by D.J. Jacob, D.D. Davis,
S.C. Liu, R.E. Newell, B.J. Huebert, B.E. Anderson, E.L. Atlas,
D.R. Blake, E.V. Browell, W.L. Chameides, S. Elliott, V. Kasputin,
E.S. Saltzman, H.B. Singh, and N.D. Sze.
Contact information:
24 June 1999
This document describes
TRACE-P (TRAnsport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific), a
two-aircraft mission over the western Pacific to be conducted by
the Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) in March-April 2001. TRACE-P is
motivated by the need to better understand how outflow from the
Asian continent affects the composition of the global atmosphere.
The mission has two objectives:
- to determine the pathways for outflow of chemically and radiatively
important gases and aerosols, and their precursors, from eastern
Asia to the western Pacific;
- to determine the chemical evolution of the Asian outflow over
the western Pacific, and understand the ensemble of processes
that control this evolution.
TRACE-P will use two NASA
aircraft, the DC-8 (ceiling 12 km) and the P-3B (ceiling 7 km)
operating out of Yokota Air Force Base (near Tokyo, Japan) and
Hong Kong. The aircraft payloads will include a suite of long-lived
greenhouse gases, photochemical oxidants, aerosols, and their precursors.
TRACE-P is part of a long
series of GTE aircraft missions aimed at better understanding of
global tropospheric chemistry [McNeal et al., 1998]. Over the past
two decades, GTE has conducted missions in several remote regions
of the world (Amazonia, the Arctic, the tropical Atlantic, the
Pacific) to characterize the natural processes determining the
composition of the global troposphere and to assess the degree
of human perturbation. The rapid industrialization now taking place
in Asia is of compelling interest. Energy use in eastern Asia has
increased by 5% yr-1 over the past decade and this rate of increase
is expected to continue for the next two decades [U.S. Dept. of
Energy, 1997]. Combustion of fossil fuels is the main source of
energy. Emission of NOx in eastern Asia is expected to increase
almost 5-fold from 1990 to 2020 [van Aardenne et al., 1999]. There
is a unique opportunity to observe the time-dependent atmospheric
impact of a major industrial revolution. Long-term observations
of from ground sites and satellites can provide continuous monitoring
of the temporal trend of atmospheric composition but are limited
in terms of spatial coverage (ground sites) or the suite of species
measurable (satellites). Aircraft missions can complement surface
and satellite observations by providing a detailed investigation
of the dynamical and chemical processes affecting atmospheric composition
over broad geographical regions. .
The first objective of
TRACE-P is to identify the major pathways for Asian outflow over
the western Pacific, and to chemically characterize the outflow
in a way that provides a basis for quantitative model analysis.
A number of three-dimensional chemical tracer models have been
used in recent years to examine Asian influence on global atmospheric
composition [Berntsen et al., 1996; Mauzerall et al., 1997; Bey
et al., 1999; Carmichael et al., 1998; Jacob et al., 1999]. TRACE-P
will provide the information needed to test these models. We expect
the Asian chemical outflow over the western Pacific to represent
a complicated superimposition of contributions from different Asian
source regions and from long-range transport of European and North
American pollution. The Asian emissions themselves represent a
mix of contributions from fossil fuel combustion, other industrial
activities, biomass burning, vegetation sources, and soil dust.
Scavenging of soluble aerosols and gases during wet convective
transport out of the boundary layer modifies the composition of
the outflow. Unusually strong stratosphere-troposphere exchange
around the Japan jet [Austin and Midgley, 1994] further complicates
the interpretation of the outflow by adding a stratospheric component
[Carmichael et al., 1998]. The use of two aircraft in TRACE-P will
allow sampling of a range of Asian outflow pathways in different
regions and at different altitudes, as is needed for quantitative
analysis of the impact of this outflow on global atmospheric composition.
