.1, 0.0001, 0.1, 0.01, 0.0001, 0.1, 0.0001
-9999, -999999, -999999, -999999, -999999, -99999, -999999
TempK[], K, Temperature_array
Log10_NumDensity[], part/cc, Log10_NumDensity_array
TempK_Err[], K, Temperature_error_array
AerKlet[], Klet, Aerosol_array
Log10_O3NumDensity[], part/cc, Log10_Ozone_NumDensity_array
O3_MR[], ppb, Ozone_mixing_ratio_array
Log10_O3NumDensity_Err[], part/cc, Log10_NumDensity_error_array
11 ;{Number of AUXILIARY variable}
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
-9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999
NumAlts, none, Number_of_altitudes_reported
Year, UT
Month, UT
Day, UT
AvgTime, xxx.x_minutes, Averaging_time_of_presented_data
Latitude, degrees
Longitude, degrees
PAlt, meters, pressure_altitude
GPSAlt, meters, GPS_altitude
SAT, K, Static_air_temperature
SZA, degrees
PI_CONTACT_INFO: Enter PI Address here
LOCATION: Lat, Lon, and Alt included in the data records
ULOD_FLAG: -7777
LLOD_FLAG: -8888
DM_CONTACT_INFO: Enter Data Manager Info here
STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data should be done in consultation with the PI
R0: Version 2005-0: AROTAL T & O3 Rayleigh Retrievals. Further revisions may be needed to fine-tune aerosol characterization.
UTC, NumAlts, Year, Month, Day, AvgTime, Latitude, Longitude, PAlt, GpsAlt, SAT, SZA, Altitude[], TempK[], Log10_NumDensity[], TempK_Err[], AerKlet[],
Log10_O3NumDensity[], O3_MR[], Log10_O3NumDensity_Err[]
54000, 9, 2005, 2, 3, 0, 42.308, -70.582, 6910, 6979, 242.5, 65.5
9154, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 113178, 212, -999999
9304, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 123353, 2250, -999999
9454, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 123008, 2116, -999999
9604, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 120933, 1337, -999999
9754, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 119675, 1019, -999999
9904, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 122655, 2061, -999999
10054, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 124384, 3126, -999999
10204, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 124632, 3371, -999999
10354, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 121341, 1609, -999999
54001, 8, 2005, 02, 03, 0, 42.278, -70.613, 6978, 7043, 241.7, 65.5
10118, 9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 124458, 3205, -999999
10268, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 123160, 2421, -999999
10418, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 121221, 1582, -999999
10568, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 120950, 1523, -999999
10718, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 117339, 680, -999999
10868, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 122751, 2423, -999999
11018, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 124230, 3491, -999999
11168, -9999, -999999, -9999, -9999, 124039, 3424, -999999
{Note the use of scale factors in this example.}
Example 2310
File name: LIDARO3_WP3_20040830_R0.ict
46, 2310
Williams, Eric
NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory
Ozone number density profile from WP3 aircraft LIDAR
1, 1
2004, 08, 30, 2009, 09, 04
Geo_Alt, meters, Geometric_altitude_of_observation
UT_TIME, seconds, Elapsed_time_from_0_hours_on_day_given_by_date
1 ;{Number of PRIMARY variables}
O3_NumDensity[], molecules/cc, Ozone_NumDensity_Array
9 ;{Number of AUXILIARY variable}
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
-9999, 9999, -9999, 9999, -9999, 9999, -9999, 9999, -9999
Num_Altitudes, none, number_of_altitudes_at_current_time_mark
Geo_Alt_Begin, meters, geometric_altitude_at_which_data_begin
Alt_Increment, meters, altitude_increment_between_observations
Geo_Alt_Aircraft, meters, geometric_altitude_of_aircraft
UT_hour, hours
UT_min, minutes
UT_sec, seconds
Lon_aircraft, degrees_E
Lat_aircraft, degrees_N
PI_CONTACT_INFO: 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305; 303-497-3226;
LOCATION: Lat, Lon, and Alt data included in the data records
INSTRUMENT_INFO: Differential absorption LIDAR. See Williams et al., BigScience, 42, p. 50-51, 2001
DATA_INFO: The units are number density (#/cc). The vertical averaging interval is 975 m at 1-7 km above the aircraft and 2025 m > 7 km above the aircraft.
Horizontal averaging interval: 60 km.
ULOD_FLAG: -7777
LLOD_FLAG: -8888
PROJECT_INFO: ICARTT study; 1 July-15 August 2004
STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data requires PRIOR OK from the PI
R0: No comments for this revision.