The second objective of
TRACE-P is to better understand the chemical and dynamical evolution
of the Asian outflow over the west Pacific, focusing on tropospheric
O3 and aerosols. The processes involved in this evolution include
photochemistry, heterogeneous chemistry, gas-to-particle conversion,
aerosol growth, scavenging, and subsidence to the marine boundary
layer followed by rapid removal of some species by deposition.
Different patterns of evolution are expected depending on the direction
of outflow (tropics vs. high latitudes); the altitude (boundary
layer vs. free troposphere); the presence of soil dust, soot, or
other chemically active aerosols in the outflow; and the contributions
from natural sources including lightning and stratospheric intrusions.
Previous studies have pointed to the potential importance of strong
UV radiation [Crawford et al., 1997] and heterogeneous chemistry
involving dust aerosols [Dentener et al., 1996] in modifying the
chemical composition of the Asian outflow over the western Pacific.
The selection of a March-April
flight period for TRACE-P is guided by several factors. Spring
is the season of maximum Asian outflow over the Pacific, due to
a combination of active convection over the continent and strong
westerlies [Merrill. 1989]. In summer, deep convection exports
Asian air to the upper troposphere [Kritz et al., 1990; Balkanski
et al., 1992] and a significant fraction of the outflow may travel
above the DC-8 ceiling of 12 km. Early spring also affords the
opportunity to sample the biomass burning outflow from southeast
Asia apparent in the Hong Kong ozonesonde data [Liu et al., 1999]
as well as dust outbreaks over central Asia. Photochemistry over
the western Pacific is already active in early spring [Crawford
et al., 1998]. Of course, results from a spring mission may not
be generalizable to other seasons because of differences in dynamical
and chemical environments as well as differences in emissions.
We expect that sequel missions in other seasons will be necessary.
As discussed in section
3 , a January-February mission would be of particular interest
to isolate the Asian contribution to the outflow from that due
to long-range transport of pollution from Europe and North America.
TRACE-P will build on
the heritage of the previous GTE Pacific Exploratory Missions -
West (PEM-West A and B) conducted over the western Pacific in August-September
1991 and February-March 1994 [Hoell et al., 1996, 1997]. Key findings
of the PEM-West missions related to the Asian outflow are summarized
in section 2 . The
PEM-West missions were exploratory, with multiple objectives achieved
from a single aircraft. TRACE-P will provide a considerably more
extensive characterization of the Asian outflow to allow for quantitative
interpretation. In addition, TRACE-P will take advantage of numerous
developments in aircraft instrumentation over the past decade including
in particular measurements of HOx, NOx, sulfur, species, aerosols,
and UV actinic fluxes. Ten years will have elapsed between PEM-West
A and TRACE-P, during which Asian emissions will have grown considerably
(70% for NOx; van Aardenne et al. [1999]). Secular change in the
composition of the Asian outflow should be apparent between the
PEM-West and TRACE-P missions.
The GTE PEM-West A and
B missions examined the impact of natural and human activities
on the chemistry of the troposphere over the northwestern Pacific
Ocean from 10oN to 50oN. PEM-West A was conducted in August-September
1991 and PEM-West B in February-March 1994. Important meteorological
differences between these two seasons include the position and
strength of the Japan Jet, and the location of the Pacific High
[Merrill et al., 1997]. During August-September (PEM-West A), the
Japan Jet is weaker and shifted north compared to February-March
(PEM-West B). The Pacific High is at its northernmost and easternmost
position during August-September, impeding continental outflow
and enhancing inflow of marine air to the western Pacific from
the south particularly at low altitudes. In PEM-West A, this southerly
flow was accompanied by extensive vertical mixing along a typhoon
storm track oriented parallel to the Asian coast; continental outflow
was largely confined to north of 40oN. PEM-West B experienced stronger
and faster continental outflow over an extended range of latitudes,
principally below 5 km due to weak convection over eastern Asia
in winter. Blake et al. [1997] found higher mixing ratios of continental
hydrocarbons and halocarbons during PEM-West B than A, especially
at low altitudes, and similar observations were made for acidic
gases [Talbot et al., 1997]. The composition of the hydrocarbon
mix indicated a more recent origin for the continental outflow
in PEM-West B.
The strong Asian outflow
during PEM-West B had a major influence on the regional ozone budget
over the western Pacific. Photochemical model calculations by Crawford
et al. [1998] showed net ozone production taking place at all altitudes,
in contrast to PEM-West A where net loss at low altitudes balanced
net production at higher altitudes. PEM-West B marked the first
time that net ozone production has been found to take place in
the lower marine troposphere. That this condition was observed
in late winter/early spring further emphasizes the critical role
of fast transport of ozone precursors from the Asian continent.
Calculated rates of increase in the tropospheric ozone column during
PEM-West B were as large as 2% per day south of 30oN and 1% per
day to the north. An important implication of the rapid transport
observed during PEM-West B is that the photochemical activity of
the continental outflow remained strong even after several days
of travel time over the ocean.
The first 2-3 months
of the year come under the influence of the winter monsoon in east
Asia, characterized by intense Siberian high pressure systems and
strong outflow over the western Pacific, with maximum sea level
pressures occurring in December-February [Yihui, 1994]. The percentage
of days when the high pressure exceeds 1050 hPa is as follows:
November (25), December (45), January (51), February (38), March
(13), and April (3) [Yihui, 1994]. During the peak of the monsoon
in December-February there is strong subsidence in the major part
of the east Asian continent, pollution is trapped in the boundary
layer, the middle free troposphere is often cloudless in association
with the high pressure systems and rainfall is practically non-existent
(Figure 1 ). Sandstorms
have maxima in Kantze (30oN, 103oE) in December-February and in
Hami (43oN, 93oE) in March-May [Watts, 1969]. They depend on the
occurrence of strong winds and the absence of snow. Precipitation
is very low over China in January but is substantial over Japan.
As the year progresses the precipitation belt moves westward towards
the coast, gradually increasing until it covers the entire area
of interest by May.
Another feature of these
high pressure systems is the occurrence of cold air outbreaks.
Some of these outbreaks, which themselves will contain pollution
trapped in layers by subsidence, bring cold air into southern China
and sweep pollution southwards over the South China Sea. The fact
that the Siberian anticyclone dominates the circulation in December-February
implies that much of the pollution originating in continental east
Asia will flow clockwise out to sea then return to the southwest
and move southwards into the South China Sea. Some pollution injected
at higher altitudes within the continent may be caught in the westerlies
and head directly out to sea. This domination by the anticyclonic
subsidence keeps local pollution at low altitudes permitting pollution
entering China's airspace from the west to be partly distinguished
from that which originates in China. If measurements are made off
the coast, it is not correct to attribute this pollution measured
solely to China. Even the pollution that heads southward over the
South China Sea, as noted above, is likely to be substantially
oxidized in its passage towards the ITCZ (at about 10oS in the
previous PEM-West B mission). After pollution has being raised
in the ITCZ there is a flow back towards China (at 200 hPa) before
the air turns eastwards and moves into the westerly wind global
circulation [Newell et al., 1997]. Hence the impact of pollution
from China itself on the global atmosphere is not easy to measure.
![[mean precipitation, January-March]](images/tracep1.gif)
Figure 1. Monthly mean
precipitation, January-March
In the upper troposphere
the main meteorological feature is the westerly jet stream with
December-February mean speeds of 65 ms-1 south of Japan [Newell
et al., 1972]. This phenomenon brings pollution from further west
as will be illustrated later. As convection starts in late March
pollution from China itself is mixed with the pollution arriving
from the west from other longitudes before it can be measured offshore.
Instabilities in the jet stream are often associated with the transfer
of air from the stratosphere to the troposphere, and these form
another major factor influencing the chemistry of the region.