UT_TIME, Num_Altitudes, Geo_Alt_Begin, Alt_Increment, Geo_Alt_Aircraft, UT_hour,
UT_min, UT_sec, Lon_aircraft, Lat_aircraft, O3_NumDensity[]
30335, 26, 12819, 75, 10389, 8, 25, 35, -133.24, -9.45
1340, 1519, 1660, 1779, 1868, 1939, 1973, 1992, 1989, 1955, 1934, 1897, 1817, 1721, 1619, 1514, 1434, 1343, 1258, 1203, 1140, 1088, 1037, 956, 892, 878
30336, 22, 12819, 75, 10383, 8, 26, 0, -133.22, -9.93
1351, 1523, 1658, 1774, 1860,1930, 1962, 1974, 1966, 1932, 1909, 1877, 1803, 1706, 1600, 1493, 1407, 1310, -9999, -9999, 1094, 1045
{Note that this file uses a scale factor (1e9) for the number density data since it
would be very cumbersome to add the exponential notation to every value. Also, this
example was adapted from the NASA document and did not have uncertainty or flag values
associated with the data.}
2.5. File formats for non-standard airborne data
Data acquired by sensors on satellites are not conveniently incorporated into the ICARTT
format. The data format allows each data record to be identified with a single timestamp only if
data are reported continuously with a constant time interval (e.g., 1 second). Otherwise, start and
stop times must be reported, and a data interval of 0 is entered on line 8 of the file header.
Satellite data are unique in that while they are recorded on a constant data interval, significant
gaps in the data may exist. These gaps may be due to cloud interference, changes in viewing
mode (e.g., nadir versus limb), or other considerations. Given the sheer volume of data and the
file sizes associated with satellite observations, it is not sensible to populate these data gaps with
missing data values. It is also unreasonable to report start and stop times since data are typically
collected on short timescales (typically sub-second) such that integration time is not an issue.
Instead, satellite data files report a Data Interval of -1 on line 8 of the file header. This signifies
that each data record is identified by a single timestamp, but the actual timeline is discontinuous.
The ICARTT format does not support a Data Interval of -1 for any measurements other than
from satellite instruments.
In some cases, the standard ICARTT time-series format does not easily conform to certain nonstandard
data. The data management team should consider, on a case-by-case basis, to use
standards common to the user community, contingent upon agreement by the mission Science
Team. For example, many modeling data sets store data in NetCDF (Network Common Data
Form) format, which is a de facto standard for that community. However, the multi-dimensional
data format defined above can accommodate these data sets, and we leave this as an optional
format. For some instruments (e.g., LIDARs), data are available as image files usually in
standard formats such as GIF or JPEG. Not all software for reading and writing these formats
allow additional text information (e.g., as a header) so the file names for these files must be
defined to include as much information as possible. If necessary, the data management team
should work with these PIs to achieve a mutually acceptable solution.
2.6. File scanning software
A software package FScan has been developed for scanning data files and verifying if the files
are in compliance with the ICARTT format standards. The scanning function does a thorough
examination on the file to ensure compliance; the file is checked line-by-line, value-by-value,
and in some cases letter-by-letter. A detailed report is generated displaying error messages along
with line numbers and reasons, if any. The FScan offers both online and standalone versions
(see URL below). Further details on FScan is given at:
There are 2 versions available to scan ICARTT formatted files:
1. Web-based:
2. Standalone Version (Windows only):
3 References
4 Authors' Address
Ali Aknan,, NASA/LaRC, MS 927, Hampton, VA 23681
Gao Chen,, NASA/LaRC, MS 483, Hampton, VA 23681
James Crawford,, NASA/LaRC, MS 483, Hampton, VA 23681
Eric Williams,, NOAA/ESRL, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305
5 Appendix A
Glossary of acronyms
Acronym |
Description |
Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites |
EU |
European Union |
Global Positioning System |
Global Tropospheric Experiment |
Hz |
Hertz |
International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation |
Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment – Phase B |
Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment - North America |
Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation |
Intercontinental Transport of Ozone and Precursors |
LIght Detection And Ranging |
Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations |
N/A |
Not Applicable |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
New England Air Quality Study |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
National Science Foundation |
PI |
Principal Investigator |
POLar study using Aircraft, Remote sensing, surface measurements and modelling of Climate, chemistry, Aerosols and Transport |
QA / QC |
Quality Assurance / Quality Control |
Universal Time Coordinated |