![[Climatological flow streamlines]](images/tracep2.gif)
![[Climatological flow streamlines]](images/tracep3.gif)
![[Climatological flow streamlines]](images/tracep4.gif)
![[Climatological flow streamlines]](images/tracep5.gif)
![[Climatological flow streamlines]](images/tracep6.gif)
![[Climatological flow streamlines]](images/tracep7.gif)
Figure 2. Climatological
flow streamlines
Mean streamlines for
January-April 1997 are shown in Figure
2 for levels of 1000, 850, 700, 500, 300 and 200 hPa. In January
the clockwise flow at 1000 and 850 hPa associated with the continental
anticyclone carries boundary layer air out over the ocean north
of Taiwan and then back westwards over the South China sea, the
Philippines and the region north of New Guinea. At 700 hPa the
flow moves eastwards from the continent in the 20-50oN region.
There is some recirculation back towards the west south of 15oN
around the subtropical anticyclone. This provides more opportunity
to measure the chemical evolution of pollution. At 300 hPa winds
reach 70 m s-1 near Japan, as in the climatology, yielding a transit
time of only a few days between Asia and North America. The maximum
speeds diminish to 48 m s-1 and 31 m s-1 by March and April respectively.
The flow pattern is quite similar in February, although in the
10-year precipitation climatology (1988-1998) there is some precipitation
along the coast, east of Hong Kong and south of Shanghai (Figure
1 ).
By March the flow is
onshore at 1000 hPa and 850 hPa for China south of about 30oN but
is still offshore further north and in the upper troposphere. The
lower layer continental anticyclone is much weaker by March and
disappears by April.
The differences between
sampling in the January-February period and sampling in the March-April
period can be illustrated by trajectories. Three sets for January
and March are shown in Figure
3 . The first set originates from 5 polluted regions of China
with one trajectory per day starting at 7 points near each city
for the days 1-26, 1997, of each indicated month. The color changes
along the trajectory indicates the changes in pressure of the trajectory.
Trajectories are divided into two groups depending on the pressure
at the end, after five days, being > or < 700 hPa. As expected
from the wind maps and analysis of PEM-West B data [Newell et al.,
1997] considerable low-level flow heads to the south in January,
some reaching the SPCZ after a period greater than 5 days. In March
most of the air heads out eastwards and a significant fraction
ends in the upper troposphere.
The second set shows
air parcels arriving at a wall along 100oE at 20-40oN in western
China. Seven pressure levels were used with 41 points spaced along
each pressure level. Monthly dates 17-22 were used for the calculation
for each month shown. Pressure levels are shown at the beginning
of each 5 day trajectory to the wall. In both months it seems that
more of the air parcels arrive at the wall from the upper troposphere
than from the lower troposphere. In January air arrives from central
Africa, north Africa, even the north of Greenland and the west
of the United States. The flow converges laterally in the upper
troposphere from two main streams and one subsidiary stream. In
the lower troposphere there are two main source regions: the Middle
East and Europe. In March 1997 the sources are not so distant from
the wall because of the lower speeds and do not span quite such
a large range of latitude.
![[Air flow trajectories]](images/tracep8.gif)
![[Air flow trajectories]](images/tracep9.gif)
Figure 3. Air flow trajectories
The third set shows forward
trajectories for air leaving the same wall. The spread in latitude
is again large in January in the upper troposphere, with two main
plumes. The spread into the tropics is minimal but there is an
extensive spread to higher latitudes in January. On the contrary
there is a downstream convergence in the lower troposphere towards
the central Pacific in both months. Again little air moves south
of the southern boundary of the wall at 20oN. Thus assuming the
arriving wall air and the surface layer derived air are combined
when sampled, it seems that in January they could be identified
because much of the former head to the south (as we suggested in
the discussion of the winter anticyclones). On the other hand,
sorting the local and distant sources in March would seem to be
practically impossible as they will be well mixed. There are very
few if any days of continental anticyclonic flow in April hence
the possibility of differentiating sources is very low.
In summary then there
are two possible approaches:
- Fly in the same
period as in PEM-West B (January 25-March 16, 1994) and concentrate
on studies of the chemical evolution of pollution off the coast
and to the south of China. This would have the advantage that
changes which have occurred over the past decade could be studied.
- Study outflow
at various longitudes across the Pacific and monitor the evolution
of pollution which would be essentially derived from the Euro-Asian
continent and even North America. That would have to be done
before the onset of major monsoon rains so sampling could start
in the beginning of March. Flights from Hong Kong northwards
along the coast and from Tokyo southwards and Guam northwards
would be appropriate.
Nominal flight tracks
for the two TRACE-P aircraft are shown in Figure
4 . The aircraft will operate out of two sites: Yokota Air
Force Base (near Tokyo, Japan) and Hong Kong. As shown in Figure
4 , these two bases of operations are well situated to sample
Asian outflow over the full range of latitudes from 10oN to 50oN.
Specific targets for the flights out of Hong Kong will include
biomass burning pollution from southeast Asia [Liu et al., 1999],
tropical inflow and outflow, and industrial outflow from the Pearl
River Delta inland of Hong Kong which is one of China's fastest
growing regions. Specific targets for the flights out of Yokota
AFB will include outflow of pollution from northern China. Korea,
and Japan [Akimoto and Narita, 1994; Carmichael et al., 1998],
long-range transport of European and North American pollution in
the westerlies, dust outbreaks, and stratospheric influence combined
with continental outflow in the Japan jet [Wakamatsu et al., 1989;
Murao et al., 1990; Austin and Midgley, 1994; Carmichael et al.,
The sampling of outflow
in flights from Yokota AFB and Hong Kong will use a wall pattern
(Figure 5 ) with the
aircraft flying stacked patterns of horizontal legs perpendicular
to the outflow and separated by a few km altitude. Regions of outflow
will be identified on a day-to-day basis using meteorological and
chemical tracer model forecasts. The length of a typical wall will
be several hundred km, and the wall pattern may be repeated over
the duration of the flight, in order to assess photochemical aging
of reactive species as part of our process studies and also to
obtain the representative sampling of the outflow needed for testing
3-dimensional chemical tracer models. The two aircraft will be
used to sample different ouflow regions on any particular day;
typically the P-3B will focus on low altitudes and the DC-8 on
high altitudes. Since outflow at different altitudes may be geographically
and temporally separated, the DC-8 and the P-3B will in general
cover different horizontal flight tracks and may not fly on the
same days or out of the same operational base.
![[Nominal TRACE-P flight tracks]](images/tracep10.gif)
Figure 4. Nominal
TRACE-P flight tracks.
Chemical aging of the
Asian outflow over the western Pacific will be examined with flights
extending east from Hong Kong and Yokota AFB, and most specifically
with DC-8 flights using Guam as an overnight stop (Figure
4 ). These flights will sample Asian outflow having traveled
a few days over the western Pacific. Under conditions of steady
westerly outflow, transects between Yokota AFB and Guam may be
used to revisit air previously sampled close to the China coast
on flights south of Yokota AFB or north of Hong Kong (Figure
4 ). A generic pattern for the chemical aging flights is shown
in Figure 6 . Specific
patterns will be guided by meteorological and chemical forecasts
in the field. Near-Lagrangian sampling will be attempted if meteorological
conditions are favorable.
![[wall flight patterns ]](images/tracep11.gif)
![[wall flight patterns ]](images/tracep12.gif)
Figure 5. Typical wall
flight patterns for the DC-8 and P-3B in TRACE-P
![[Aging flight pattern]](images/tracep13.gif)
Figure 6. Typical chemical
aging flight pattern for the DC-8 and P-3B in TRACE-P
1. Nominal flight hour allocations for the
DC-8 and P-3B
# of flights
Flight hours
# of flights
Flight hours
Test flights
3 (5-h)
3 (5-h)
Transit to
Hong Kong
Hong Kong sorties
2 (10-h)
2 (10-h)
2 (8-h)
2 (8-h)
Transit Hong
Kong - Yokota AFB
1 (8-h)
1 (10-h)
Yokota AFB
3 (10-h)
2 (10-h)
4 (8-h)
4 (8-h)
Return transit
It is expected that 160
and 171 flight hours will be allocated to the DC-8 and P-3B aircraft
respectively for this mission, including test and transit flights.
More hours will be allocated for the P-3B to account for the longer
transit time to the study region. Sorties out of Hong Kong and
Yokota AFB will include both 8-hour and 10-hour flights. A nominal
breakdown of flight hours is shown in Table
1 . The DC-8 will conduct 4 sorties out of Hong Kong and 7
out of Yokota AFB, while the P-3B will conduct 4 sorties out of
Hong Kong and 6 out of Yokota AFB. The DC-8 sorties will include
one return flight to Guam (to be counted as two sorties).
Priority measurements
for the DC-8 and the P-3B are listed in Table 2. The priorities
reflect the focus of the mission on radiatively important species,
photochemical oxidants, sulfur, and aerosols. Chemical tracers
of air masses are also included in the list. The priority ratings
1-4 in Table 2 indicate a decreasing level of importance of the
measurement for meeting the mission objectives. Priority 1 measurements
are of highest importance and a failure of one of these measurements
prior to the mission or in the field could alter mission plans.
It is expected that the aircraft will include all measurements
of priority 1 and 2 plus some measurements of priority 3. Measurements
of priority 5 ("new-technology") would enhance the mission
but are considered not yet technically established in terms of
airborne sampling. It is expected that at least one such instrument
will be included in the payload.
The instrument detection
limits and time resolutions quoted in Table 2 are minimum requirements
below which the instrument will be considered not responsive to
the objectives of the mission. Performance beyond these minimum
requirements in terms of speed, precision, accuracy, and specificity
will be an important consideration in the selection of the aircraft
payload. The size of instrumentation will also be an important
Table 2.a Measurement
requirements for the DC-8 instrumentation
Detection Limit
Time Resolution
Time Resolution
O3 (in situ)
3 ppbv
30 sec
5 sec
3 pptv
1 min
10 sec
3 ppmv
1 min
10 sec
5 ppbv
1 sec
10 sec
aircraft standard
1 sec
1 sec
remote ozone
5 ppbv
Z<500 m
Z<500 m
remote aerosol
ratio .02
Z<60 m
Z<60 m
remote H2O
Z< 500m
Z< 500m
5 pptv
5 min
5 min
5 pptv
5 min
2 min
10 pptv
5 min
5 min
10 pptv
5 min
5 min
speciated hydrocarbons
20 pptC
5 min
5 min
2 pptv
5 min
5 min
1x 105 molec/cm3
5 min
5 min
1x107 molec/cm3
5 min
2 min
5 pptv
1 min
1 min
0.5 ppmv
1 min
1 min
0.5 ppbv
1 min
1 min
20 ppbv
1 min
1 min
50 pptv
5 min
5 min
resolved actinic fluxes
0.1 mw/nm/cm-2
30 sec
30 sec
2 X 10 -6 /s
30 sec
30 sec
J(NO2) (+)
1 X 10-4/s
30 sec
30 sec
UV Radiometer
1 watt/m2
10 sec
5 pptv
5 min
5 min
Storm Scope
range 400 km
<3 min hold
50 pptv
5 min
1 min
Aerosols size
10 nm - 2.0
10 sec
10 sec
Aerosol composition
5 pptv
10 min
10 min
remote temperature
2 K
1 km
Black carbon/aethelometer
0.1 mg/m3
5 min
5 min
Organic nitrates
6 pptv
5 min
5 min
Ultra fine
size range
5 min
5 min
5 min
5 min
H2SO4 (g)
2 x 105 molec/m3
5 min
5 min
10 pptv
5 min
2 min
20 pptv
5 min
5 min
organic acids
10 pptv
5 min
5 min
0.05 Bq/SCM
5 min
5 min
0.1 Bq/SCM
10 min
10 min
7 Be
1.0 Bq/SCM
10 min
10 min
2 x 10 5
1 min
10 sec
2 x 10 6
1 min
10 sec
5 pptv
5 min
5 min
0.1 pptv
5 min
5 min
>C1 - Aldehydes
20 pptv
5 min
5 min
>C3 - ketones
20 pptv
5 min
5 min
real-time hydrocarbons
2 pptv
1 min (real
1 min (real
single particle composition
<1 min
1 sec
remote chemical
species dependent
5 min
1 min
Table 2.b Measurement
requirements for the P-3B instrumentation
Detection Limit
Time Resolution
Time Resolution
O3 (in situ)
3 ppbv
30 sec
5 sec
3 pptv
1 min
10 sec
H2O (+)
3 ppmv
1 min
10 sec
5 ppbv
1 sec
10 sec
aircraft standard
1 sec
1 sec
vertical winds
10 hz
10 hz
5 pptv
5 min
5 min
5 pptv
5 min
2 min
10 pptv
5 min
5 min
10 pptv
5 min
5 min
speciated hydrocarbons
20 pptC
5 min
5 min
2 pptv
5 min
5 min
1x 105 molec/cm3
5 min
5 min
1x107 molec/cm3
5 min
2 min
5 pptv
1 min
1 min
resolved actinic fluxes
0.1 mw/nm/cm-2
30 sec
30 sec
J(NO2) (+)
1 x 10-4/s
30 sec
30 sec
UV Radiometer
1 watt/m2
10 sec
0.5 ppmv
1 min
1 min
0.5 ppbv
1 min
1 min
20 ppbv
1 min
1 min
5 pptv
5 min
5 min
50 pptv
5 min
1 min
Aerosol size
10 nm - 20
5 min/per scan
5 min/per scan
Ultra fine
size range
1 min
1 min
10 sec
10 sec
Aerosol composition
5 pptv
10 min
10 min
H2SO4 (g)
2 x 105 molec/m3
5 min
5 min
Storm Scope
range 400 km
<3 min hold
5 min
5 min
50 pptv
10 min
10 min
Black carbon
0.1 mg/m3
5 min
5 min
10 sec
10 sec
20 pptv
5 min
5 min
Organic nitrates
6 pptv
30 min
10 min
remote aerosol
ratio .02
Z<60 m
Z<60 m
organic acids
10 pptv
10 min
10 min
10 pptv
5 min
2 min
2 x 10 5
1 min
10 sec
2 x 10 6
1 min
10 sec
0.1 cm-1
1 min
1 min
1 cm-1
1 min
1 min
real-time hydrocarbons
2 pptv
1 min (real
1 min (real
5 pptv
5 min
5 min
0.1 pptv
5 min
5 min
>C1 - Aldehydes
20 pptv
5 min
5 min
>C3 - ketones
20 pptv
5 min
5 min
single particle composition
<1 min
1 sec
remote chemical
species dependent
10 min
1 min
Table 2.c Priority
Mission Critical
The measurement
is essential for the interpretation of data related to several
objectives of the mission
Very Important
The measurement
is important for several objectives of the mission
The measurement
is important for some aspects of the mission
Less Important
The measurement
could be useful but information not considered critical..
New Technology
The measurement
represents the application of new airborne technology.
* redundancy will be
provided where feasible.
+ will be provided by
the GTE Project Office
Supporting measurements
for TRACE-P are intended to place the aircraft observations in
a broader temporal and spatial framework. Ozonesondes have proven
to be particularly valuable for that purpose in past GTE missions.
TRACE-P will include a program of intensified launches at three
established ozonesonde sites: Hong Kong [Chan et al., 1998], a
southern Japan island site such as Naha, and a Japan mainland site
such as Tateno. Ozonesondes will be launched once a week from March
2000 to March 2002 (one year before to one year after the mission)
and twice a week during the mission.
Measurements at coastal
sites, islands (Cheju, Lanyu, Oki...), and ships will also be important
for extending the aircraft observations in TRACE-P. Key species
to be measured include ozone, aerosols, CO, and hydrocarbons. It
is expected in the framework of APARE that the Asian partners to
NASA will play a leading role in the operation of these surface
Space-based observations
from the Measurement Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPPITT)
and the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instruments should
be of considerable value for interpretation of the TRACE-P data.
MOPPITT (to be launched in polar orbit in summer 1999) will provide
global distributions of CO vertical profiles including 4 levels
in the troposphere. GOME (in polar orbit since 1995) is expected
to provide operational data for tropospheric ozone columns by the
time of the TRACE-P mission.
Day-to-day flight planning
in the field will require high-quality meteorological forecasts
and back-trajectory analyses. Chemical and aerosol forecasts using
3-D model simulations with forecast weather would be of considerable
value for guiding the aircraft towards outflow regions and for
planning chemical aging flights. These 3-D models can provide an
integrated analysis of the outflow from the Asian continent that
includes the effects of emissions, boundary layer dynamics and
chemistry, convective pumping, and long-range transport from Europe
and North America. Both mesoscale and global models should be engaged
in this role. Considering that a major goal of TRACE-P is to provide
the observations needed for testing the simulation of Asian outflow
in 3-D chemical tracer models, use of these models in the flight
planning stage both before and during the mission is of great importance.
Additional modeling support will be needed in the field for quick
analysis of the aircraft observations using a combination of statistical
approaches, 0-D photochemical box models, and aerosol models. This
modeling support is of great value for monitoring the achievement
of the mission objectives and for guiding flight planning.
Itis expected that the
Aerosol Characterization Experiment - Asia (ACE-Asia) aircraft
mission will be in the field concurrently with TRACE-P (B.J. Huebert
is the ACE-Asia mission scientist). ACE-Asia will study the outflow
of aerosols and aerosol precursors from Eastern Asia to the Pacific.
Its objectives are to characterize the physical, chemical, and
radiative properties of Asian aerosols that impact the Pacific
atmosphere and to quantify the processes needed to model these
properties. ACE-Asia will involve two years of observations from
a surface network, in addition to springtime intensive observations
with aircraft and ships in 2000 and 2001. Since the goals of TRACE-P
and ACE-Asia are complementary, collaboration will take place to
the extent possible while maintaining the integrity and independence
of each mission. The collaboration may take several forms: allocating
a fraction of the P-3B payload to aerosol-related measurements,
reciprocal representation at planning meetings, conducting joint
flight operations, and sharing some portion of the infrastructure
support when the aircraft are operating from common airfields.
There are tentative plans
to conduct an APARE/BIBLE aircraft campaign in 2001 in complement
of TRACE-P (Y. Kondo is the BIBLE mission scientist). Previous
BIBLE campaigns using a Japanese Gulfstream 2 aircraft have investigated
Asian outflow and biomass burning in southeast Asia in different
seasons. The most effective use of a BIBLE mission in support of
TRACE-P would be to extend the temporal range of TRACE-P with flights
in other seasons.
The recently conducted
Photochemical Ozone Budget of the Eastern North Pacific Atmosphere
(PHOBEA) aircraft campaign off the northwest coast of the United
States in April-May 1999 (
revealed layers of high ozone and aerosols transported across the
north Pacific from the Asian continent (D. Jaffe is the PHOBEA
mission scientist). A second PHOBEA mission conducted concurrently
with TRACE-P would be of great value for investigating the long-range
transport and chemical evolution of the Asian outflow sampled with
the TRACE-P aircraft.
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